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Reinforcement pod... of 0.

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2017 2:43 am
by Steelflame
Was playing a mission (Still am at the time of writing this) where it had first turn reinforcements, played out the animation and all... and the reinforcement was empty. Was just an empty airship. Nothing came out. Just... hot air.

Sort of interesting, to say the least.

1) The version of Long War you are playing. - 1.4, Veteran difficulty.
2) The platform you are playing on. - Windows 10
3) What other XCOM2 mods you are playing with. A fairly long list, but none of them interact with reinforcements or enemies at all.
4) The circumstances of the bug or precise steps to produce it. First turn of an evac the resistance rebels mission. Spawned in vision of enemies, instant first turn combat. Stated that reinforcements were showing up.
5) Whether you are able to offer a savegame for us to look at. - I should be able to have one. Fairly large mod list though, so may be awkward to send to you.

Re: Reinforcement pod... of 0.

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2017 5:55 am
by tracktwo
Thanks for the report. I've seen the same one reported a month or two back and I believe this is fixed already for 1.5 but am not 100% sure. I believe it was related to the bug on haven defense missions with reinforcement placements being wrong and they were accidentally being placed on top of a shipping container on the haven map. This location wasn't valid for the enemies to spawn on, so they didn't. If you want to send me the save I can take a look to be sure, just post a link, but if there are way too many mods then I might have a hard time loading it.

Re: Reinforcement pod... of 0.

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2017 12:43 pm
by Steelflame
It was on a completely valid area for reinforcements, it was a standard rooftop where I had spawned in. I went out of my way to get a copy of the first turn's save file, so it should give you the proper setup for the situation of the spawn, it'll just depend on me getting a chance to set it up to send you the save.

Re: Reinforcement pod... of 0.

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2017 4:48 am
by tracktwo
Ok, this sounds like it may be a different issue altogether. If you get the chance to send the save I'd appreciate it.

Re: Reinforcement pod... of 0.

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2017 7:53 am
by Steelflame
The save in this zip file should have that first turn of the mission. ... W2_Devs.7z

As for the other folder, that SHOULD be my mod loadout with .inis, at least, its what I should have copied from my steam workshop folder for Xcom2. I specifically have 2 class mods at play in that mission, so you'll need at least that I'd think (LW2 Shadow Ops class pack, LW2 Jaeger mod), and a few map mods but I'm not sure if any of their parts are at play there that are must have for the mission to run other than Evac all and the cosmetic and voice packs. I figured I'd provide it for you as it should help you out at best, or at worst it's just making the download take a little longer.

I'm not 100% sure it'll work for ya, but hopefully it helps you squash a bug. I've only run into it only this once in the last ~100 hours, so it isn't a frequent one, but still may be worth it. One last detail. While I'm not 100% sure, it was roughly where my squad spawned that the reinforcement pod tried to drop, so that may be related if they spawned the pod directly overlapping where I spawned in.

In other news, I can't wait for 1.5 update so that we can have that one retaliation mission with the way too frequent reinforcements fixed.

Re: Reinforcement pod... of 0.

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2017 5:01 am
by tracktwo
Thanks for the save. I can repro the reinforcement bug pretty reliably with your save, but not with a fresh campaign. It's apparently failing to find a valid pod leader for the current force and alert levels you are at on that mission. I'm still looking into it, and will hopefully have more soon.

For future reference, just the save is fine. If you happen to be using the alternate mod launcher you can export your modlist and also include that, I can import it and automatically sub to all your mods. Otherwise I need to sub to them myself, but I have most of the common once that give me loading problems already subbed and I can toggle them off and on as necessary.

Re: Reinforcement pod... of 0.

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2017 9:01 am
by Steelflame
Interesting. This specific save has been pretty interesting so far as well. I've been getting bombarded by UFOs in the mid game insanely hard, I'm doing more UFO supply missions than even troop movement missions almost, and it isn't because Advent isn't trying to move troops. My current Vigilance in a region is at 35 Vigilance (to the fact that I'm at FL 12.) I think that region alone I've taken down 4 UFOs and 3 Supply columns.

Before this campaign I had ran into a grand total of one or two UFO missions and that was it. Sorta humorous if nothing else.

Re: Reinforcement pod... of 0.

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2017 6:15 am
by tracktwo
Ok, found and fixed... sort of.

There were two bugs here. The first is in LW2, and is related to a set of earlier bugs in 1.4 where RNFs spawn right on top of your squad instead of being offset a certain amount. I had already fixed this in 1.5 for most missions, but missed this one. Now it's reset to the value it was in vanilla (12 tiles). But even fixing this bug I still get empty reinforcements on your save.

This is because of a second bug in the Even More Maps mod. The big building you are standing on in that save is defined to have a spawn restrictor on top of it, which disallows *anything* from spawning on that roof. No advent, no aliens, no civilians. So when LW2 was trying to drop the RNF right on top of your head, it couldn't find a valid place to put them because that entire rooftop is banned from advent/alien spawns. Even after restoring it to the default value of 12 it still couldn't spawn anyone, as all the closest potential spawn points on your map were too far away. Even bunching everyone up on the edge of the roof didn't help, it wasn't until I moved 4 or 5 of them down onto the ground off the roof that it shifted the average XCOM centerpoint enough for a spawn that wasn't restricted to come in range. All this spawn choosing logic is in native code that mods can't easily change, so we're sort of stuck with the rules.

So: this should get less common in 1.5 with the fixed spawn offsets, but you may still see it with certain map mods that restrict huge swaths of a parcel from reinforcements.