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Some specific UI enhancement suggestions

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2022 5:29 pm
by Stephen Clark
I thought I would note a few small possible enhancements I have noticed while playing the game. Feel free to use this thread if you have suggestions of your own.

1) When selecting the target of a councillor action, it would be convenient if there were a way to automatically zoom to the location targeted. E.g. currently if I select Hostile Takeover, to view the orgs of the target councillor it seems I have to manually pan to their location on the globe.
2) When viewing orgs of an agent the number of org stars should be visible
3) When viewing the councillor tab of the faction screen, rather than see the job (e.g "fixer") of enemy councillors, I would like to see their stats.
4) It would be nice to cycle through the (visible) councillors of an enemy faction the same way I can cycle through my own councillors, by clicking an arrow on the portrait.
5) It's very easy to select the wrong target for an action (e.g. raise public opinion in Angola instead of India). I think it would be more natural to default to the target of the currently selected agent (e.g. If I raised opinion in India last turn, I'm more likely to choose India this turn) rather than defaulting to the target of the previously selected agent as seems to be the case.