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[1.4] Movement error

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2017 1:08 pm
by Kirsche
In my actual game (made ~20 missions already) i had a movement bug. Three times i noticed in mission that one or more soldiers were not able to move. They had 2 movementpoints every turn, were able to fire and do other actions but not moving. The movementindicator is blue but there is no movementzone shown.
Bevor 1.4 i never noticed this bug.

PS: sorry for bad english, school was long long time ago

Re: [1.4] Movement error

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2017 4:39 pm
by tracktwo
If you can send me a link to a saved game with a soldier that cannot move I can investigate it. I seem to remember someone having a similar bug before, but we fixed this a release or two ago. If you're seeing it again it could be a new bug, or maybe a mod conflict.

Re: [1.4] Movement error

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2017 8:13 pm
by Kirsche
I use only LW2 1.4, no other mods.
I never had the bug in previous versions of LW2.

Here is a saved game from today
Unfortunately i dont have saved games from the other two times.

Re: [1.4] Movement error

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2017 3:15 am
by tracktwo
Thank you very much for the save! I've fixed this bug, it'll be in the next version.

At least this instance in this save is due to a soldier spawning on a tile that is destroyed on mission start. You can see in the save that the one that cannot move is floating in the air where a portion of the roof has been destroyed. This destruction happens after the game chooses the start spawn positions, so the code that was choosing start tiles thought this was a perfectly valid floor tile (and it was, at the time we chose the spawn tiles, it doesn't get blown up until later in the startup process). I've modified the tile selection to take into account tiles that will be destroyed on mission start and avoid them.

If you see this again with soldiers that aren't standing on top of a destroyed tile, please grab a save and let me know so I can take another look in case there are other situations that I haven't seen yet.

Re: [1.4] Movement error

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2017 7:21 am
by Kirsche
In the other two situations the soldiers were on flat ground and it happens in the middle of the mission. I've moved them bevore.
If i ever see it again, i will provide the saved game here.