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Is this Long war 2 mod force people to lose some missions

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2017 8:15 am
by wardensc2
Hi guy

I've just play long war 2 for a month. After reading a lot of your sharing experience and play. I feel like this game is forced us to lose to gain somethings. For example, my soldiesr shoot a trooper die and I reload the turn, I mostly will miss and I never achieve a better shot than the original one, that's weird, I though the shot calculation has to be a bit more random can be up and down or only a stable result: always hit or miss but from my experience it will hit the first time and after reload savegame 90% chance is miss.

And I also think the game will treat us easier if our soldier get shot and hurt. More shots will hit than miss. It's some kind of balance yin and yang in the gameplay code. Sometimes I feel a little annoying when I certainly know that this shot will be missed. Can this kind of gameplay code can be changed into more realistic ways.

And also the more missions I have completed the harder the game is. Alien is getting stronger and stronger until I lose the mission, similar to yin yang hit and miss above. This is the first time, I play long war 2, I want to complete the game perfect to understand everythings before I play ironman. But this kind of balance quite weird to me

Re: Is this Long war 2 mod force people to lose some missions

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2017 9:08 am
by Jacke
Normally XCOM 2 uses a pseudo random number generator, which generates random numbers off of a seed which if repeated from the same seed will give the same sequence of random numbers. This means if you reload the game and do the same sequence of actions, you'll get exactly the same results, shot success and damage, etc.

There is a mod to aid save scumming that randomizes the seed on reload, if that's what you want to do.

And there is no long term balancing of results that will make you have a better chance of success if you've had a streak of failures. Some games do have something like that, called a streakbreaker, that will break streaks of failure, but as far as I know, XCOM 2 doesn't have one.

I think the better solution to your woes is better tactics, both before and after breaking concealment. It's one of the reasons why we watch good players' LW2 videos to see what they do, as well as talk things out here on the forums.

Re: Is this Long war 2 mod force people to lose some missions

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2017 10:13 am
by Manifest
wardensc2 wrote:Hi guy

I've just play long war 2 for a month. After reading a lot of your sharing experience and play. I feel like this game is forced us to lose to gain somethings. For example, my soldiesr shoot a trooper die and I reload the turn, I mostly will miss and I never achieve a better shot than the original one, that's weird, I though the shot calculation has to be a bit more random can be up and down or only a stable result: always hit or miss but from my experience it will hit the first time and after reload savegame 90% chance is miss.

And I also think the game will treat us easier if our soldier get shot and hurt. More shots will hit than miss. It's some kind of balance yin and yang in the gameplay code. Sometimes I feel a little annoying when I certainly know that this shot will be missed. Can this kind of gameplay code can be changed into more realistic ways.

And also the more missions I have completed the harder the game is. Alien is getting stronger and stronger until I lose the mission, similar to yin yang hit and miss above. This is the first time, I play long war 2, I want to complete the game perfect to understand everythings before I play ironman. But this kind of balance quite weird to me
As has been mentioned, the game locks in dice rolls after you load a save. This will stop you from getting different results from reloading saves (except the first time in my experience.) This does not necessarily make the game harder, you can even abuse this in your favor if you know the details.

The game will not get easier and cheat for you after you lose a soldier, no. It does not ever just cheat probability like that.

You are right that the enemies will just keep getting stronger and stronger as time goes on, but that is what Long War 2 is about. You need to match them, yes, or you will lose. Get more soldiers, take more missions, get more resources/equipment. If Advent Strength gets too high in one region, move to another. Use your time wisely.

The game does not cheat, but in a way it is trying to force you to lose something. Some missions are very difficult and give you no time to infiltrate, and some missions may be impossible to stealth through. Part of the game is learning how to run away from these missions. Also, the game will force you to lose haven rebels through retaliations, and you will lose soldiers from enemies getting free shots on activation, but it is not trying to force you to lose the campaign.

Re: Is this Long war 2 mod force people to lose some missions

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2017 4:22 pm
by trihero
And I also think the game will treat us easier if our soldier get shot and hurt. More shots will hit than miss. It's some kind of balance yin and yang in the gameplay code. Sometimes I feel a little annoying when I certainly know that this shot will be missed. Can this kind of gameplay code can be changed into more realistic ways.
This was true in vanilla on rookie where if you had less than 4 soldiers you started to get better aim and defense stats ("lost soldier" buff), and it was also true in previous patches of LW2, but I don't think it's true anymore in 1.1.

Re: Is this Long war 2 mod force people to lose some missions

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2017 12:34 am
by Devon_v
Vanilla cheats in your favor sometimes. Long War doesn't.

In order to get a different result from save scumming you need to take your actions in a different order so that the seed numbers are used for different results. The game is not meant to be save scummed, which is why Firaxis used a fixed seed to stop people from just reloading until they get what they want.