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Simple question: does the Psi Operative get all "squadie" perks?

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2017 8:52 am
by cerebrawl
IE: The perks listed under the 1st heading in the ini file.

Code: Select all

; 1st
+SoldierRanks=(  aAbilityTree=(	(AbilityName="Soulfire",  ApplyToWeaponSlot=eInvSlot_SecondaryWeapon), \\
								(AbilityName="Fortress",  ApplyToWeaponSlot=eInvSlot_SecondaryWeapon) \\
							 ), \\
				aStatProgression=((StatType=eStat_Offense,StatAmount=2), (StatType=eStat_HP,StatAmount=1), (StatType=eStat_PsiOffense,StatAmount=45), (StatType=eStat_Strength,StatAmount=0), (StatType=eStat_Hacking,StatAmount=0), (StatType=eStat_Will,StatAmount=5), (StatType=eStat_CombatSims,StatAmount=1)),\\
I've been restarting several times due to fiddling with the AWC. ;)

Anyway, I kind of want to give them access to swords, which is trivial(I hope, unless it competes with psi amp), I just want to make sure that slash/fleche would be added to their starting skills if I insert those in the 1st rank perks.

Re: Simple question: does the Psi Operative get all "squadie" perks?

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2017 2:24 pm
by Arcalane
In my experience, they do not. Also, the sword would definitely conflict with the psi-amp.

Re: Simple question: does the Psi Operative get all "squadie" perks?

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2017 4:20 pm
by Krzysztof z Bagien
If you give them a sword, they will cast their psi powers with it. If you add "Slash" to Psi Op's secondary weapon slot, they will be able to use it even without sword equiped (so they will slash Ayys with Psi Amp :lol: ).
You can't easily change secondary weapons via .ini edits (well, you CAN, but it won't work the way you want), you would have to use SDK. That's because secondary weapons are merely decorations, they don't have any abilities attached (eg. grenade launcher doesn't grant "Launch grenade" ability, if you give it to anyone but Grenadier, they will still be throwing grenades), those abilities are defined in soldier class template.