Factions relations

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Factions relations

Post by 11Sebastian11 »

Hello guys,

i wanted to ask about something that i don't understand: How are the relations to the other factions calculated?

I'm playing as the Academy on difficulty veteran, right now i'm in 2040 and i killed around 40 Alien on earth and many fleets of them already.
Why do The Resistance and Humanity First say, that they are at war with me? I rarely attack their Cps on earth, i don't attack any fleets or bases of them and i'm gifting them all my projects and many ressources.
Am i controlling too much of earth, so that they are angry? I can't get them on Tolerance and most of the time not even on "in Conflict". I understand why the Servants and Protectorate don't like me, maybe even the Initiative but the shouldn't the two fighters against Aliens love me because i freed Earth of the Alien Adminstration on Earth and Earth, Mars and Mercury Orbit?
Sometimes the Resistance even tries/tried to sabotage my facilities, that's annoying because i don't want to attack them.

Would love to hear if there's an explanation or maybe a planned change in the future.
Chris D
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Re: Factions relations

Post by Chris D »

They like some of what you are doing (resisting the aliens and protecting earth), but they feel that your methods are all wrong. The Academies "we are just as good as the aliens" beliefs are in serious conflict with Humanity Firsts "kill them all" philosophy.

Even though Lenin and Trotsky were both Marxists, their respective followers only worked together for a limited time, and then the Trotskyists were purged. Or you could ponder how many wars have been fought over the correct way to worship "the prince of peace". The other factions are not looking at what good you are doing. They are looking at what they perceive as the flaws in your ideals. Humanity First is just not going to be happy with anybody taking control who is not fully dedicated to extermination.

As for how releations are calculated, this chart shows a two dimentional grid.
https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/ ... 2870538527
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Re: Factions relations

Post by 11Sebastian11 »

Thank you for your answer and your explanation.
The main answer is probably "The other factions are not looking at what good you are doing. They are looking at what they perceive as the flaws in your ideals"
That is my point. I understand that they have partially different goals and don't like how i do some things. But in my opinion they should at least like when i actively kill the aliens on earth.
But i'm open for discussion because when i think about it that would mean that servants and protectorate would hate the killing and i could never get on positive relations with them again.
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Re: Factions relations

Post by Starstrider42 »

The Wiki has a detailed explanation of how the relations system works (with the usual caveat that it might be out of date; this is all "behind the scenes" stuff). The key points:
  • Ideology and space presence set a floor on other factions' animosity. You can never have tolerant relations with factions on the opposite side of the pro-alien/anti-alien spectrum, and if you have space superiority everyone will see you as a threat no matter how much they agree with you.
  • There are no actions (besides trade) that improve other factions' opinions of you.
  • Being the most powerful/successful faction (using a Civ-style gestalt score) causes relations with everybody to gradually deteriorate; otherwise-opposed factions may even gang up on you.
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Re: Factions relations

Post by neilwilkes »

Another factor that I have found out helps - and I found this the hard way - is that you really do need to keep up pretty regular diplomatic correspondence with the other factions too. I tend to keep obsolete orgs and outposts I don't really need any longer as trade gifts to improve relations. Tech can help too, especially if you are onlty giving something that is either (A) obsolete, or (B) will still cost them north of 10,000 research to actually obtain (by word of explanation here, I got confused by tech trading early on, as I could not understand how I traded for tech yet still did not get said tech, but only the option to research it for myself - that turned out to be as designed, the reasoning being something along the lines of 'all we steal or trade for is knowledge of said tech, not the actual tech itself' - which makes a lot of sense.

It can also be good to set up minor orbitals in odd places you don't really have any interest in developing as trading obne of these for a non-aggression pact & improved relations goes a long way. Final point for now is that 'improving relations' is an ongoing process, and just because you did this one turn does not mean you cannot do it again next turn as this would increase their frendship ratings even more - sometimes it can take a few attempts to really get to a good relationship with another faction, and even then you will still need to work at it - after all, they are like you....a Deep State Shadow Government.

Good Luck!
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