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EXO Suits

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2017 5:11 pm
by nightwyrm
Anyone else finding they would rather put the EXO on a non-technical than a technical? The Shredder gun seems so much better than an extra rocket. You don't need to upgrade the Gauntlet for it to work well and at least it'll hit exactly what I want it to hit after moving...

I would seriously rather have that Shredder gun even on my techs rather than extra rocket or flamer.

Re: EXO Suits

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2017 6:20 pm
by Devon_v
Actually I really like rockets, but the option to put the shredder cannon on a Technical would be nice.

Re: EXO Suits

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2017 6:54 pm
by Sines
Actually, I much prefer the extra fuel tanks on a Fireman specced Technical. With Roust and Burnout, you've got 6 chances to generate a smoke cloud and damage (and possibly CC) enemy units over the course of the mission.

That being said, Shredstorm Cannon is a great way to bring massive AoE damage 'oh shit' buttons to a group that otherwise lacks it. The team I'm going into my second HQ has no Grenadiers or Technicals, so I'm relying on 3 EXO suits and my SPARK to deal with whatever difficult large groups I might encounter.

Re: EXO Suits

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2017 8:21 pm
by Valaska
Shredstorm is pretty awesome. Its a long range "F-U" shotgun to anything mid HP and hardened with armor. I've managed to finish off six advent in one shot. Though I do typically give my technicals EXO suits, I tend to not use technicals in the first place.

Re: EXO Suits

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2017 10:45 am
by Mr_Ewing
I use EXO:s on my Shinobis.
You can't beat the feeling when sneaking up on a 9 man group with the mighty shredstorm cannon.
My record is 9 kills in one shot - followed up by implacable and reconcealing again.

Re: EXO Suits

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2017 1:39 pm
by LordYanaek
Mr_Ewing wrote:I use EXO:s on my Shinobis.
This. :mrgreen:
Otherwise, yes i tend to prefer the shredder gun over the rocket (more damage and no scatter) so techs only get an exo if every solider in the squad has an exo.