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Ability Roust and Overwatch - bug or Design ?

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2017 8:53 pm
by Bob_Green
Greetings PI Creators !

I would like to discuss about the Roust Ability (Technician Perk Tree). Is intended behavior or bug ?

Then used against group of enemies from a Concealment do not enable the Overwatch rest part of my squad members.
Ordered couple of my team to set the Overwatch trap, used the Roust to burn a group of enemies, the Concealment was removed, the enemies took damage and moved to Cover, and the Overwatch didin't activate and was still enabled.

Some pictures:

Got save just before activation so you can reproduce it but I do not why i can't attach files here (save ~600kb is large file ?).

Robert Green.

Re: Ability Roust and Overwatch - bug or Design ?

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2017 10:42 pm
by squidney2k1
Did you use the normal Overwatch (not the Ambush from the Tactical Suppressors Mod)?

Re: Ability Roust and Overwatch - bug or Design ?

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2017 11:45 pm
by Bob_Green
Yes, using normal Overwatch.
No one of my soldiers have a suppressor mounted on their's weapon.
Of course I don't use mod what you asking.

Re: Ability Roust and Overwatch - bug or Design ?

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 3:04 am
by johnnylump
One thing that we've changed is you won't fire Overwatch shots with less than 1% to hit, unless the target has Lightning Reflexes (in which case you always fire). I can't say that's at work here.

Re: Ability Roust and Overwatch - bug or Design ?

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 10:14 am
by Bob_Green
johnnylump wrote:One thing that we've changed is you won't fire Overwatch shots with less than 1% to hit, unless the target has Lightning Reflexes (in which case you always fire). I can't say that's at work here.
I've check % of chance to hit and is > 50% from that range.
They don't have PCS that could stop them from activating overwatch.

In another scenario, I've set up Overwatch trap, used Roust, the Concealment removed, enemies of attacked group took damage and moved to cover, overwatch still remains enabled, then another pod joined the party and both Overwatches enabled normally in their's direction.

Re: Ability Roust and Overwatch - bug or Design ?

Posted: Fri Mar 10, 2017 8:24 pm
by Nurgle84
I had the same bug today, I activated roust on an enemy group from concealment while having overwatch active. The enemies moved into cover, no overwatch was triggered.

I have a save at hand were the bug (?) is reproducable but I seem to be not able to attach it. (invalid file extension)

Re: Ability Roust and Overwatch - bug or Design ?

Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2017 5:07 pm
by bountygiver
This is due to concealment is broken after ability activation game state submit, after all the effects are applied (so advent won't run to cover before your shot from concealment reach him). And the fallback effect from roust is an effect, so the targets ran into cover while your squad is still concealed, THEN concealment break. So overwatch shots don't fire because your squad is still in concealment, if you have the overwatch from concealment mod you will be able to ambush roust overwatch.

Re: Ability Roust and Overwatch - bug or Design ?

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2017 7:30 am
by Zyrrashijn
Why would you use roust on an unactivated enemy in the first place? Range?