How is it going?

For updates and discussion of Terra Invicta, a grand-strategy alien invasion simulator
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How is it going?

Post by FireStorm1010 »

Just wonder how is the progress on the game going, i just want to give you my money and play it :mrgreen: . Dont want to be impatient, but i think the first info about the game was in 2015 and there is still not much info about the game or a kickstarter.
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Re: How is it going?

Post by Psieye »

Corporate attitude towards giving status updates to outsiders errs heavily on the side of caution. The obvious (to today's people) reason is because setting up unrealistic expectations is shooting yourself in the foot. The slightly less obvious reason is that anything made public is fair game for competitors to take and use themselves. Today's information-hungry public are addicted to instant updates but blindly appeasing that appetite would be very unwise.

In software development timelines, not a lot of time has passed for Pavonis to have much that's reasonably polished enough to publish to outsiders like you and me. I know you don't want to be - but you are - impatient.
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Re: How is it going?

Post by FireStorm1010 »

Heh boring and bland answer :D but fair enough i guess .
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Re: How is it going?

Post by johnnylump »

I owe you guys a dev diary, at least, and will try to get one out soon. Thanks for sticking with us in the meantime.

We had some angel investors come along so we're able to produce a meaningful chunk of the game, which we're doing now. Some stuff works, some stuff looks like it works but doesn't, and some stuff we haven't started on. Stay tuned.
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Re: How is it going?

Post by FireStorm1010 »

Thanks for reply, thats all i was hoping to hear , that the fight is still on:). Dev diaries are great , but i also understand that they take time..
Honestly until we give you our money for example on kickstarter you owe us nothing.:)
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Re: How is it going?

Post by Unfawkable »

So any more updates? The last dev diary was a while ago.
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Re: How is it going?

Post by johnnylump »

Yup, yup, I'll get one soon.
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Re: How is it going?

Post by asaz989 »

johnnylump wrote: We had some angel investors come along so we're able to produce a meaningful chunk of the game, which we're doing now.
Chiming in late: this is great to hear! A lot of my hunger for updates comes less from impatience or curiosity than from concern for the viability of the project and company. Knowing that you've got funding for development really puts my mind at ease about things like Kickstarter.
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