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soldier starts mission on fire tile

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2017 5:25 am
by aklos
This soldier has not yet moved. It's a Defend Haven mission.

Re: soldier starts mission on fire tile

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2017 12:50 pm
by TheCiroth
This is a vanilla bug and hopefully will be fixed in the next Patch. Until then, use the dev console to move him out of the fire, the ttc command

Re: soldier starts mission on fire tile

Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2017 1:54 pm
by chrisb
I had this happen on a supply raid, only it wasn't my guy, it was a Rocketeer in a rainbow pod. Was funny watching him go down to 1 HP, right up until the point they activated 3 turns later and started going batshit crazy because my squad was concealed. Then they just scattered across the whole map until I finally had to activate on them because a drone was about to flank me. Ended up pulling two more pods because of it, was quite the awkward brawl :D

Re: soldier starts mission on fire tile

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2017 12:33 am
by tracktwo
Unfortunately the alien on fire bug is harder to fix, because we don't have much direct control over the exact tiles where pods are spawned, and it doesn't seem to check to make sure those tiles aren't on fire before choosing them (or the fires aren't spawned until after the units are already placed, I'm not certain which). I had an attempted fix for this in 1.0 but I reverted it because it was pretty hacky and broke some other things. I may give it another shot, but pretty much anything I do will be kind of a hack (like just not applying fire damage when a unit is patrolling around and nobody can see them).

Re: soldier starts mission on fire tile

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2017 8:48 am
by chrisb
Ya it was kind of odd. They didn't just activate right away either. After the unit stopped burning my kill counter mod kept flipping back and forth between 8 active and 0 active and the combat music kept turning on and off even though they were still patrolling normally. It took about 3-4 turns of this before they straight up activated with me in concealment still, then they just freaked out and ran in all different directions.

Re: soldier starts mission on fire tile

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2017 5:27 pm
by tracktwo
It's a little weird that they activated at all while you were in concealment, usually they are not allowed to do that, and this is why the game freaks out so much. The rocketeer pod is trying to scamper, but it's not letting them scamper while you're still concealed. I discovered the reason for that when I tried to fix it last time - since you're still concealed they can't see you, meaning that they can't make good decisions about where to scamper. Exactly the same thing happens when you shoot them from concealment, it has to wait until the concealment has broken before it lets them scamper or they'll flank themselves.

If you happen to still have the save can you send it my way? I have a very, very old one from one of our internal testers but a more recent one will be easier to work with. I am not sure I'll have the time to look into this one again yet or not for 1.3 but it's good to have regardless.

Re: soldier starts mission on fire tile

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2017 6:59 pm
by Flapdrol
Just had a supply raid that started out with a big fire on a chokepoint, out of LOS from my squad.

About 10 aliens burned themselves to death and another 10 or so got burn wounds, as they persisted in running through the flames.