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Custom LW2 Movies

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2017 6:26 am
by Zyxpsilon
As much as i still respect the whole work Pavonis staff invested into making these special Bink files.. i'd like someone in authority to hint us about how to;

1) The transit LoadOut versions are cool & nice with those blend-in coloring tricks & swapping of Logos, etc... yet -- after awhile they somewhat feel "out-of-a-familiar-mindset-from-Vanilla-times". Is there an easy way (INI, Hacks) to just remove them from the random pool and bring back the regular XCom2 authentics only?

2) The storyline variations that became necessary to lessen the "confusion" with special contexts use three (( IIRC.. WelcomeToResistance + BlacksiteIntro_LW + HackNetworkTower_Cut )) custom hybrid BIK versions while the hi-res BK2 formatting were likely discarded in their cases for whatever reason.
Again.. this situation brings my video immersion factor down a bit from such softened up rendering however highly edited (including "cut-off" audio tracks) they should (or must) be. Either we could have access to some pure BK2 copies from Pavonis or let us simply re-load/use their corresponding (out-of-context.. but it's better to see such good quality than watching yours, IMHO) XC2 files.
