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Lack of cover can break the AI

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2017 9:50 pm
by LeaderEnemyBoss
Hey everyone,

this just happened in the livestream of JoINrbs (will provide a link with timestamp as soon as the vod is available). Situation was basically this:

His soldiers were entrenched near the starting point, a drawn out battle with many explosives created a no man's land without cover, and about 6 advent units were on the other side. They were too far away to take shots (presumably because their hitchance was 0%), and they couldnt reach any cover to actually get to JoINrbs soldiers, so they kept shuffling around betweend their cover spots for several turns, getting overwatched and picked off one after another.

Now i know how behaviortrees work, and i know that this is a difficult situation for the AI since it isnt able to plan forward or even remember the last turn.

My suggestions for "dirty" workarounds would be:
- if the AI detects many active friendly units around, have the AI move forward with an aggressive movement profile that mostly ignores cover and allows it to take a shot on the 2nd move (zerg rush style)
- more complex behaviours could count the reachable cover spots that are near the enemy and make decisions based on this (number of AI troops >> number of reachable cover spots -> move aggressive without considering cover)
- Alternative: if the AI detects too many active friendly units around, have the AI move finto the fog and overwatch

Re: Lack of cover can break the AI

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2017 12:41 am
by LeaderEnemyBoss
Here the is the part of there vod where this behaviour started (continues for the next few turns until the pod is dead):