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Suggestion of Org management

Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2023 6:02 pm
by frostyplanet
When we level up councilor, moving org from one councilor to another, or juggle Orgs between mulitple councilor, high level Org transfer cost alot of money. Some times I'd be mis-caluclate the admin cap only to find org cannot be transfer (due to not enough admin cap, or not enough money to equip), will be wasting resource for nothing. Please consider the posibility that:

* Make Orgs transfer as transaction: can commit or rollback. When rollbacked, money can be refunded.

* Remove/ Reduce the cost to move org between councilor

Re: Suggestion of Org management

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2023 12:33 pm
by Robertjciv
Agreed, we as a sole player don’t have as much information and often rushing. But an global leader of a shadow world government for sure would have the ability to project costs and have a greater understanding. Short hand a roll back gives us that. Make it last a day.