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VIP Extract during Riot in 1.3

Posted: Tue May 16, 2017 8:15 pm
by Indy256
So I just completed a VIP extract/Riot mission on Extremely Light in a Strength 1 region...and it was ridiculously difficult. First, I planned on going in loud and fast since the smaller pods makes this a more viable tactic (running a Ranger, Tech, and two Rookies). I cleaned the place out fairly quickly (by turn 6 I believe), but little did I know that was going to start the reinforcement drops in one turn even without freeing the VIP. After she's out, I get the "riot team" of one soldier and three resistance fighters (one of which was BA enough to be a soldier on her own), but they spawn at the original drop point. So I've got to get those four close to my original team while protecting the VIP and fending off turn after turn of 3 to 5 reinforcements. Meanwhile, I've got an 8-turn wait for evac and when that's done I drop a flare only to need two more turns for Skyranger to get into position! By the end I killed 25 out of 35 enemies with only 2 wounded soldiers, and had a blast doing it, but it seemed much more punishing than a "Very Light 1-Strength" mission should have been. Admittedly I could have shaved off 2 turns from evac by dropping the flare before freeing the VIP, but that's still 8 turns of reinforcements to contend with.

I'm feeling I would have been better served to go in with a much larger team, but that would have killed my infiltration. Does anyone have a particular strategy for handling these missions?

Re: VIP Extract during Riot in 1.3

Posted: Wed May 17, 2017 1:22 am
by chrisb
I find this very confusing. It's like your talking about 3 different missions in one.

Jailbreak and Extract VIP do not have flares you can throw, they use the fixed evac system. There are also no missions that have rebels and VIP that you rescue, these are two different mission types. So I'm confused as to what you are describing?

Re: VIP Extract during Riot in 1.3

Posted: Wed May 17, 2017 1:41 am
by Indy256
Turns out it's from the mod "Additional Mission Types: LW2 Edition," and this isn't the place to discuss it. Sorry!

Re: VIP Extract during Riot in 1.3

Posted: Wed May 17, 2017 11:30 am
by Zyrrashijn
Know your mods... ;)