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Rank, Insignia, and how it works

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2016 10:34 pm
by Grunt
How is rank supposed to be displayed in Long War?

I know how it works based on the posted mechanics behind the mod just not sure how it's displayed. In my Long War game, my officers keep their LAST stripes (enlisted rank insignia) +plus+ their PREVIOUS medals denoting EARLIER Officer ranks, while correctly states CURRENT rank name.

Soldier earns 3 stripes - promoted to Lieutenant: displays 3 stripes, 1 medal, says "Lieutenant"
Same Soldier 3 stripes - promoted to Captain: displays 3 stripes, 2 medals, says "Captain"

I expected to see Stripes (as per usual in game & LW mod) until Officer promotion would replace Stripes with bars & leaves and only single medal denoting current officer rank.
I just want to know if this is by design/limits of the mod or is something off in my game?
And how to change it - if possible?

The old military man in me goes bonkers seeing Stripes labeled Officer - this is just an inquiry, not a rant :)

Thank you!

Re: Rank, Insignia, and how it works

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2016 10:55 pm
by johnnylump
Modding limitations prevented us from reaching that level of fidelity, I'm afraid.

Re: Rank, Insignia, and how it works

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2016 8:55 pm
by Grunt
Thanks for reply JL.

Just noticed you (guys&gals) are in Colorado. Just visited the state, a tiny tiny place called Yampa. Wife family farm. Tiny town. Nice drive without snow.