"TRAP" missions .. let us control their IF & WHAT.

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"TRAP" missions .. let us control their IF & WHAT.

Post by Zyxpsilon »

Okay i get it. We're just supposed not to try tackling *some* rare missions.. it's our decisions to take.. but hear me out please;

-- Very Low Hours to Infiltrate are certainly indicative and mostly should be relatively possible with "Stealth Squads" only, IF lucky or tactically smart. Check.. :!:

-- Various other RNG factors come in play & we're always presented with totally unknown conditions where Pods & Patrolling tricks do add cool principles. Gotcha.. :!:

-- Specific types of "Maps" are pre-designed to receive multiple acute Re-Inforcement cycles (Supply Defense, Liberation, etc) which offer superb challenges, at times. Understood.. :!:

What i really hate though is these ultra-trappy absurd gameplay restrictions that we simply cannot predict nor formally handle with any rational chances of ever succeeding without extreme save-scumming steps.

Sooooo.. gimme a direct way to either remove them entirely (via INI) from the regular pool OR reveal their up-coming presence on the HUD.

The problem is extremely simple; i'm enforced to battle-out (happy go along combat activities as usual) for any given amount of time only to realize the outcome COULD very well be hopeless if not brutally impossible to deal with. Remember that wild mod by BlueRaja -- StopWastingMyTime ?? Guess what.. these strange pseudo-Missions are precisely another waste of precious time. I wanna play hard & wide -- not be fooled around by some obscure coincidental changes to an otherwise sharply tuned (fair or deterministic, as you wish) ruleset.

Think of it this way -- if it was so important to insert "EVAC=?" turns on that popup to help some of us realize something... why in hell shouldn't we be somehow warned that those are real TRAPS by design & that we might have to consider clicking IGNORE right there & then.
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