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Advent MEC not given to haven at end of mission after full override

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2017 6:16 pm
by pseudo21
So I lucked out with my specialist right after getting his final perk by landing the permanent control + transfer-to-haven option on a Heavy MEC last night. Unfortunately, he didn't show up at any of my havens after the mission.

Of note, this was a haven defense mission in a non-liberated zone. I can also verify that this MEC was part of the enemies on the map at start, as this type of mission did not have a timer or any reinforcements. Also, the MEC happened to be the last enemy on the map as the mission ended right as I took him over.

Are there certain types of missions, such as the various haven defense ones, where you are not awarded the MEC?

Re: Advent MEC not given to haven at end of mission after full override

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2017 7:12 pm
by steave
Haven defense ONLY has reinforcements. Are you talking about the terror style retaliation?

Re: Advent MEC not given to haven at end of mission after full override

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2017 9:21 pm
by pseudo21
Yes, it was the type of mission with the civilians/ haven personnel you have to try and save before the aliens kill them all - main mission objective was to destroy all enemy troops with no timer.

Re: Advent MEC not given to haven at end of mission after full override

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2017 2:07 am
by pseudo21
Quick update, I just captured another MEC on a different type of haven defense mission - defend friendly supply train - and it also did not put the MEC at any of my havens. I saw johnnylump in another thread say its a known bug with certain missions and they're working on it, hope this info helps.