How to troubleshoot and make a bug report

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How to troubleshoot and make a bug report

Post by johnnylump »

Current Long War 2 version: 1.5

PLEASE post:
1) The version of Long War you are playing.
2) The platform you are playing on.
3) What other XCOM2 mods you are playing with.
4) The circumstances of the bug or precise steps to produce it.
5) Whether you are able to offer a savegame for us to look at.

Note we will be posting a running list of what we're working on for the next version in the main thread. PLEASE review that to make sure your bug isn't already addressed. Also note a lot of mod incompatibilites are beyond our ability to address.


If you are have problems with the mod, you should first exit the game and REGENERATE YOUR INI files by deleting all files in \Documents\My Games\XCOM2\XComGame\Config. These will be recreated on your next game start.

If that does not resolve your issues, you may need to verify XCOM2 back to its vanilla state in Steam before activating this and other mods.

For the first 72 hours since launch, most of the issues we're seeing appear to be due to mod conflicts. If the above steps don't fix your problem, remove all other mods, regenerate your inis again, and see if it persists. You can add mods back one by one until you reproduce the problem.

If it persists with a regenerated inis, a clean verification and no other mods installed, then we want to hear about it. HOWEVER, WE CANNOT TROUBLESHOOT PROBLEMS WITH OTHER MODS, even if they are on the "works okay with Long War 2" list. If we don't respond to a bug report or you find it locked, it's because you didn't report that you'd removed the mods.

An additional temporary workaround to crashes when starting a new campaign is to move all of your old save files out of \Documents\My Games\XCOM2\XComGame\SaveData. (We still want bug reports if these kind of crashes happen.)


Long War 2 only works with the latest patch of the retail copy of XCOM 2. This patch is downloaded automatically when you connect to Steam.

- Long War 2 doesn't support controllers. We don't have plans to add this.
- Our custom cutscenes may not have translated audio or subtitles in non-English installs.