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Raise Zombie on Carried Corpses

Posted: Sat Jun 03, 2017 3:28 pm
by LoadStar81
Observed this happen while watching Lollash stream Long War 2's Avenger Defense mission.

His current modlist:

X-Com 2: Long War, Gotcha, Numerical Health Values, Make all Items Available & Remove Unused Upgrades

The observed bug is that, when a sectoid commander used the mass raise, two XCom corpses that his troops were carrying were also animated, but the soldiers that were carrying the corpses never 'released' the corpses. The zombies appeared in the same tile as the XCom soldiers, and the soldiers had no actions they could use. They could not put down the corpses they were carrying, as they weren't carrying anyone, but they couldn't use any other actions, as they never used the 'put corpse down' action.

Hopefully Lollash will stop by to post additional details of this issue.