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Definition of soldier Attributes

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2017 10:38 pm
by Drax40K
Okay, so I've looked high and low and can't seem to find anything that clearly defines the values for some of the soldier attributes. Some are pretty intuitive, Will is next to the brain and is how you measure PSI potential and ability to avoid panic, and psionic attacks. Aim is the target reticule, again higher is better, the little + sign is your soldiers health, again higher is good, etc. etc...however there are two attributes I'm having trouble with defining and understanding. I believe Dodge which is a swerving arrow, and then Defense which is a shield. These numbers vary and are often negative, but what I don't understand is, what is better? Is it better to be a high positive number? High Negative Number? I really am not sure what this number represents either.

Most often on new soldiers this number is seldom over positive 10 or less then -10, yet abilities that indicate they affect Defense will say +10 or +20, so okay, then positive is what you are looking for, but one of my toughest guys who lived for quite a while without getting injured has a negative defense value! Color me confused. Anyone who can shed light on this an provide more information on what these numbers mean, will be greatly appreciated. I want to know because when I train a rookie to take on a class, I want to make sure he is optimally suited for that I don't want to take a guy who can't dodge and make him a Shinobi, and I don't want a guy who has no defense to be an Assault trooper.


Re: Definition of soldier Attributes

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2017 5:24 am
by fowlJ
Will doesn't actually influence Psi Power - XCOM 2 has its own 'Psi Offence' stat, which is hidden on soldiers who you don't train to be Psi Operatives.

You are correct in identifying Dodge and Defence, and yes, positive is better.

Defence represents a direct reduction in enemy hit chance (So an enemy who would normally have a 25% chance to hit has a 15% chance instead if they are shooting at a unit with 10 Defence, or a 35% chance if shooting at a unit with -10 Defence).

Dodge represents a % chance to 'downgrade' the damage a unit takes when they are hit by 1 step. An attack that would 'graze' the unit misses them instead, an attack that would hit them normally grazes them instead (for half damage), and an attack that would critically hit them deals normal damage instead. Negative dodge is equivalent to giving the enemy additional critical chance (or at least, it will be in the next patch - it does pretty much that in the current version, but a little different under the hood).

Re: Definition of soldier Attributes

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2017 2:20 pm
by Drax40K
Thanks! I really appreciate the response and clarification. So the guy with the negative Defense modifier was just really lucky! LOL I thought so, but just wanted to make sure.

Re: Definition of soldier Attributes

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2017 5:57 pm
by Skeazix
Does that mean that if you want a tank to absorb hits, you want a low defense and high dodge? Low defense so the enemies target the tank instead of someone else but hi dodge to downgrade their shots?

btw where can I see a person's defense stat? It's not listed when you look at a soldier.

Re: Definition of soldier Attributes

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2017 8:47 pm
by Jacke
Skeazix wrote:btw where can I see a person's defense stat? It's not listed when you look at a soldier.
It's on the view soldier list at the far right near the little shield.