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Weapon attachments

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2017 11:18 pm
by Hunter
I started by quickly adding any weapon attachments to my weapons, very helpful. Then I noticed that I could research weapon attachments and make them myself, but only ONCE I had 3 of them. Is that 3 basic attachments, 3 basic or advanced, I don't know. So now I am NOT attaching ANY of the attachments to my weapons, trying to horde them until I have 3, so I can manufacture. Is this the correct plan?

(or do the 3 include those that ARE attached to weapons?)

Re: Weapon attachments

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2017 11:35 pm
by Saracan
Not sure about the "basic or advanced" part, but I do know that attachments attached to weapons do not count.

BUT, since you can just take of weapon attachments in LW2 without losing them, there is no need to keep them in storage - attach them, and once you have enough, take them of and then develop the attachment in the PG.

Re: Weapon attachments

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2017 5:03 am
by Arcalane
It's Basic, at first.

Once you complete the PG Project for, let's say, Extended Magazines, then you unlock the Advanced Extended Magazines project which requires 3 Adv. Ext. Mags, allows you to build more of them, and in turn unlocks the Elite Extended Magazines project once completed.

Basically, keep all those garbage low-tier mods unless it's stuff you really don't plan on using.

Re: Weapon attachments

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2017 2:04 am
by Elfich
When you decide you want to have the proving grounds start building a particular add-on (Scope, laser site, etc) detach 3 off of weapons that are in use. Those three will be consumed in the proving grounds process but after that you can mass produce that particular model. Entry level ones are 10 supplies. Initially pick one you really want and tool up for that one, I've been trying for either scopes or suppressors.

Re: Weapon attachments

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2017 6:34 am
by Daergar
Just as an aside, I'm very glad there are so many meaningful and varied choices, and strategies/compositions following them, in LW2.

Almost every single proving ground project has true value, and even with double engineers aiding Shen, picking what to manufacture and when is no easy decision. ;)

Re: Weapon attachments

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2017 11:03 am
by Thrair
Oh shit. You can detatch weapon mods in Long War? I've been selling them off for supplies because I figured the basic ones would be replaced eventually and I could manage without em. If I can use 'em and then sell em.... that's very nice to know.