Seeking some general advice on Legend/Honestman

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Seeking some general advice on Legend/Honestman

Post by demon69696 »

Long war 1 vet here but for the life of me, I am not able to make up my mind on some strategies for my Legend/Honestman run.

First, say I have 3 regions contacted. Two of them are at Advent Strength 2-3 while the primary one has reached 7, should I just put all the rebels on that region to supply/hiding and gather intel for missions in the other two? (Missions there are getting hard)

Also, what is the general building path? I rushed GTS and now a AWC, planning on a workshop next so that I can get multiple buildings up (Proving ground/resistance com/power)
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Re: Seeking some general advice on Legend/Honestman

Post by trihero »

There isn't a hard stopping rule, it's just a question of your personal comfort with taking on missions in that 7 strength zone. Ideally, you would want to liberate it in order to secure a secure income base. Hopefully, you're pretty close to that if you've been doing a lot of missions in that area. However, if the advent strength is high enough that it's causing to fail or lose too many men, that's obviously counterproductive to do missions in that area.

And yet to add another spin, if you dedicate intel to a hot zone, you are likely to pick up dark event counters, troop ambushes, supply raids, UFO wrecks, all of which would help to reduce or maintain advent strength in the region. If the advent strength is beyond your ability to cope on the tactical layer, then yeah set 4 men to supplies, rest hiding which is the equivalent of "do not disturb."

The fundamental question which you're asking and which I can't answer directly is "what is too high advent strength?" You have to get a feel for it yourself, and it also depends on other factors like what tech you have and what tech they have. I get pretty chicken around 7-8 or so, and try not to worry if it's 6 or under. If there's something important to do and you have amazing troops, you can probably still bust through 9 or 10 without too many issues.

The game offers a tip which is "hit advent where it's weakest." It's not a bad idea to spread out contacts, and in fact there is very good reason to "rotate" through different regions for missions since the most rewarding ones are on a cooldown (rescue vip -> engineer/scientist/soldier are on a 20'ish day cooldown per region). And yet, you have to liberate at some point, especially if you want free/easy supplies.
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Re: Seeking some general advice on Legend/Honestman

Post by demon69696 »

Thank you for your input. So basically I get a feel for the missions and determine my area based on my squad, their gear, aliens encountered, etc. I like that idea.

I have yet to complete a "liberation mission", I have completed the intel package part of it. I did not know about the cooldown on scientist / engineer missions (I have 3 scientists but no engineers :( )

Any advice on the facility construction path?
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Re: Seeking some general advice on Legend/Honestman

Post by aedn »

Dong combat missions becomes harder the higher the advent strength, you can offset this by infiltrating above 100%, and having good equipment. Eventually you will reach a limit on what you can do in the region.

For me at anything under advent strength 8 , any timed mission with a good combat team i can typically fight to the objective provided the aliens are at at 3 to 1 ratio at most. 4 to 1 is doable but problematic as things can spiral pretty fast, 5 to 1 is not viable for combat missions. Missions with hard timers like VIP extractions i prefer better ratios as you can lose soldiers to the timer hitting 0. Hack missions, destroy relay are easier to deal with as there are no hard timers, even if you fail the mission you can always extract your squad At advent strength 8, i can still do combat missions, but they are really just getting a combat team to the objective without breaking stealth, completing it, and basically using consumables while having a 3-4 turn firefight until evac kicks in. Having infiltration timers below 100% on these missions becomes an issue since you have longer evac timers, and reinforcements come more often.

Non-timed/retaliation missions can largely be done at any advent strength level provided you can field enough soldiers, and have the equipment to deal with aliens. Mini-Retaliations & Retaliations are only problematic in that they will kill rebels, which can disrupt or destroy a regions ability to do much if you have to many of them or lose to many rebels.

Provided you have a stealth shinobi, and once they get concealment you can pretty much do any hack stealth mission in the game regardless of advent strength. Alien relays, VIP assassination can be done at any level with shiobi + sniper or shinobi + rocket teams. hitting 100%+ infiltration makes them far easier.

I typically get GTS - AWC - VUlture Tactic - Power if needed - Resistance comms - Lab. Workshops are nice, but getting vulture tactic really helps early game supply due to loot drops, lab is required if you want to research anything beyond the bare minimum.

You can easily get most of your scientists and engineers from intel packages, as well as doing VIP missions in low advent strength regions by having everyone on intel and scanning with the avenger in the region to trigger VIP jailbreaks, as well as the liberation chains. Lib 2 will always be a VIP jailbreak/extraction, with a random soldier, engineer or scientist.

PS: liberation chain will be hidden in a region, until you complete the first one. its a somewhat random "Find a Lead" with no intel package. If you have an intel package + intel its always just a random mission. Once lib 1 is done, additional liberation missions will have "liberation" in the mission description, and you can see where you are at by looking at the resistance overview screen. The dots next to the region name indicate how many liberation missions you have done.
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