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XComGame.INT file "Editing"..

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 12:54 am
by Zyxpsilon
Totally confused by this strange flaw.

Just want to include a few changes to various ingame strings found in that usual file. As anyone may know i'm already making extensive use of HTML compatibility to create a lot of custom stuff (LAByrinth alone has thousands of edited lines!).

Soooooo.. when i tried to do a very simple test with the Classes Names (Barracks, Customization, Loadout, etc) from within an upcoming mod (qUIck_LW2) via such tricks...

Code: Select all

[LWS_Technical X2SoldierClassTemplate]
+DisplayName="<font color='#5EEE00'>Technical</font>"

[LWS_Specialist X2SoldierClassTemplate]
+DisplayName="<font color='#009700'>Specialist</font>"
... and so on.

They just won't transfer correcty to the UI as intended.. BUT, if i manually edit the original file itself directly from LW2 Localization folder -- it works.. as show by this snapshot.

That's really weird, IMO. Then, what am i missing?

Re: XComGame.INT file "Editing"..

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2017 8:59 am
by foreverdead
I can only offer moral support, I miss how much your mods brighten my day.

Re: XComGame.INT file "Editing"..

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2017 1:43 pm
by vwtrotsky
For me working in XComGame.INT this :

Code: Select all

[LWS_Technical X2SoldierClassTemplate]
DisplayName="<font color='#5EEE00'>Technical</font>"

[LWS_Specialist X2SoldierClassTemplate]
DisplayName="<font color='#009700'>Specialist</font>"

Re: XComGame.INT file "Editing"..

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2017 4:21 pm
by Zyxpsilon
Ok then.. i'll give the simple lines another try. Thanks...

Nope that still doesn't work either (as i expected)... i think you misunderstood the problem. It's related to having that custom INT file into a Mod Localization folder. After being compiled in ModBuddy, the game isn't validating any of these new "DisplayName" strings to display on the HUD -- thus they remain cyan while they should be re-colored by the HTML instructions (exactly as i do for my other Mods like LAByrinth).

I'm starting to believe the Mod/Mod principles aren't applicable for LW2_INT resources unless a specific code function is devised to enforce a transit path recognition trick so that the engine system can work from a purely secondary LOC-Layer of active modification steps.

Re: XComGame.INT file "Editing"..

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2017 7:04 pm
by Zyxpsilon
Thanks to a swift hint given to me by RoboJumper.. found out what's really happening.


Since LW2 most likely hooks into the runtime cycle **AFTER** my local copy of qUIck_LW2 (workbench style).. their INT structure simply overrides whatever was written up in mine.

Back to trying some workaround solutions until ready to distribute since i need to prooftest anything during development. The only reasonable way would then be to recommend subscribers to use the Alternate Launcher to define a correct special Load-Order for my mod when some tricky changes aren't showing in their games.

Wow.. what a modding rush this whole adventure was! ;)

Re: XComGame.INT file "Editing"..

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2017 8:30 pm
by Postmaster
Are you saying that LW2 is going to load after other mods by default or is yours just special? I'm interested in getting changes like what your talking about working too.

Re: XComGame.INT file "Editing"..

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2017 11:27 pm
by Zyxpsilon
Well, sadly -- even with the Alternate Mod Launcher re-ordering of LW2 into the list to be before qUIck_LW2 (to make sure my changes aren't overwritten by LW2 INT file defaults)... it simply doesn't work --- again. :shock:

Soooo -- i can only conclude there's something in their code mechanics (or within local compiling of resources) that prevents other mods from altering a few "irregular" assets such as the rather minor-impacting file that most localization processing requires.

That means i won't be developping anything else but extremely limited features unless somebody at Pavonis "repairs" that flaw or provides me with the exact ModBuddy steps necessary to return normal functionality of such attempts by me or, anyone in fact. I was only the first to discover that indirect gimmicky situation, btw.

Thus -- If Amineri or Track-Two (etc) could just chime in here to shed some official light over this broken development issue -- and certainly offer real solutions.. i could then go back to proper rational modding tasks.

Re: XComGame.INT file "Editing"..

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2017 1:31 am
by Zyxpsilon
Might have found another tricky situation with any attempts to create custom INT that would "hook" correctly to whichever LW2 target files.

LW_Overhaul.INT & XComGame.INT are both located into the root of the Localization folder inside the LW2 mod structure -- this IS a normal method when we all want to attach our own system to the Vanilla LOC framework.
While many more XComGame.INT files are resident to their respective "Package" sub-folders.

Strangely.. i've also found duplicates of each Classes-DisplayNames entries (exactly like what i've tried to put HTML colors above in Post #1) into the LW_PerkPack_Integrated.INT which adds to my confusion.

To me (might be wrong), this means a path distinction needs to be clearly declared as relative to such an hybrid set of custom assets while maintaining the XC2 core somewhat functional or able to determine where modded elements should apply.

Sooooo (once again) -- i need official help from Pavonis staff.

Re: XComGame.INT file "Editing"..

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2017 7:25 pm
by Amineri
Zyxpsilon wrote:Might have found another tricky situation with any attempts to create custom INT that would "hook" correctly to whichever LW2 target files.

LW_Overhaul.INT & XComGame.INT are both located into the root of the Localization folder inside the LW2 mod structure -- this IS a normal method when we all want to attach our own system to the Vanilla LOC framework.
While many more XComGame.INT files are resident to their respective "Package" sub-folders.

Strangely.. i've also found duplicates of each Classes-DisplayNames entries (exactly like what i've tried to put HTML colors above in Post #1) into the LW_PerkPack_Integrated.INT which adds to my confusion.

To me (might be wrong), this means a path distinction needs to be clearly declared as relative to such an hybrid set of custom assets while maintaining the XC2 core somewhat functional or able to determine where modded elements should apply.

Sooooo (once again) -- i need official help from Pavonis staff.
So the PerkPack stuff is for the old PerkPack classes. That is, the ones with the tags like

Code: Select all

[LW_Sharpshooter X2SoldierClassTemplate]
The rebalanced LW2 classes use the XComGame.* in the root of the localization folder, and look like this :

Code: Select all

[LWS_Sharpshooter X2SoldierClassTemplate]
We didn't go in and try and clean up all of the localization files from the integrated mods so much, because there are also the 10 non-english translations, so removing stuff adds more work for the localization team -- something we very much wanted to avoid.

You probably don't have to worry so much about the earlier - commands, since these aren't dynamic arrays. Using just a basic

Code: Select all

DisplayName="<font color='#5EEE00'>Technical</font>"
should work. With no prefix, it replaces just on the key value (that is, the "DisplayName" part).

The reason we use - and + in other cases is for dynamic arrays, since there are often multiple config values with the same key value, and we don't want to override previous array entries.

The big thing here is probably mod load order, as was stated. Config (and localization, which is similar) is going to happen in the order the mods are loaded, and unfortunately Firaxis didn't provide us with the tools to control load order, which is kind of important for mod-mods.

Re: XComGame.INT file "Editing"..

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2017 9:45 pm
by Zyxpsilon
Many thanks for clarifying the essentials for me.. i feel the situation is now solved for the best.

What's happening with qUIck_LW2 is that most of my subscribers would probably have an older "subscribed" copy of LW2 when they happen to activate my stuff. Load-Order(s) auto-fixes itself, indirectly. Yours before, mine last. Any alterations should stick while the INT stacks coalesce.

The only other tricky principle i still don't grasp the inherent logic upon which everything stands is the pathways "recognition" by a Mod-Mod that tries to apply collateral assets from & within ModBuddy structure;

Localization\XXX\YYY ... XXX being my LW_TransferFiles content (Root XComGame.INT, etc) & YYY, the LW_?_Integrated(s) directory system & specific files.

Finally, i think an installed Mod-Mod of Localization elements (in the correct order) would most likely work as is. While my own (local) copy is always loaded first since the files origin are outside Steam control and thus any possible Load-Order check simply fails from the get-go... so it's hard for me to substantiate a valid hooking process from a Steam-Load perspective. I'll have to contact some subscribers to verify this weird situation.

What i really want to prevent though is to ask them to overwrite the authentic INT set(s) from LW2 folders with my (fully mimicked from your source) files -- or subsequently (if proven sufficient), with just their alteration elements.

Thanks again. 8-)