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Modability Suggestion

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2022 3:14 pm
by htmlord
Let me start out by saying that the degree of modability of the game is already surprisingly high for just coming out in Early Access, and I highly appreciate that! That said, there are a few variables that appear to be hard coded that I'd like to suggest get moved to the .json's:

Councilor Max Stats: Currently hard coded to 25
Councilor Max Orgs: Currently hard coded to 15 stars
Difficulty Modifiers: Currently hard coded to -2/0/1/2
If difficulty mod applies to a mission: Currently, some missions apply the difficulty modifier and others do not but there is no flag that can be applied to designate a mission be one or the other
Base max councilors: Currently hard coded to 4/5/6.

For reference, I'm tinkering with a mod that reduces the number of councilors that you have but increases their effectiveness / max effectiveness. I feel like difficulty mods need to be a touch larger than they are in such an environment and I'd like to have them apply to a few other mission types (Control Nation, for one). It would also be nice if max stats or max orgs could be modified by tech/projects, but beggars can't be choosers!
