The Walking Stunned

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The Walking Stunned

Post by Masterchef2 »

While attempting to clear a pod, a sectoid got good cover and distance, then mind-controlled a rookie. Lacking any way to stop the mind control, I opted instead to stun the rookie so they could do no harm while controlled. Cleared the encounter from there, killing the sectoid on the following turn, after which the rookie should have been unstunned.

When I regained control of the rookie, she was capable of moving (but would not perform running animations, instead sliding about in stunned form), and could perform no actions whatsoever (any attempt to do so was met with the "unit is stunned" message). Save-quitting and reloading the game fixed the problem of not having a run animation, but she still could not act. This Pseudo-Stun effect appeared to be permanent.

Ultimately she perished, unable to perform the "evac" action, and in order to end the mission, I had to helplessly wait out 4 rounds for reinforcements to gun her down in the middle of the evac zone. Thank RNGsus it was just a rookie, but obviously this bug could have just as easily claimed a fully decked-out super-soldier, so obviously I'm anxious to see it fixed.

I'm running Windows 10, LW 1.4 (directly off of steam workshop). Bug occurred during an Ironman playthrough, so unfortunately no save file.

Other mods are:
-True Concealment for LW2
-New Target Icons
-Perfect Information
-Evac All
-Yet Another F1
-Gotcha Again
-Unofficial Graphics Compatibility Patch
-Bob Ross Voice Pack

As True Concealment and Evac All are the only mods that extend beyond UI/aesthetic changes, and the squad was neither Evac-ing nor concealed at the time of this bug, I imagine it's something in LW2 alone.
Long War Dev
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Joined: Sat Jan 07, 2017 7:43 pm

Re: The Walking Stunned

Post by tracktwo »

Thanks for this report. There is a known bug in 1.4 with effects not ticking correctly on a mind-controlled unit after it returns to your side, leading to things like permanent stun/disorient/etc. We have a fix for this in 1.5, and your situation sounds like another example of this bug.
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