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Drone Stunning Me Unconscious?

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 8:48 pm
by Sines
Forgot this when I submitted...

1) The version of Long War you are playing. Current. I believe it to be 1.0
2) The platform you are playing on. Windows 7 64-bit
3) What other XCOM2 mods you are playing with. Perfect Information, Show Health Values, Gotcha, and Blackmarket Usage
4) The circumstances of the bug or precise steps to produce it. None known. Solider got Stunner used by a drone, and knocked a specialist Unconscious instead of stunning him.
5) Whether you are able to offer a savegame for us to look at. No, didn't know it was a bug until later.


So, I didn't know this was a bug at the time, so I didn't pay attention to the details. But hopefully this report is still of some value.

I was playing Lib3, to capture/kill a VIP (at least I think it was lib3) on Veteran difficulty. The mission hadn't exactly been going along swimmingly, but it went to garbage when my Specialist was rendered Unconscious by a drone. Not stunned, but the state wherein I carry him to evac or abandon him. I was able to haul him to safety, but I lost 3 soldiers on the way out. It wasn't until a comment on Xwynns channel wherein he told me that drones are not supposed to inflict unconsciousness that I realized this was maybe a bug.

It's not impossible that I'm misremembering it, and it was a Stun Lancer. However, I do distinctly remember that the soldier escaped with no wounds (I sent him to fight Julian two days later), so if he was hit by a Stun Lancer, he had to have taken only 1 or 2 damage. Unfortunately, the Julian fight is obviously more than long enough to remove the appropriate auto-saves from memory, so I can't provide one for you.

If you have any other questions, I might remember more things that didn't seem relevent enough to mention, though I can understand if you can't do much without a save file to examine.

Lastly, is there a console command to resurrect a dead soldier? If this was a bug, then I won't feel too bad about bringing the soldiers back sans mission success and XP.