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Noise mechanics question, heavy weapon balance consequences!

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2017 12:30 am
by DjAci
Hi guys,

I want to ask a question for those that have a detailed understanding of noise mechanics of LW2.

Based on this "" - noise table I understand things as follows.

Shooting your primary weapons creates noise set around your soldier that is in visual range (18 tiles) with SMG up to 24 tiles with cannon. So just a bit more. In other words using primary weapons will not really pull the entire map to you. Shooting is silent.

Category two are heavy weapons and grenades. As far as I get (and makes sense) when you use a grenade/rocket, the noise will be centered around the impact point (so an enemy squad, not your soldier). Can someone confirm this?

If so, flashbang with a 9 tile noise radius is in practice very quit (even though it's a flashBANG:). It will affect just a tile or two more than its actual radius of effect.

All other grenades are very loud, they have a massive noise radius centred around the enemy squad. Use a technical rocket and the whole map comes running.

NOW HERE IS THE BIG QUESTION? Where is the noise center for Shredder/shredstrom cannons? Is it centered on the shooter, or all affected tiles?

If it fires as a gun and i centered on the shooter, this would mean it is the only cover destroying/heavy weapon that is effectvely silent. Making it MUCH better than all else. Istead of a technical, take another gunner and but two exo suits on your support grenadier and specialist, and you have all a rocketeer has to offer, only silent with a "free" shooter soldier.

Can anyone confirm I am thinking this well? If so, this looks like a massive balance bug to me.

Re: Noise mechanics question, heavy weapon balance consequences!

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2017 1:14 am
by trihero
Category two are heavy weapons and grenades. As far as I get (and makes sense) when you use a grenade/rocket, the noise will be centered around the impact point (so an enemy squad, not your soldier). Can someone confirm this?
If you read the upcoming 1.3 changes thread at the top of the long war 2 forum, it says that currently noise centers around where you launched (i.e. the soldier that throws/launches), and that when 1.3 comes, they want to change it to impact point.

Re: Noise mechanics question, heavy weapon balance consequences!

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2017 1:12 pm
by DjAci
trihero wrote:
Category two are heavy weapons and grenades. As far as I get (and makes sense) when you use a grenade/rocket, the noise will be centered around the impact point (so an enemy squad, not your soldier). Can someone confirm this?
If you read the upcoming 1.3 changes thread at the top of the long war 2 forum, it says that currently noise centers around where you launched (i.e. the soldier that throws/launches), and that when 1.3 comes, they want to change it to impact point.
As far as I understood it, it 's a change about the pod movement, not the noise source. Maybe I am wrong, but I think now the noise is from a detonation center, just the pods move towards you instead of the detonation site.

Re: Noise mechanics question, heavy weapon balance consequences!

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2017 4:30 pm
by Fizpez
DjAci wrote:
trihero wrote:
Category two are heavy weapons and grenades. As far as I get (and makes sense) when you use a grenade/rocket, the noise will be centered around the impact point (so an enemy squad, not your soldier). Can someone confirm this?
If you read the upcoming 1.3 changes thread at the top of the long war 2 forum, it says that currently noise centers around where you launched (i.e. the soldier that throws/launches), and that when 1.3 comes, they want to change it to impact point.
As far as I understood it, it 's a change about the pod movement, not the noise source. Maybe I am wrong, but I think now the noise is from a detonation center, just the pods move towards you instead of the detonation site.

I'd say the effect (the pod movement) is really the only thing that actually matters - whether the game considers the noise as coming from "you" or the explosion is irrelevant to the game play but having them run right at me instead of where the think they heard the explosion is definitely a problem. I was happy to see the proposed changes for 1.3. I immediately envisioned using a bombardier grenadier to "waste" a grenade to either pull a pod away from where I was currently fighting or even use an explosion to steer a pod into an ambush.

Re: Noise mechanics question, heavy weapon balance consequences!

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2017 4:40 pm
by DjAci
Yeah, this would definately open up new options. I guess pod movement in important for "grenade baiting", while the noise source for stealth approach.

I am just worried that grenade baiting doesn't become like the only real move. Put all on overwatch and throw a grenade. Hen just w8

Re: Noise mechanics question, heavy weapon balance consequences!

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2017 11:47 am
by KevlinTallfellow
I think for most people, grenades are way too valuable a resource to just throw away on literally nothing. It would probably be more common to have people with squad sight shooting explosive objects in the map at the request of a concealed forward observer.

Changing the behavior of alerted pods to investigate the location of an explosion, instead of the location of the soldier who caused it, will make those mods that add remote-triggered explosives much more interesting! Just give your Shinobi some C4, and when he scouts around the gas station and sees a bunch of patrols over there, he can set up a really big fireworks show to get their attention while the rest of your squad goes around the other side of the block. Or I suppose he could just set it off when he's inside the jail ready to hack open the cell doors, to try and draw most of the patrols away from the path to the extraction.

Re: Noise mechanics question, heavy weapon balance consequences!

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2017 1:49 pm
by trihero
Well I mean the shaped charge has such a limited throw radius it's essentially the same whether the enemy chases the thrower or the point of impact o.O but yeah the idea is cool.