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1.4 Endless Supply Retaliation?

Posted: Fri May 26, 2017 8:50 am
by Enenion
So I've gotten my first supply retaliation in a high advent strength region (Advent strength 7, formerly held the Blacksite). The objectives for the mission are:

Protect the Supplies,
Neutralize all Enemy Targets

Except, as far as I can tell, no aliens spawned on the map. Instead huge pods of enemy reinforcements are being warped in every two turns. I've wiped them out multiple times, so that there were no aliens left on the map, but the reinforcements keep coming. Did I miss an enemy pod in one of the corners of the map? Am I supposed to call a Skyranger for Evac? Is there a limit to the number of reinforcements/number of turns that is not shown anywhere? Or was this mission supposed to be unwinnable?

This is the latest turn, with a group of reinforcements just that just spawned (and 7 died in my overwatch trap as they spawned in):

Also, can I instruct the rebels to forget the supply and grab the bodies? I think I've fragged at least 40 aliens so far and the bodies are worth more supply on the black market than is in the convoy anyway.

Re: 1.4 Endless Supply Retaliation?

Posted: Fri May 26, 2017 12:35 pm
by Franzy
That's how supply retaliations work actually. You have a limited number of double RNFs that you have to defeat. They drop every 2 turns in 1-2 pods, number of waves depends on region strength, most likely. Usually it's 3 to 6 waves. You can evac prematurely if you feel overwhelmed. Most players believe supply raids the easiest and treat them as XP farm.

Re: 1.4 Endless Supply Retaliation?

Posted: Fri May 26, 2017 5:16 pm
by Enenion
Oh ok, thanks for the reply. Can you add an indication for how many enemy pods are remaining, or change the mission objectives to Survive?

Otherwise the mission objectives are going to conflict with the Intel Retaliations, where there are aliens already on the map and you have to wipe them out.

Re: 1.4 Endless Supply Retaliation?

Posted: Fri May 26, 2017 8:20 pm
by Enenion
Ok, looks like it's working as intended and that last group was the last pod.

Here's what happens when Advent REALLY wants to take your supplies:

Re: 1.4 Endless Supply Retaliation?

Posted: Sat May 27, 2017 5:50 pm
by Badatthis
Wow! Good job commander, the aliens will think twice before knocking on your door again.