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Re: Mag Rush Campaign - Commander 1.5

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2017 4:36 pm
by Psieye
- June 3 -

Strip down the 8-man GOp to a 5-man and send to Network Tower. 2 EXOs, 3 predators.

- June 4 -

New Indonesia +1 rebel.

S&G, East Europe, Str 5, 6-man vs V.Light, 100% infil

5 crates, evac is near crates

Turn 1, no contact.

Turn 2, pod seen, OW camp at edge of vision while sniper sets up.

Pod 1 [Sergeant, Drone, Engineer, Trooper, Sentry] activates. Sergeant hit for 6 -1. Sentry OW.

Turn 3, snipe Drone at 92%, dead. "Dakka" the ranger officer shoots Sergeant at 42%, miss, then Walk Fire at 82%, dead. Area Suppress Sentry and Trooper, OW cancelled. Roust them: Trooper hit for 1, Sentry hit for 2. Trooper on fire and moves 1 tile. Sentry runs back, was at edge of LoS so doesn't trigger suppression (damn, I gotta remember LoS range). Shinobi spots pod 2 [Muton, Sergeant] off to side.

Trooper burns dead. Pod 2 walks away. Pod 3 [Sectoid x2] walks into shinobi's sight. Engineer shoots "Dakka" at 20%, miss. Sentry runs back to the exact same position as it started, then moves again, triggering Suppression fire, dead. Such a helpful AI.

Turn 4, technical loots then shotgun to face on Engineer, dead. Snipe Sectoid at 75% for 5 (graze). Shinobi dash way back to loot.

3 HP Sectoid dies to OW. Secotid mindspins on "Dakka", mindshield.

Turn 5, snipe Sectoid's flank at 75%, dead. Shinobi dash to return to previous position: re-establish sight on pod 2.

Pod 2 activates, Sergeant hit for 1. Sergeant OW. Pod 4 [Guardian, Lancer, Sentry] walks in. Guardian shoots "Dakka" at 30% for 3.

Turn 6, snipe Lancer's flank at 71%, dead. Fleche Sergeant dead. "Dakka" retreat out of sight and OW. "Shady" the gunner advances out of sight and OW. Spec hides and Aid Prot "Dakka". Tech dash to flank.

Muton shoots shinobi at 23%, miss. Guardian retreats and OW. Sentry avoids OW at 62% and shoots Tech at 20%, miss.

Turn 7, "Dakka" shoot Sentry at 73%, dead. Tech dash along edge of Guardian's vision. "Shady" flank Muton and Suppress. Smoke "Shady". Holo Muton. Shinobi moves sideways out of sight and hunker.

Muton shoots tech at 5%, miss. Guardian comes out and shoots tech at 25%, miss.

Turn 8, rocket the Muton for 1 and shred 2. Snipe Muton at 64%, dead. Shinobi advance and activates Turret. Drat, forgot those don't count towards the enemy count. Shinobi hunker while flanking Guardian. "Dakka" and "Shady" OW on opposite sides of it just beyond visual range. Aid Prot "Dakka".

Guardian dies to "Dakka".

Turn 9, sniper has to keep dashing now to be useful.

Turret shoots tech for 4.

Turn 10, "Shady" shoots Turret at 85%, miss. Shinobi Fleche Turret, dead.

Turn 13, squad out.

- 17 alloy
- $38
- 2 Core
- 7 elerium
- Combat Awareness PCS
- +3 Aim PCS
- Stock
- Elite Auto Loader

Promotions with Trial by Fire:
- Sniper -> LCpl
- Spec -> Sgt. I'm gonna send her to AWC to retrain. I realised I want CF not Field Surgeon on this shotgun spec (once AWC gets her C&P and Deadshot). That's 16d, if I need her earlier I'll pull her out.
- Tech -> Sgt

"Painter" the shinobi learns C&P from AWC. "Dakka" to learn Lone Wolf in 2d.

Battle Scanner done. Begin Gas Grenades - would have preferred to Bluescreen and then Tactical Vest but I want to experiment with Gas Grenades.

- June 5 -

Muton Autopsy done. Instant Lancer Autopsy. Begin Psionics research. I'm at 3 core, I need to find 2 more before Elerium research commences.

The 2 active regions are both at Str 3+ so I'm not switching out of intel on the rebel jobs.

Supply Raid, 0h, New Indonesia. LOL

"Pale Rider" learns Lead by Example.

- June 6 -

S&G, 7d 11h, New Indonesia, Str 4, V.Light - send elite 5-man, no predator or EXO though. Sure I can send a 6-man but I want my elites back sooner.

Hmm, I think I've jacked vigilance too high in both remaining regions. While it's nice to get some tube time in, I need to keep expanding. Network Tower is 4d 14h away, maybe I should have expanded earlier.

Unstaff the AWC, only 1 wounded and there aren't going to be much missions for a while.

Re: Mag Rush Campaign - Commander 1.5

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2017 1:25 am
by Psieye
- June 6 -

Decision: expand to West Asia. Waiting 4d for Network Tower is basically giving up 2 GOps. I have no reason to rush to Blacksite. Why West Asia? Because connected to both New India and East Europe.

But first, sell 5 Lancer bodies (4 left) at V.Interested price. Also sell 8 Trooper bodies, a Data Cache, 1 Snek body and Emergency Life Support to read $172.

"Dakka" learns Lone Wolf. Send him to officer tube for Collector. "Apex" to learn Deep Cover over 4d.

"Cpl Gunner from Jail", 6d 20h, East Europe, Str 4, V.Light - hmm, need to buy more gear to outfit another 5-man squad. $115 for that.

- June 7 -

Troop Column, 9d 22h, New Indonesia, Str 4, Light. The Lib 1 squad will'll come out in 1d 18h.

"Destroy Relay to Stop Strategic DE: hidden", 4d 2h, East Europe, Str 4, V.Light. A job for 8-man GOp squad. I will boost Network Tower: 1d 9h to get my elite gear back.

- June 8 -

Supply Raid, 5d 11h, East Europe, Str 4. 8-man GOp squad is going to be busy...

"Doc" finishes Fire Discipline training.

Network Tower, East Europe, Str 4, 5-man vs Light-Moderate (18)

Left path is blocked by glass.

Turn 1, spot pod watching the right path.

Turn 2, it's going to be "Shadow" the shinobi officer going alone.

Turn 3, no path for now. Pod 1 has walked to far side of roof, rest of squad moves up. I might have to break stealth sooner than later.

Pod 3 Mec is 1 tile away from flanking "Shadow".

Turn 4, OW camp.

"Shadow" spotted. Drone dies. Mec dies. 2 OW.

Turn 5, LR cancel both OW, shotgun-to-face Gunner. "Bulwark" rockets the Mec for 3 and shred 2. "Thumper" the ranger kills it at 100% from height then Implacable moves to high cover. "Zap" the spec shoots Sentry's flank at 79%, dead. "Shadow" Fleche... and activates pod [T2 Gunner, Rocketeer, Trooper]. Too much risk.

Worthless Rocketeer just OW. T2 Gunner Suppress "Shadow". Trooper miss 27% shot on her.

Turn 6, squad OW creep forward. "Shadow" dash to loot and hide.

Another pod [Viper, Sectoid x2] activates. No OW shot hits. Sectoid OW. Trooper comes into sight.

Turn 7, "Shadow" goes Reaper to Fleche Rocketeer then... ah drat Fleche re-calculates distance after each Reaper attack. "Shadow" retreats to high cover as can't guarantee a kill on 4 HP Trooper. Her position also flanks where the Trooper would have to be to flank "Thumper". Said ranger shoots Sectoid at 63% for 7, then at 73% for 7, dead, then Implacable moves out of Trooper's sight. "Trenches" the assault LR cancels the OW then hunkers. "Bulwark" and "Zap" also hunker. "Bulwark" is next to "Trenches", this will surely invite a spit (both are poison immune).

T2 Gunner shoots "Shadow" at 27% for 5. Yeah I could have Aid Prot her but I didn't want "Zap" to be shot. Snek spits as planned, then OW. Trooper shoots "Shadow" at 30% for 1. Sectoid mindspin "Trenches", fail.

Turn 8, "Shadow" Mag SMG the Trooper in flank, dead. "Trenches" EXO punch the Snek and Sectoid, neither die. "Thumper" miss at 55% and 65% on Snek. "Bulwark" burns 2 HP Snek dead, destroying loot. Aid Prot and heal "Shadow".

Sectoid shoots "Bulwark" in low cover at 7%, miss.

Turn 9, "Trenches" loot and scout ahead. "Bulwark" now safely advances and shoots Sectoid in flank, dead. Fleche T2 Gunner down to 2. CP it dead.

Turn 10, RNF go red. Regroup and OW camp - that means "Shadow" dashing to halfway rejoin the squad.

RNF [Rocketeer, Lancer x2] lands near start.

Turn 11, "Shadow" activates RNF and dash out of sight. OW camp to receive them.

Lancer scout dash and dies. Rocketeer moves to edge of vision and shoots "Thumper", miss. Lancer move to edge of vision and shoot "Thumper" at 44% for 3.

Turn 12, RNF go yellow. Time to get reckless. "Trenches" dash towards terminal, activates pod [Muton x3, Engineer]. "Shadow" go Reaper, Fleche Rocketeer dead, then Fleche Lancer for 5. Aid Prot "Trenches" and CP Lancer dead. EV dash "Thumper" to high cover. "Bulwark" hunker in low cover.

Muton shoots "Thumper" triggers CF OW for 7 and 2 shred, misses the 34% shot. Engineer miss 15% shot on "Trenches". Muton miss 20% shot on "Trenches". Muton Suppress "Trenches".

Turn 13, "Bulwark" Fortify and Roust 2 Mutons getting Burnout cloud. Neither die. "Thumper" miss 54% and 64% shot on 1 HP Muton. "Trenches" dash out of sight towards terminal.

Muton shoot "Bulwark" at 13%, miss. Muton miss 34% shot on "Thumper".

Turn 14, RNF go red. Run & Gun hack console, fail the 2% hack for large intel. Command "Bulwark" to dash and gun-to-face 1 HP Muton.

4-man RNF lands. I had that the hack was 1 turn too late to stop this. Guardian dies to "Zap" EV OW.

Turn 15, "Thumper" shoot Engineer at 100%, dead. Implacable move to window (next to stunned Muton) and shoot Shieldbearer in flank at 83%, oneshot. "Zap" gun-to-face Rocketeer dead. Fleche Sentry dead. Shotgun to face Muton, oneshot. Gun-to-face Muton, oneshot.

Wounded: "Shadow", 8d

- Elite Laser Sight
- Scope
- +1 HP PCS
- 3 Core (Elerium research solved!)
- Adv Suppressor

- "Bulwark" -> GSgt. Tac Sense
- "Trenches" -> TSgt. CE

Need more elite gear. Lib 1 in New Indonesia is 4h away. Sell 10 Trooper bodies (3 left), 1 alloy (V.Interseted), a Stock and 3 +7 Hack PCS to reach $130. Psi Lab can wait for the Supply Drop in 6d.

Re: Mag Rush Campaign - Commander 1.5

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2017 8:59 pm
by Psieye
- June 8 -

Lib 1, New Indonesia, Str 4, 6-man vs V.Light, 100% infil

Turn 1, T2 Turret and pod spotted. "Dirk" the gunner oneshots Grenadier. Sentry dies. Lancer dies. Turret active. Aid Prot "Wrath" the ranger, sole visible target for T2 Turret.

Turret shoot "Wrath" at 15%, miss.

Turn 2, "Crypto" the tech shoots Turret at 71% down to 2 and shreds 2. Dash scout with "Dirk", nothing. Throw evac flare somewhere forward.

Pod 2 [Lancer, T2 Officer] sees squad.

Turn 3, "Overlord" the sapper loots twice then move to high cover. "Wrath" move to flank Lancer and activates pod 3 [Officer, Lancer], moves forward to low cover that can't be flanked. Aid Prot and smoke her. Area Suppress pod 2 and smoke "Dirk".

Pod 3 Lancer hit for 3, miss 40% lunge on "Wrath". T1 Officer approach and OW. Pod 2 Lancer dies to OW spec. T2 Officer shoots "Overlord" at 21%, miss.

Turn 4, RNF go yellow. Incendiary the T2 Officer for 5 and burn. Suppress cancel the OW. "Venom" the OW spec Aid Prot "Dirk" then shoot Lancer at 77%, miss. "Crypto" shoot Lancer at 80%, miss. CP spec Mag SMG shoots Lancer at 53%, dead. "Wrath" shoot Officer at 60%, miss, then 80% for 5.

T1 Officer shoot "Wrath" at 4%, miss. T2 Officer runs around on fire, is now in worse cover than before.

Turn 5, "Wrath" free reload and shoot T1 Officer at 76% through high cover, dead. "Dirk" dash into the fire, near T2 Officer - it's going to burn for 2 more turns. Squad dash forward, ignoring the burning Officer.

Pod 4 [Officer, Trooper] finds squad. Officer orange-shoots "Dirk" in flank at 66% for 3. I forgot this was V.Light...

Turn 6, RNF go red. "Dirk" move to low cover and shoot the Officer's flank at 86%, oneshot. CP spec moves to high cover and shoots T2 Officer at 97%, graze for 2. It's now at 1 and is burning.

Burning Officer dies. Faceless reveals. RNF [T2 Gunner, Sentry, Trooper] drops behind squad, nothing dies. Pod 3 Trooper shoots CP spec in high cover, miss. Faceless dies in 2 OW shots.

Turn 7, risk fragging the pod 4 Trooper dead. That just might attract some orange-shots on "Venom"'s rear but it's a risk I'll take for her to OW. "Dirk" advance to high cover that flanks Sentry and hunker - no ammo. CP spec dash to hack position. "Wrath" hunker.

Pod 5 [T2 Viper, Sidewinder x2] shows up behind squad, near objective. Yeahhhhh noise near objective. T2 Snek dies. RNF Trooper dies. RNF Sentry moves out of flank and shoots "Wrath" at 4%, miss.

Turn 8, "Dirk" reload and Demolish T2 Gunner's cover. "Wrath" shoots T2 Gunner down to 2. "Crypto" Fortify and run the OW, hit for 3 at 33%, shoot T2 Gunner at 71%, miss. Incendiary a Sidewinder down to 2 and burning. "Venom" move to low cover and smoke self and "Crytpo" (also in low cover). Hack objective, small supply at 58% succeeds. CP spec then hunkers (Sidewinder can see her).

Sidewinder spits on "Overlord", poisoned. Sentry moves back and shoots "Dirk" at 16%, hit for 2 -1.

Turn 9, RNF go red. "Venom" heal "Overlord" so she can reach evac. Squad out. Flawless (praise alloy plating).

- Adv Suppressor
- +4 Def PCS
- $35

- "Venom" the OW Spec -> SSgt
- "Wrath" the Ranger -> SSgt. Fortify, because -7 Def.
- "Crypto" the Tech -> SSgt

4 Predators are with the 8-man squad currently off to stop the Strategic DE. There is no shinobi in that 8-man.

- June 9 -

"Destroy Relay to prevent full retal", 1d 4h, East Europe. Oh yeah, we're serious alright.

- June 10 -

West Asia (5 rebel, Str 1) contacted. Switch to full intel.

Re: Mag Rush Campaign - Commander 1.5

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2017 12:43 am
by Psieye
- June 10 -

Full Retal happen, East Europe.

"Destroy Relay to stop Strategic DE", East Europe, 8-man vs Heavy (27), 16% infil

- "Trenches" the assault
- "Thumper" the ranger with Shredder
- "Dirk" the gunner with Bladestorm

Turn 1, "Trenches" sees a pod. "Thumper" sees a pod. This fence near the start is really inconvenient for sniper LoS. Setup awkwardly, don't engage. RNF doesn't start until concealment lost anyway.

Pod 1 (6-man) moves closer. Pod 2 doesn't quite move out of sight.

Turn 2, shit situation, do not engage. "Trenches" finds some safe space to the flank. Reposition that way where possible.

Pod 1 moves closer, pod 2 moves away.

Turn 3, only "Dirk" OW. Instant holo Sergeant and snipe at 97%, oneshot. Grenadier take 4 (graze) from OW. "Bulwark" advance and gun-to-face Rocekteer. "Trenches" CE shotgun a Drone dead and hunker. "Thumper" blow up gas tank next to Grenadier, killing it, then CF OW. "Wrath" 100% oneshot Drone (min roll, 6 -2) then move out of sight. Aid Prot "Bulwark". Smoke "Thumper". Evac flare somewhere. Hunker "Doc".

T2 Trooper avoids 49% OW and enters OW. T1 Trooper shoots "Bulwark" in flank at 32% for 4. I should have just CP'd this thing, 4 HP is worth more than a CP charge.

Turn 4, LR cancel the OW. "Bulwark" gun-to-face on T1 Trooper, dead. Holo the T2 Trooper and "Thumper" shoot at 58%, oneshot, then Implacable move up and OW. "Trenches" scout roof, safe. Aid Prot "Bulwark" just in case.

Pod 2 activates. T2 Snek takes OW damage. 3 orange-shots on "Wrath", 2 hit through high cover. Now down 2 from full HP. Sigh, I picked the wrong Aid Prot target, should have known the one closer to the unknown should be protected. Zombie rez.

Turn 5, "Trenches" EXO punch through the roof's floor to catch Guardian and Rocketeer - both instagibbed. "Wrath" shoot Sectoid at 96%, dead, then shoot T2 Snek at 84%, dead. Yeah it was a shit scamper. Snipe Snek at 78%, graze for 4. "Thumper" EV dash to flank a Snek and activates pod 3. "Dirk" Demolish Sidewinder's cover. "Bulwark" shoot exposed Sidewinder at 86%, miss. Heal "Wrath" for 2 and Command "Thumper" to kill Sidewinder who then Implacable moves to a less conspicuous position. Aid Prot "Wrath" and hide with "Zap".

Faceless reveals. "Thumper" hit for 2 by Scout. Drone stun "Thumper", miss. Snek hug "Thumper" in high cover. Snek spit on "Thumper". "Thumper" shot at, miss. "Wrath" shot at twice, miss. Sectoid daze "Thumper" (man, so wasn't worth bringing a smoke on her).

Turn 6, RNF go yellow. "Wrath" shoot binding Snek at 100%, oneshot. Snipe Faceless at 92%, oneshot. Revive "Thumper" from daze and Aid Prot her. "Thumper" reloads and Point Blank the Drone. Do not use Implacable move to close the door, she's in a good tanking position. "Zap" smokes her. "Bulwark" Fortify and move to low cover for Sectoid flank shot at 88%, hit for 7. "Dirk" oneshot zombie at 87%. "Trenches" walk to near edge of roof and hunker: a Sectoid can see him. "Wrath" close door and hunker.

Scout (80 Aim) shoots "Thumper" at 8%, miss. Sectoid rez zombie. Snek tongue at 8%, miss. Trooper shoot "Wrath" at 6% for 1. Sergeant move in and OW. Sectoid mindspin "Thumper", resisted. Zombie rez.

Turn 7, "Trenches" jumps down, LR cancel 2 OW, shotgun-over-low-cover a Scout at 81%, oneshot, CE moves forward to tank the Sergeant's OW - hit for 2. Snipe zombie at 88%, dead. Command "Trenches" to... oh, they fixed that exploit of using Run & Gun after a CE move if commanded. Ok, Fortify and Stungun Sergeant's flank at 81%, success. "Wrath" move up and hunker. Aid Prot Trenches and T2 CP Sentry dead. "Thumper" walk up, gun-to-face T1 Trooper dead, Implacable move out of sight and next to stunned Sergeant. "Dirk" dash forward but out of sight. "Bulwark" advance and hunker.

Faceless #2 reveal. Pod 4 activates. Snek hug "Trenches". Faceless swipes "Thumper" for 5 -1 (crit) and blows her cover. Well shit.

Turn 8, RNF go red. Great timing. "Wrath" takes 2 shots to hit Snek for 3. Now at 1 HP. Not the time for this... Sniper reloads, instant holo Faceless and steadies. "Dirk" oneshots Faceless. "Trenches" shoot Snek, graze for 4 (good dodger that), then CE shoots Sergeant at 75%, oneshot. I kinda wanted to Implacable one of those targets for "Thumper"? Oh well, shoot gas tank to blow up on 2 targets then move 1 tile to high cover (avoiding OW triggers). "Zap" EV dash to 1 HP Sectoid's flank. Heal "Thumper" and Aid Prot "Trenches" - since "Thumper" is already wounded, make her tank the shots so "Trenches" stays healthy.

Disgusting RNF [Sidewinder x3, Gunner, Scout] warps in exactly where the LCpl sniper is. Muton shoots "Thumper" for 7 and reduces her high cover down to low. Drone tanks "Zap" OW for 4 -2 and misses tazer on "Thumper". Engineer miss 34% on "Thumper".

Turn 9, squad is badly compromised - everyone is out of place to help out. This was a tactical failure on my part - must keep squad together including the sniper. More like, don't leave the specs and sniper alone while everyone is advancing forward. Right, situation FUBAR, abandon all pretense of safety and see what I can dish out.

"Zap" shoot Gunner at 79%, oneshot. "Thumper" shoot Drone at 88%, kill then Implacable move out of sight. Run & Gun Scout, dead. Heal "Thumper" back up to 9 then Command "Bulwark" to dash and Roust 2 Sidewinders: both hit for 3, one is burning. "Wrath" shoot twice on Sidewinder, dead. LCpl sniper dash to roof. "Dirk" dash to Sectoid melee range - he has a Vibroblade.

Non-burning RNF Sidewinder retreat and OW. "Dirk" hit for 9 by Muton - that's 6 below full HP. Lots of wounded this battle. Sectoid dies from Bladestorm. Sectoid moves to "Dirk" flank and... rez zombie. Worst decision ever.

Turn 10, RNF go yellow. So this is a Str 4 GOp without mass snipers. I'm gonna call this a failure and get out. I could keep fighting, but I can't kill the relay and get out with zero deaths. Squad is too far apart to help each other out.

So... Sniper shoots Sidewinder at 62%, miss. Heal "Dirk" up to 11/12 and CP non-burning Sidewinder dead. "Thumper" oneshots zombie at 82% then Implacable dash towards evac. "Wrath" Fortify and shoot Sectoid at 51%, oneshot. OW. Aid Prot "Wrath" and hack lamp at 45% for Large Supply, success (fail = Map Alert).

Muton avoids OW shot and shoots "Wrath" at 1%, miss.

Turn 11, squad out. Fail. Kills: 36.

Wounded (AWC off):
- "Thumper", 20d
- "Dirk", 15d

Time to switch on AWC again. Double Field Surgeon must have saved "Wrath" from bedtime - that heal for 2 was key to keeping her going after the mission.

- Stock
- 1 Core
- $75

- Sniper -> Cpl. Phantom - she's too good with aim to not raise her up as a Lead by Example officer
- "Dirk" -> TSgt
- "Thumper" -> GSgt
- "Zap" -> GSgt

I'd say the defining moment of fail was when "Wrath" and later, "Thumper" were the tanks while "Dirk" and "Bulwark" hung way back doing nothing useful. That's the thing Rangers: you want them to keep shooting as they're very good at it. I should just make them tanks as they're even less mobile than Gunners when they're going good. The RNF was only disgusting because I didn't have my squad together to deal with it. The Muton was allowed too many actions against unbuffed tanks.

Fun fact: EXO on a Roust technical gives +1 charge to Roust. Very useful to know.

Strategic DE: Rural Propaganda Blitz goes live. Recruiting job diminished.

Psionics research complete. Begin Elerium research (8d).

Gas Grenades complete. Begin Tac Vest (5d).

Anyway, will have to assemble an 8-man now. I have 2 Cpl to instant promote from this. Reminder: there's a Troop Column in New Indonesia with 6d 7h left.

Re: Mag Rush Campaign - Commander 1.5

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2017 11:22 am
by Psieye
Review: thinking back, snapshot snipers (and FotH rockets help a lot) were the crux of what made 8-man "Destroy Relay" missions possible in Str 4+ regions. The squad can only afford 1~2 soldiers to move towards the Relay - everyone else is too busy shooting, buffing or tanking to move. Ultimately that means there's only about 2 turns of lull in the action to (squadsight) shoot the relay - fat RNF drop so fast there's serious risk of wounds (from not killing the RNF fast enough) even without bad pulls. 2~3 snipers with some Double Tap make the Relay trivial to destroy once LoS obstacles are removed with a rocket (or Shaped Charges with an amazing grenadier tank).

Hack/retrieve item missions on the other hand, are much more feasible to 8-man GOp. Rescue VIP missions also tend to be ok.

As for Mag Rush in general... I'm not a fan of it after having done it. Probably would matter less without Commander's Choice, but my barracks is noticably skewed towards Rangers instead of Snipers since you get rifles earlier than sniper rifles. I tried to make up for this skew with CP spam to squadsight pull but you can't beat a real sniper outright removing e.g. a Rocketeer before the fight starts. I also have to build a lot more Mag weapons than had I gone Laser - it's probably just a luxury but it's nice to give laser hand-me-downs to the B-teams. As is, everyone non-SMG must be at Mag or they're useless.

Re: Mag Rush Campaign - Commander 1.5

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2017 8:57 pm
by Psieye
- June 10 -

Full Retal, East Europe, Str 4

Rebel tag, up to 11. I don't expect any Faceless as there was a Rendezvous not long ago. 4 Specs (due to a Cpl for training and advisor).

Turn 1, tag 3 rebels.

RNF 1 is 3-man. Sentry take 3.

Turn 2, 100% snipe Rocketeer, dead. EV dash 2 specs to Sentry's flank (scampered horribly). Faceless! Was in range of 2 Mag rifles, dead.

RNF 2 [3-man] warp in near RNF 1. Faceless #2 reveals next to "Zap" the CP/EV spec. Snek dies. Lancer down to 1. Sentry shoots rebel for 3, then OW, then the rebel dash away triggering Gunner OW (miss) and Sentry OW (dead). Great job Advent. Faceless #2 hit "Zap" for 4 -1.

Turn 3, 98% snipe T2 Trooper, dead (Mag + Needle Rounds). The 2 EV specs dash back. I'm concerned I'm not killing troops but both RNF landed way far away. Tag rebel #4.

RNF 3 is 3-man, they land in front of squad. Trooper hit for 3. Guardian dead.

Turn 4, tag rebels #5 and #6, 7th is in view. Faceless #2 killed by "Wrath" and "Doc". Instant holo and snipe Gunner at 88%, dead. T2 Roust Engineer for 3, it 'retreats' forwards as that's high cover against "Bulwark". Aid Prot "Zap" and CP 1 HP Sentry dead, cancelling OW. "Zap" 90% shoot the Engineer's flank, dead. Aid Prot "Teardrop" the CP/EV spec and CP 1 HP Lancer dead. Rebel smokes "Wrath" and "Doc".

RNF 4 is 3-man with Berserker which inconveniently scampered to stairs (hard to see).

Turn 5, "Trenches" tags the last rebel I'm going to save. Evac is available - 4 rebels out. "Wrath" shoot Berserker for 8 then 10 (crit). "Bulwark" Fortify and rocket: Engineer gibbed, Berserker hit for 4 (now at 3 HP). Incendiary Gunner for 4, it burns. "Teardrop" T1 CP 1 HP Trooper dead. "Doc" Mag SMG Berserker dead. Sniper reloads and steadies.

RNF 5 is 3-man. Engineer dies.

Turn 6, 85% snipe Sentry, dead. T2 Flame a Trooper, dead. Rebel #5 out.

RNF 6 is [Berserker, Sidewinder x2]. Berserker hit for total 10 from OW.

Turn 7, Berserker goes down in 3 shots. Incendiary Sidewinder for 3, burning. Sniper out. Aid Prot "Staghorn". Fortify "Trenches" - those two should hopefully be the only things the remaining Sidewinder can see.

RNF 7 is 3-man. Sidewinder shoots "Staghorn" at 6%, miss.

Turn 8, squad out. T2 CP a Sentry and 1 HP T2 Gunner dead while doing so. Flawless. 20 kills.

No loot!

- Sniper -> Sgt
- Spec -> Sgt

8-man GOp squad goes out to Troop Column in New Indonesia. I'm not going to wait the entire 6d 6h available to me. Of interest is the Gas Grenade on the 2nd grenadier going out.

Re: Mag Rush Campaign - Commander 1.5

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2017 9:59 pm
by Psieye
- June 12 -

New Indonesia now Str 5. The S&G is Light! I have to boost... I need the loot.

S&G, New Indonesia, Str 5, 5-man vs V.Light, 150% infil

5-crates, evac is near start

Turn 1, pod 1 [T2 Officer, T2 Trooper] seen.

Solo Drone shows up.

Turn 2, "Pale Rider" the sniper officer snipes T2 Officer at 100% for 17 (crit). Suppress T2 Trooper. CF OW within sight. Wait did I really bring "Wizard" at Mob 10 to a S&G? Sigh.

T2 Trooper shoots "Pinto" in low cover up on roof, gets shot for 7, misses.

Turn 3, "Pinto" shoot T2 Trooper in flank at 96%, dead.

Turn 4, no contacts, very worrying.

Solo Drone comes back and orange-tazes "Pale Rider" at 27%, miss.

Turn 5, "Pale Rider" oneshots Drone at 95%. "Stalker" the shinobi still hasn't seen anything else. "Pinto" walk to find pod 2 [Naja, Sectoid x2]. "Shady" the gunner shoots Naja in flank at 78%, oneshot. Really bad scamper. "Wizard" has no good action (don't want to use incendiary), shoots Sectoid at 49% for 7. "Pinto" CF OW.

1 HP Sectoid rez zombie. Other Sectoid avoids OW shot and panic "Shady".

Turn 6, "Pinto" loot and shoot Sectoid in low cover at 80%, hit for 7. "Pale Rider" instant holo 1 HP Sectoid in high cover, shoot at 74%, dead. "Stalker" loots and moves on. "Wizard" shoot Sectoid at 64%, dead.

Turn 7, no contact.

That is an impressive sight: a 4-man pod dashing up a gutter pipe at x2 speed. Pod 3 is [Rocketeer, Scout, Gunner, Trooper]. They haven't seen "Stalker" or the rest of the squad.

Turn 8, open crates, regroup without being spotted.

Pod 3 ran past "Stalker". What a sad sight.

Turn 9, "Wizard" moves, instant smoke self and "Shady" then incendiary pod 3: Trooper dead, Scout burning, Gunner burning. Suppress the Rocketeer. EV dash to behind Rocketeer with a door in the way.

Scout dies from burn. Gunner somehow gets seen by "Pinto" through ceiling, dies. Rocketeer shoot "Shady" at 1%, miss.

Turn 10, "Stalker" open last crate: everyone has opened nearer ones.

Turn 13, squad out. Flawless.

- $73
- 23 alloy
- +8 Aim PCS (ahhhh yeahhh)
- 2x Combat Awareness PCS
- Adv Hair Trigger
- 1 Core
- Adv Auto Loader

- "Pinto" -> TSgt
- "Wizard" -> TSgt. Chain Shot, because 86 Aim and she can learn Aim from AWC. Maybe I should make her an officer too - once I get more grenadiers maybe? Hmm...

Effectively, the two Str 4+ regions are perma-intel these days.

Re: Mag Rush Campaign - Commander 1.5

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2017 11:00 pm
by Psieye
- June 12 -

"Dakka" the Ranger learns Collector.

"Apex" the GSgt Sniper learns Deep Cover. Put him back to learn Rapid Deployment -> Rapid Reaction.

"Rescue Cpl Gunner from jail for PoI", East Europe, 5-man vs V.Light, 100% infil

Not so sure about this, but there are 2 elite gunners in this plus a (Sqd) sniper and shinobi. Should work out.

Evac is in different direction to jail.

Turn 1, 4 guys spotted.

Ah, that was an entire pod: [Scout, Trooper x2, Lancer]. Pod 2 [Viper, Rocketeer] walks in. Solo Drone flies in.

Turn 2, get away from pod 1's sight. "Yogi" shoot Snek at 82%, dead. OW Spec misses both shots (at Rocketeer and Drone). Snipe Rocketeer at 78%, dead. Should have sniped Rocketeer first but I forgot to keep sight of it with shinobi while getting away. Oneshot Drone at 76%.

Pod 2 failed to realise where all that noise came from.

Turn 3, shinobi loots. "Zarfer" the gunner dash out of sight to a door for a flank. Smash a window while OW - maybe that noise will help?

Pod 2 finds squad. Lancer dies. T2 Trooper takes 3.

Turn 4, RNF go yellow. Oh right, Str 4. Demolish Scout's cover. Snipe at 100%, dead. "Zarfer" show up behind T2 Trooper, shoot at 81%, dead. Shinobi sees a pod on roof of jail. OW Spec is -9 Def, just advance and hunker.

T1 Trooper shoot "Zarfer" at 11%, miss.

Turn 5, shinobi open door to see 2 sneks on a raised platform with stasis tubes for cover. Well it's effective I guess? Sniper can see, don't engage that pod yet to steady. Spec moves and shoots T1 Trooper at 85%, dead.

Pod 3 [Rocketeer, T2 Gunner, Trooper] green walks in. Rocketeer OW.

Turn 6, change plan: snipe the Rocketeer at 60%, dead. "Zarfer" shoot T2 Gunner at 82%, dead. Ignore the T1 Trooper and OW camp near jail - I'm sure the Sneks heard that.

Faceless reveal. Trooper shoot "Zarfer" at 26%, miss. Faceless hit for 9 by OW. Huh, Sneks didn't bust out?

Turn 7, "Yogi" stab Faceless dead. Spec open door, activate pod 4 [T2 Viper, Viper], then shoot the acid barrel that T2 Snek ran behind. "Zarfer" Suppress T2 Snek. "Yogi" OW. Shinobi loot and Fleche Trooper, more loot. Dash sniper towards evac.

T2 Snek shoot spec at 22%, miss. Snek tongue spec and bind. VIP freed by LoS bug even though door not open.

Turn 8, RNF go red. Snek is behind high cover and can't Demolish it this turn. The two gunner shoot at 38% and 44%, the second shot hits, Snek dead. Gun-to-face the T2 Snek with spec, dead.

RNF is 2-man, can't see where they landed.

Turn 9, shinobi does not see them. Hack door at 92% for small intel, success.

Turn 10, RNF go yellow.

Ah, noise from other side of jail. They'll never catch the squad.

Turn 11, RNF go red, won't matter.

RNF is 3-man, lands out of sight.

Turn 12, RNF go yellow. Squad out. Flawless.

- 3 Core
- Scope
- Magazine
- Elite Magazine
- 10 intel

Cpl Gunner VIP: 4, 16, 11, 67, 3. Access to Biggest Booms, Deadeye, Holo Targeting // Smoker, Aim, Sentinel. Pick Grazing Fire at LCpl - could have gone Combatitives, but want to make Sentinel more useful later.

- Sniper -> LCpl
- OW Spec -> Cpl
- "Painter" the Shinobi -> TSgt
- "Yogi" the Gunner -> GSgt. Rapid Fire.

PoI is 2d for alloy. June 12 so I want to scan from around June 16 latest.

Supply drop is in 32h but don't want to test West Asia for Faceless: I need them to go all intel right now.

Re: Mag Rush Campaign - Commander 1.5

Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2017 2:13 am
by Psieye
- June 12 -

Troop Column, New Indonesia, Str 5, 8-man vs Swarming, 25% infil

- "Overlord" the sapper
- "Staghorn" the hybrid grenadier
- "Thunder" the sniper
- "Doc" the Revival spec officer with Salvo
- "Trenches" the assault
- "Wrath" the crit ranger
- "Zap" the CP/EV spec with Low Profile
- "Bulwark" the 15 Def technical

Shitty start location: up on roof in middle of a side. Can't tell which way is safe.

Turn 1, "Overlord" checks a direction. "Thunder" gets revealed by civilians. Great start. Stay paranoid, don't scout much.

Pod 1 comes in [Rocketeer, Sidewinder x2, Viper, Scout, Trooper]. Rocketeer dies. 3 OW.

Turn 2, mortar (out of sight) frag cancel 2 OW - both Sneks hit for 3. LR cancel the 3rd OW. "Bulwark" shoot exposed Snek at 86%, dead. "Wrath" shoot Snek in low cover at 73%, dead. Aid Prot "Wrath" and Command "Thunder" to move to cover and snipe instant holo'd Scout at 92%, dead. "Zap" shoot Trooper in flank at 81%, dead. "Trenches" hunker. Smoke "Zap", "Doc" and "Bulwark".

Sidewinder run away.

Turn 3, don't chase, regroup.

Turn 4, extreme caution. Just like the XCOM 1 days.

Turn 5, still nothing.

Pod 2 [Muton, Sidewinder, Drone, Viper x2] comes up to roof and sees "Trenches". Sidewinder orange-shoots "Trenches" at 65% for 5. Wasn't he in low cover? Don't enemies not get proximity bonuses?

Turn 6, "Trenches" shotgun-to-face Sidewinder, dead, then CE hunker. "Overlord" hides, a Muton could see her. A lot of hunkering. I can't see most of pod 2. T.Assess for "Trenches" (hunkered). "Bulwark" is hidden.

Muton shoots "Doc" (hunkered, high cover) at 3% for 2. That's what happens with -8 Def. "Zap" kill Drone. "Trenches" kills Snek who climbed up gutter to find a shotgun at range 5. Snek dash into sight.

Turn 7, "Bulwark" move to low cover and flame Snek for 8 (dead) and Muton for 4 -2. Snek was flanked but that doesn't matter now. Instant holo Muton and snipe at 91% for 8 -2. "Wrath" shoot Muton at 71% then 91%, kill on 2nd shot. Music suggests that's pod 2 wiped. "Trenches" moves towards Muton loot and hunker.

Pod 3 [Lancer, Rocketeer, Sergeant, Scout] sees "Trenches". Pod 4 [rainbow] sees him too. Action time! Rocketeer orange-shoot "Bulwark" at 15%, miss - thank you Burnout. 5 OW that I can see and I know there's a 6th in the fog.

Turn 8, holo a Lancer and steady. "Wrath" oneshots it at 66% then OW. "Bulwark" closes door then hides. "Trenches" steps away from corner (avoiding 5 OW) and hides. Grenadiers try to get into good position. Aid Prot "Bulwark" though unlikely to be shot at this turn.

Nothing comes into view.

Turn 9, "Bulwark" loots the Muton drop. 4 guys spotted. "Trenches" opens door, activates 4 more enemies (mostly Sneks), shoots Scout next to door at 81% through high cover, closes door to hide then EXO punch through the wall at those 4. Only a Lancer survives with 1 HP. Also, door got opened by that. Damn.

Snipe Snek at 100%, dead. "Wrath" shoot twice at Snek, 46% then 66% for 4 (graze). "Doc" smoke "Wrath" and "Zap". "Bulwark" hides. T.Assess "Trenches" and T2 CP the 4 HP Snek, dead. Gas Grenade the area in front of "Trenches", let's see if the Lancer will charge through it.

Lancer takes a detour (so it does care) to dash at "Trenches", avoids 4 OW and misses the 45% lunge. Snek tongue at 26% miss. I should have Commanded "Trenches" to hunker or something. The 1 HP Lancer shows up.

Turn 10, snipe 1 HP Lancer at 68%, dead. "Overlord" Mag SMG Lancer at 74%, crit oneshot. "Trenches" moves forward to Snek melee range, activates the rest of the map (seriously, 19 kills, 17 active). "Bulwark" move to door and Flame "Trenches" (immune), Snek for 6 and Rocketeer for 4 plus burning. "Trenches" oneshots Drone within range 4 then CE moves back to high cover (the door).

Instant smoke "Overlord", "Bulwark" and "Trenches" then Gas Grenade an Officer in the alley that might sneak a flank: hit for 2. More importantly, the puddle spreads to all the cover that could be used to flank. Aid Prot "Trenches" and Command him to close the door and OW.

Damn buggy vision. Gunner sees through door... no wait, there's a hole in the wall next to that door. Gunner Area Suppress "Wrath" and "Zap", cancelling 2 OW. Snek spits at door to open it - "Trenches" and "Bulwark" are immune. Officer hit by Gas is no longer poisoned. But it walks through the puddle to re-poison itself and shoots "Staghorn" in low cover at 25%, miss. 5 OW.

Turn 11, snipe T2 Trooper at 96%, dead - it didn't know it was flanked. Rocket the Gunner for 4, Snek for 8 (dead), Gunner for 8 (dead), Sentry for 3. Incendiary the poisoned Officer through a window onto 1st floor, hit for 3 and burning. "Wrath" shoots now-exposed Gunner at 96%, dead.

"Trenches" Fortify and LR cancel 2 OW to get to CE range of a Sergeant. Sees 3 more enemies while doing this. Command "Bulwark" to Flame Naja for 6 (dead) and Scout for 5 (burning). "Trenches" shoots Sergeant down to 1, wish I'd brought that AP round. Then CE moves back to starting position (smoke, high cover, don't forget Fortify). T.Assess "Bulwark".

Officer and Scout die from DoT. Snek gives up, OW on the spot. Snek moves and dies to T.Assess OW. Sergeant moves to door, gets poisoned from puddle, shoot "Doc" at 16%, miss. It's like a flashbang from the past! 1 HP Sergeant gives up. 1 HP Sentry fidgets and OW.

Turn 12, holo Sergeant at door and reload. "Trenches" oneshots Sergeant at 82% without moving then hunkers. "Bulwark" shoot 1 HP Sergeant at 54%, miss. "Zap" EV dash to Snek's flank. "Wrath" walks over and shoots Sergeant at 50%, dead.

Huh, there was a Gunner still alive near the alley? It poisons itself to shoot "Wrath" at 1% for 2. Yes, if that puddle wasn't there, that would have been a real hit. Flanked Snek takes 3 from "Zap" and spits. Naja snipe at 35% on "Wrath", miss (praise the smoke). Sentry paces back and forth.

Turn 13, instant holo the Gunner for "Wrath" to shoot at 66%, oneshot. Snipe 1 HP Sentry at 66%, dead. I'm trying to preserve this 5 HP Snek's corpse. Fortify "Bulwark" and Roust it for 4, excellent. T.Assess "Trenches" and CP the Snek dead. "Trenches" is in vision range of Naja - CF doesn't care if the shot hits but not sure if any shot will be taken at 0% hit chance (shotgun at range to high cover). Since the last enemy is a Naja, move "Overlord" out of cover to get close so long as she's out of sight.

"Trenches" had 18% hit chance, takes the CF shot (miss) to nerf Naja's aim. Oh, Naja just spat.

Turn 14, "Overlord" SMG-to-ass on Naja, dead. Flawless. That building blocking LoS was great for a CE assault. I consider the Gas Grenade experiment a success - the puddle is relevant because it lasts so long.

- 2 Core
- Adv Stock
- 5 alloy
- 8 elerium
- $30

- 12 Trooper
- 10 Snek
- 2 Drone
- 1 Muton
- 3 Lancer
- 1 Officer (I have 9 Officer bodies now)

- "Doc" -> GSgt. T.Assess - Full Override would be extremely powerful this early in the campaign but I really like T.Assess when I know who will get Rapid Response from AWC.
- "Trenches" -> GSgt. CCS because Untouchable is only useful in small engagements.
- "Wrath" -> TSgt. Implacable, because despite being a crit ranger, being able to move after killing is amazingly powerful. Besides, she'll learn Kubikiri at some point and that doesn't care what my crit damage is.
- "Staghorn" -> SSgt
- "Overlord" -> SSgt. Tandem Warheads, because she's the main Incendiary girl and it's nice to not worry about how swingy the damage range of that is
- "Thunder" -> SSgt

Shinobi get out of bed in 2d. "Beam" gets out of AWC with Rapid Reaction in 31h. That's when I'll begin the HQ Assault. I don't need "Doc" for that though so... off she goes to learn Infiltrator. I could do with Air Controller because 8-man GOps care more about getting out fast than getting in quick. But I want that paired with Jammer so it'll be "Pale Rider" or some such who uses it.

Change AWC plan: remove "Apex" from there because I now have a sniper rifle to give him again. Instead, put "Thunder" in officer tube. I want another Lead by Example officer. Put "Wrath" in AWC for 20d to learn DGG -> Kubikiri -> Lethal

Oh wait, I have shinobi now that other missions are done. I can raid HQ right away:
- "Wizard" the support grenadier with Smoker
- "Painter" the shinobi with C&P
- "Venom" the OW spec (venom rounds)
- "Dakka" the ranger officer with Lone Wolf (Collector)
- "Apex" the sniper with Deep Cover
- "Zap" the CP/EV spec with Low Profile
- "Trenches" the assault
- "Bulwark" the technical

4 predator, 3 EXO. Mindshield/Hazmat for "Painter", "Trenches" and "Bulwark".

- June 13 -

S&G, 7d 9h, East Europe, Str 5, Light - if I boost HQ, I can knock this down to E.Light. Send 6-man.

Supply Drop #5: $438 - $29. Huh I have another Faceless left in New India?

Propaganda, 8d 7h, West Asia, Str 1. Nope.

"Beam" the assault emerges from AWC with Rapid Reaction. Put him back in for Steady Hands (4d).

- June 14 -

"Hack for PoI", 7d 5h, West Asia, Str 1, E.Light - send 5-man

Scan the supply drop

Lib 2, 2d 1h, New Indonesia, Str 5. Nope

Lib 1, 4d 10h, West Asia, Str 1. Nope

Tac Vest complete. Bluescreen Protocol begin.

- June 16 -

Supply Drop gathered, now at $427.

Begin scanning PoI.

+1 to recruit pool from East Europe: 4, 14, 12, 73, -10 and 19 Psi. Buy and throw in GTS for sniper training.

Begin building Psi Lab - upgrade power relay to do so. Move an Engineer from PG to Psi Lab. Move another to Excavation.

Re: Mag Rush Campaign - Commander 1.5

Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2017 5:56 pm
by Psieye
- June 17 -

Jailbreak (5 rebel), 5d 10h, West Asia, Str 1, E.Light - 5-man, will boost if need be as it'll hit 89%. Even a D team needs Mag tier to be sent out nowadays.

Switch West Asia to full recruit.

Tactical DE: Def goes live.

PoI gives 14 alloy.

"Wrath" learns DGG from AWC. Send her back for Kubikiri (6d).

Sell 2 Lancer bodies (V.Interested) as I've got 4 Arc Blades now. I still have 2 in stock. Also sell 7 (of 12) Snek bodies, 8 (of 13) Trooper bodies, a Stock and 5 (of 8) Cores. Now at $336.

"Rescue Scientist", 2d 22h, West Asia, Str 1. No - the 8-man GOp squad is busy (assaulting HQ) and I don't have anyone spare to send out. Nor do I have the spare intel and supplies to get a new squad ready for an 8-man GOp.

Avenger scan in New Indonesia to pass time. I'm 8 intel short of contacting the next region and I want some to boost the HQ.

- June 18 -

"Doc" learns Infiltrator.

- June 19 -

"Beam" learns Steady Hands from AWC. Now I could send him off to learn Shredder too, but I think he's had enough AWC time. "T-44" goes in to learn Resilience (already has Combatitives).

Elerium research complete. Begin Coilgun (14d).

"Thunder" the sniper learns Focus Fire. Send her to learn Incoming.

- June 20 -

S&G, 7d 16h, New Indonesia, Str 5, Light - this will need 8-man attention

Bluescreen Protocol complete. Begin Magazine PG project - always useful to have big magazines on guns and my economy is now able to support making my own.

HQ, East Europe, Str 5, 8-man vs Swarming, 101% infil (boosted)

Start on some high ground rocks. Well ain't this convenient.

- "Apex" the sniper
- "Painter" the shinobi
- "Trenches" the assault
- "Dakka" the ranger officer
- "Wizard" the smoke grenadier
- "Zap" the CP spec
- "Bulwark" the tech
- "Venom" the OW spec

Turn 1, "Painter" spots 2 Turrets. Steady "Apex". Spread out.

Turn 2, do not engage yet. I want to find a pod before breaking stealth.

Drone pair flies by.

Turn 3, Aid Prot "Bulwark" who shoots T1 Drone at 78%, oneshot. T2 Drone avoids OW shot. Instant holo Turret on right then snipe Turret on left at 93%, dead. "Dakka" shoot other Turret at 100%, dead. Run & Gun T2 Drone at 100%, oneshot.

Turn 4, "Painter" sees nothing. "Venom" EV dash and activates a rainbow pod. Holo a Gunner (might flank "Venom") and steady. "Dakka" shoots at 68%, oneshot, then Walk Fire a Sentry in high cover at 78%, graze for 2 (min damage 4). TA (threat assess Aid Prot) "Dakka". Smoke "Zap" and "Venom". "Bulwark" approach out of sight and OW.

Engineer dies to "Dakka"'s TA OW. Lancer dies to 2 OW shots through smoke while charging at "Venom". "Dakka" marked. "Venom" shot at 4%, miss.

Turn 5, "Dakka" shoot Officer at 53%, free reload, then again at 73% - both miss. "Venom" move out of sight (especially of the Rocketeer) and Aid Prot "Dakka". "Apex" move (LoS entirely blocked) and smoke "Dakka". "Zap" move next to "Venom", activates Turret, moves back to original location. OW camp.

"Wizard" OW shoots Officer for 5, gets shot at 11% in return, miss.

Turn 6, there's a Rocketeer that's causing me a headache and the 2 HP Officer I want as an intact corpse. Holo Officer, "Wizard" shoots it at 66%, dead. "Dakka" shoots 2 HP Sentry at 68%, dead. Fortify and TA "Trenches" then dash him up to Rocketeer (range 2) while LR cancelling 2 OW. "Venom" shoot Trooper in back from above at 98%, dead. "Dakka" Walk Fire Trooper at 78%, dead.

Feels so wrong for Walk Fire to do min 4 damage. Go Needle Rounds + Mag.

Rocketeer is sole survivor of pod and is flanked by "Trenches" at range 2. It runs. "Bulwark" OW from height graze for 4. "Trenches" TA OW kills it - didn't even need the CCS shot that would have followed.

Turn 7, "Trenches" climbs up, oneshots Turret, CE moves on. Regroup.

Turn 8, "Painter" sees pod ahead. But "Bulwark" activates a pod [Mec, Drone, Rocketeer, Scout] closer then shoots Drone at 85% down to 1. "Dakka" finishes it at 83%. "Trenches" free reload, Run & Gun to stun Rocketeer at 96%, success. TA "Trenches" - he's in CCS range of the Mec btw. "Wizard" and "Venom shoot Mec dead. Oh well, no need for CCS + OW then.

Scout enter building and shoot "Trenches" at 7%, miss. Two 3-man pods are approaching.

Turn 9, "Bulwark" Flame the Scout from inside the adjacent building for 7, dead. "Trenches" shotgun-to-face stunned Rocketeer then CE moves out of sight. "Painter" sees another pod and a Turret. OW camp at edge of vision.

Triple Sectoid pod comes into view. Sectoid dies. Sectoid dies. Pod [Berserker, Sidewinder x2] activates. Mindspin on "Zap" dazes him.

Turn 10, snipe instant holo'd Sidewinder at 99%, dead. "Dakka" shoots Berserker twice at 83% then 93%, bringing it down to 10. "Trenches" move up, shoot Berserker down to 3 then CE retreats. Dazed "Zap" moves back and shoots Sidewinder's flank at 58%, graze for 3. "Venom" shoot same Sidewinder at 76%, also graze for 3, dead.

2 more 3-man pods approaching. Sectoid retreats and OW. Berserker charges in and dies to CCS.

Turn 11, "Zap" still dazed. "Painter" loots and retreats. "Trenches" moves 1 tile to hide behind watchtower and reloads. "Apex" reload and steady. Aid Prot "Bulwark" who takes tank position.

2nd Berserker's pod walks away. 3-man Snek pod stays still. Sectoid shows up again and OW.

Turn 12, TA "Bulwark" and then 100% snipe Sidewinder dead. "Zap" in sight of a Sidewinder. "Bulwark" shoot it at 55%, miss. "Zap" hunker. "Painter" dash to scout flank: nothing.

Sectoid Mindspin "Bulwark", resisted. Snek take 4 from "Bulwark" TA OW then OW. Sidewinder spit on "Bulwark".

Turn 13, so I see a Sectoid, Sidewinder and Snek. Options to brute force this exist, but I can take it slowly. Though because I really like using CE... "Trenches" comes out while LR cancelling OW. "Dakka" move and Focus Fire the Sidewinder in high cover. "Venom" move and shoot Sidewinder at 40% for 5 (not as planned). "Bulwark" shoot Sidewinder at 59%, dead. "Trenches" walks back without getting to be cool. Snipe Snek at 79%, dead, loot drop. "Painter" dash back to previous position to loot next turn. "Zap" OW while watching Sectoid.

Sectoid shoot "Zap" at 24%, miss. Unnecessary risk doing that but oh well.

Turn 14, "Painter" loot and go to look at Turret. I think that's the General's building. No reason to rush. Everyone hide. "Apex" reload and steady.

Sectoid moves and dies to "Wizard" OW.

Turn 15, "Apex" oneshot the Turret. OW while spreading out.

Drone pair flies in. T1 Drone dies. "Painter" loses stealth.

Turn 16, "Wizard" Chain Shot T2 Drone at 82%, hitting both. T2 Drone at 1. "Venom" miss at 59%. Fleche it dead. "Trenches" hides in another watchtower.

Turn 17, cautiously scout, nothing.

Turn 21, looks like this building is empty? Not sure, but squad repositions.

Pod [Berserker, Sidewinder x2] show up. Ok, the building is not empty. Not sure if General is in here. Berserker hit for 8, Enraged.

Turn 22, everyone dash way far back and OW camp.

Sidewinder spit on "Bulwark", immune. Berserker dies from 4 OW.

Turn 23, holo and steady with "Apex". "Dakka" shoot twice at 55% then 75%, kill Sidewinder on 2nd shot. Mass hunker.

Sidewinder retreats. Seems the General IS in thils building somewhere.

Turn 24, "Painter" makes contact with General's 8-man pod plus Sidewinder. "Bulwark" Fortify and fire rocket. Rocketeer dies. Engineer dies. Sergeant down to 4 and no armour. General down to 18 and no armour. Instant holo the General and 100% snipe for 21 (crit). Wow, really dead from Vital Point Targetting, Center Mass, Needle Rounds and Hunter's Instinct. "Dakka" shoot exposed 4 HP Sergeant at 79%, crit for 15, very dead. TA "Bulwark". Hunker "Painter". Smoke "Dakka" who OW.

Sidewinder spit on "Painter". T2 Trooper dies from "Bulwark" TA OW. Guardian avoids 60% OW shot and shoots "Dakka" back at 1%, hit for 2. I think that's the first ablative damage I've taken this mission.

Turn 25, Roust Guardian for 4 (burn) and Sidewinder for 3. Sidewinder flanks itself to "Apex". "Painter" loots then goes Reaper: Fleche T2 Gunner dead. Slash 3 HP Guardian dead. Fleche 3 HP Sidewinder dead. EXO punch T2 Gunner for 7 and remove its cover. "Dakka" shoot the exposed 1 HP T2 Gunner at 100%, dead.


- 5 Core
- 5 Datapad
- Elite Stock
- +1 HP PCS
- +4 Def PCS
- 30 alloy
- 33 elerium
- $157
- Elite Magazine
- +5 Hack PCS
- +6 Hack PCS

- 5 Drone
- 5 Turret
- 12 Trooper
- 1 Lancer
- 2 Officer
- 1 Mec
- 3 Sectoid
- 7 Snek
- 2 Berserker

- "Venom" -> TSgt
- "Dakka" -> TSgt
- "Bulwark" -> MSgt. On 20 June, the first MSgt was achieved. Firestorm, as I've never taken it before. FitH fixation meant Bunker Buster every time.
- "Zap" -> MSgt. Capacitor Discharge. Was tempted to take Kill Zone and make him a tank Spec but chose not to.

Dakka goes to learn Fire Discipline.

Pause Coilgun. Do Datapad (22h). Need that intel to expand.

Re: Mag Rush Campaign - Commander 1.5

Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2017 10:08 pm
by Psieye
- June 20 -

PoI: 2d for alloy, elerium

S&G, East Europe, Str 1, 6-man vs E.Light, 135% infil - liberation

5-crate, evac is between start and crates

Turn 1, no contact.

Turn 2, pod 1 [Scout, T2 Trooper, T1 Trooper] spotted. OW camp then instant holo and snipe Scout at 105%, dead. Everything dies. Oh wow, "Pinto" the ranger gets an Implacable move because the OW killed something.

Turn 3, no contact.

Turn 4, shinobi is way far out, looting. "Pinto" opens door to Gene Clinic and activates pod 2 [T2 Gunner, Officer, Gunner, Engineer]. "Pale Rider" the sniper officer snipes Gunner at 69%, dead. "Pinto" closes door and EV yellow moves to flank whoever opens it. Ah dang it, there's a hole in the wall from that snipe, "Diesel" the tech is seen when moving to directly opposite it. Hunker, give up on the trap.

Engineer climbs up and dies to "Overlord" the grenadier's OW (Mag SMG). Officer OW. T2 Gunner Suppress "Diesel".

Turn 5, "Overlord" drops an incendiary from ceiling glass onto Officer, won't risk missing an 82% shot. Officer hit for 5 and is burning. "Yogi" the gunner stabs T2 Gunner to stop Suppression. "Pinto" shoots T2 Gunner's flank from range 4, dead, then Implacable moves to loot.

Officer dies from DoT, drops loot.

Turn 6, open crates, throw battlescanner, nothing.

Turn 9, squad out. Flawless. Nothing ever directly shot any soldier (Suppression is indirect fire).

- $156 (now at $529)
- 7 elerium
- Suppressor
- +13 Will PCS
- +1 Mob PCS
- Auto Loader
- Depth Perception PCS

- "Stalker" the shinobi -> SSgt
- "Diesel" the tech -> SSgt

Switch East Europe to full supply. Put the Engineer advisor there.

Begin PoI scan.

Lib 2 - "Engineer from Van", 6d 12h, New Indonesia, Str 5, Light - send 8-man to infiltrate to 60%. I might boost just to make sure Str 8 RNF is kept small. I want that Engineer.

Switch West Asia to full intel.

Send elite 6-man to S&G in New Indonesia. I'm a few hours short of 100%, probably will just push through anyway since "Pale Rider" is coming along to Intervene as need be.

Re: Mag Rush Campaign - Commander 1.5

Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2017 11:04 pm
by Psieye
- June 21 -

Resume PoI scan.

"Hack for PoI", West Asia, 5-man vs E.Light, 100% infil

Turn 1, oh really? A pod right at the edge of map? "Staghorn" the grenadier might get spotted.

Pod 1 [Muton, Viper] moves sideways. Solo Drone seen.

Turn 2, "Staghorn" sees another pod up ahead.

Turn 3, rocket pod 1. Snek down to 4, Muton down to 8 and no armour. Everything dies to OW. Throw evac flare.

Pod 2 does not find squad.

Turn 4, OW camp, pre-emptive smoke the roof where evac will show.

Turn 5, "Crypto" the tech activates pod 3 [Officer, Lancer, Trooper] and Drone while looting. Return to high cover she started from. Suppress Lancer. Suppress Drone (to hope for a better aim on reaction). "Staghorn" hide and Gas Grenade Lancer and Officer. Oh, it also damages Drone by 2.

Drone hit by 86% reaction shot, grazed for 4 -2, dead. The normal shot would have been 64%. Lancer sits down. Trooper OW.

Turn 6, Fortify "Crypto" and move (Trooper doesn't waste OW on 0%) to high cover. Pod 2 [Naja, Trooper] activated. "Crypto" flame Lancer for 3, dead. "Shady" avoids 20% OW shot and Suppress Officer from roof with smoke.

4 HP (after poison) Officer runs Suppression, hit at 59% for 15 (Mayhem), very dead. Spec misses OW shot on Trooper. Naja oneshots the Cpl Spec. What was he carrying again? I think I want that back. The objective is lost.

Turn 7, RNF go yellow. Demolish flanking Trooper's cover then "Shady" shoot at 87%, dead. Instant smoke for the two gunners and "Crypto" who has hunkered in low cover. "Staghorn" recovers the body.

Trooper goes on suicide mission: flanks gunners with no regard for cover and shoots "Zarfer" for 2 in flank.

Turn 8, suicide Trooper dies to "Zarfer" at 87%. Suppress and Roust the Naja. Damn, I didn't pay attention to LoS, it didn't trigger a reaction. It's burning though.

Turn 9, flame 2 HP Naja dead with loot. Faceless reveals then dies to two gunner shots from height.

That Naja did a good flank: I thought it would have been in the room with the objective. Instead it was further away and was in the perfect position for pod 2's Trooper to spot for a snipe. That's what I get for making the spec OW instead of hunker, or rather for making that decision before I'd finished moving everyone. Yes he had exactly 4 HP and 3 ablative. I must adapt to this force level making weak units liable for oneshots.

- Auto Loader
- Adv Stock
- 1 Core

Datapad done: 30 intel. Repeat (36h).

Re: Mag Rush Campaign - Commander 1.5

Posted: Sun Nov 05, 2017 12:21 am
by Psieye
- June 22 -

PoI gives 12 alloy, 12 elerium

Jailbreak, West Asia, 5-man vs E.Light, 88% infil

Evac near jail.

Turn 1, no contact. LCpl sniper gets to another roof.

Turn 2, pod 1 [Gunner, T2 Officer] near evac.

Glimpse a T2 Snek. See an Archer. Things are getting rough.

Turn 3, snipe T2 Officer at 100%, oneshot crit. Officer dies.

Turn 4, "Mega" the spec finds a Faceless civilian. Oneshot snipe it. "Mega" Scanning Protocol, sees 3 more pods: pod 2 [T2 Officer, Drone]; pod 3 [Archer, T2 Trooper]; pod 4 [T2 Viper, Naja x2]. If I free the prisoners now, they'll get slaughtered. "Shadow" the shinobi officer keeps an eye on pod 3.

Oops, pod 4 just showed up. "Nugget" the Cpl gunner misses his OW shot. Pod 3 comes alive too.

Turn 5, RNF go yellow. Snipe Archer at 93%, oneshot. Fortify and rocket the T2 Snek, it scatters to only hit the Naja behind which dies. Ok... T2 CP the T2 Snek down to 7. "Shadow" go Reaper: Fleche T2 Snek dead, Fleche Naja dead, loot, move back to high cover.

Pod 2 walks in on the fun.

Turn 6, flame the Officer for 4 (burn) and Trooper for 4. Snipe Drone down to 1. Area Suppress everything. Fleche Trooper dead (hazmat through fire). "Mega" back in hack position and OW.

Officer burns for 3, down to 5. Drone runs Suppression and dies. Officer runs Suppression and dies.

Turn 7, 99% hack for +1 rebel succeeds. 81% lamp hack for small intel succeeds.

Turn 10, squad out. Flawless.

- 1 Core
- Stock
- +10 Hack PCS
- +13 Will PCS
- +5 Hack PCS
- 10 intel

5+1 rebels

- Sniper -> Cpl. Phantom, because I like making really high aim holo officers
- "Shadow" -> GSgt. Whirlwind, because while I prefer Hit & Run I want to try as pure a bladenobi as I'm willing to go. Covert instead of Cutthroat because it's much more relevant in 8-man: establishing a safe perimeter is critial to not losing the entire squad at 16% infil.

Excavation complete: $80. Begin excavation of 2nd power coil.

New Indonesia now Str 6.

Datapad complete: 27 intel. Instant Turret Autopsy. Resume Coilgun.

Unstaff the AWC. Only "Thumper" is wounded and will be out in 1d.

Tactical DE: Advanced Servos goes live.

- June 23 -

"T-44" learns Resilience from AWC. Send "Shadow" to learn Formidable (3d) -> Tac. Sense (5d)

"Rogue" the Sgt Spec retrains skills: Sentinel, CF, Scan Protocol. Once she gets EV she'll get a shotgun and Fire Control: 75 then will learn C&P from AWC.

Psi Lab complete. Put 2 Engineers on PG to complete Magazines in 48h. Put 1 scientist in Psi Lab, which delays Coilgun from 12d -> 13d. Put a rookie in there - 5d. Do not upgrade to 2nd tube, since that would need 1 more power and I don't want to perma-assign an Engineer to that (or to buy the Elerium upgrade for Power Relay).

- June 24 -

"Wrath" the Ranger learns Kubikiri. Put her back in tube for Lethal (10d).

Avatar Project moves to 2 pips.

"Dakka" learns Fire Discipline.

Begin contacting West Europe.

- June 25 -

S&G, 5d 21h, West Asia, Str 1, E.Light - 5-man with up-to-date gear.

Magazine PG project complete. Begin Skulljack. Keep 1 Engineer on PG (6d for Skulljack) and have 2 Excavate the power coil.

"Thunder" learns Incoming. Send her back to learn Jammer (8d).

- June 26 -

Lib 1, 2d 22h, West Asia, Str 1. Nope.

"Shadow" learns Formidable from AWC. 5d to Tac. Sense.

GTS graduate: 4, 14, 12, 80, -10 Sniper. Access to Boosted Cores, Bombardier, Combat Fitness // Resilience, Formidable, Tradecraft. For once, absolutely nothing relevant.

Ah crap, have I forgotten to assign advisors for several days? I have.

Re: Mag Rush Campaign - Commander 1.5

Posted: Sun Nov 05, 2017 11:49 am
by Psieye
- June 26 -

Lib 2 "Engineer from Van", New Indonesia, Str 6, 8-man vs Light-Moderate (18), 101% infil (boosted)

This is new, I've not tried a Str 9 (Lib 2 adds 3) with L-M enemies. This could end horribly.

Evac is somewhat near van, 18-turn limit.

- "Apex" the sniper
- "Painter" the shinobi
- "Pinto" the ranger
- "Doc" the Revival spec with Salvo
- "Wizard" the smoke grenadier
- "Zap" the CP spec with Low Profile
- "Bulwark" the tech
- "Beam" the rifle assault with EV and Rapid Reaction

Turn 1, pod seen ahead. Van is surprisingly close. Civilians blocking the door into art gallery, car locking perfectly good high cover. Slightly restrictive this.

Pod 1 [Mec, Shieldbearer, T2 Officer, Trooper] moves closer. A solo Berserker seen to the side. Solo Drone inside art gallery.

Turn 2, "Painter" checks on Berserker, it's actually pod 2 [Mec, Berserker]. "Apex" move to watch pod 2 while getting out of sight from everything else. "Wizard" also moves up to roof. They were the only ones who could see Drone because a pillar blocks LoS for "Doc" and "Beam" also on 1st floor balcony.

"Zap" taps pod 1 with Capacitor Discharge: Trooper dies, Mec down to 2, T2 Officer down to 4 (daze), Shieldbearer down to 3 (daze). Mec dies. "Bulwark" move forward and... pod 3 [Sidewinder, Viper x2, Engineer] was BEHIND THE ART GALLERY?!? This just went to shit. Instant smoke "Beam" and "Bulwark" then Incendiary the Sidewinder behind squad, dead (with loot). Fortify "Bulwark" and Roust pod 1: T2 Officer hit for 4 (dead), Shieldbearer hit for 1 (2 armour) and burning. TA "Apex" (to divert flank shots on "Wizard") and OW with "Doc".

Shieldbearer down to 1, still burning. Pod 2 activates, Mec down to 2 from 2 OW. Drone gets seen, graze for 3 -2 (98% reaction shot), activates, flies over, shot by "Apex" TA OW for 13 -2, dead. Snek spit. Snek shoots "Beam" from behind, 44% (smoke), miss.

Turn 3, Run & Gun to shoot Snek in flank from range 6, dead. This puts "Beam" in flank of Engineer. TA him. "Zap" shoot Mec dead. Instant holo and 100% snipe Berserker for 13. "Pinto" shoot Berserker twice at 100% for 7 and 9, dead. "Bulwark" move forward shoot Snek in flank for 5. Command "Bulwark" to take that shot again. "Painter" dash scout, "Pinto" Implacable move behind him (now that Snek is dead, no risk of being shot).

Engineer moves to cover, takes 4 (graze) from TA OW, shoots "Beam" at -5%, miss.

Turn 4, RNF go yellow. As expected, it's fast. "Painter" blue move to loot, spots solo Drone. CP it dead. "Painter" yellow move to loot. "Pinto" EV dash up. Squad generally moves towards van. "Beam" dash and get TA just outside Engineer's vision.

Pod 4 [Naja, Rocketeer x2, Viper x2] finds "Pinto". Naja hit for 5, Rocketeer hit for 3. Pod 3 Engineer comes to edge of vision and OW.

Turn 5, snipe Rocketeer that flanked itself, dead. "Bulwark" shoot Snek in flank at 88%, hit for 7. "Painter" go Reaper: Fleche Snek, loot, Fleche Snek, loot, Fleche Naja, shoot 2 HP Rocketeer at 77%, all dead. Squad dash towards evac, ignoring 1 HP Engineer.

Turn 6, "Doc" hack van at 100% for small alloy. "Zap" lamp hack at 46% for T2 PCS, fail - Map Alert. Squad dash to evac.

Turn 8, RNF go red. Too late. Squad out. Flawless. That 1 HP Engineer is still out there somewhere.

- +3 Def PCS
- +5 Hack PCS
- Iron Skin PCS
- 2 Core
- Adv Stock
- 10 alloy

Engineer VIP - put in PG

No promotions!

Intel mini-retal, 26h, New Indonesia, Str 6, Light-Moderate - perfect timing, the 8-man GOp squad is ready. Swap "Pinto" for "Nugget" the Cpl Gunner so he can Trial by Fire.

Bug: the mission icon spawned way in the middle of nowhere (around the North Pole). That took a long time for Firebrand to fly to.

Re: Mag Rush Campaign - Commander 1.5

Posted: Sun Nov 05, 2017 12:41 pm
by Psieye
- June 26 -

Intel mini-retal, 26h, New Indonesia, Str 6, 8-man vs Light-Moderate (18)

- "Thumper" the GSgt ranger advisor
- "Apex" the sniper
- "Painter" the shinobi
- "Nugget" the Cpl gunner
- "Doc" the Revival spec with Salvo
- "Wizard" the smoke grenadier
- "Zap" the CP spec with Low Profile
- "Bulwark" the tech
- "Beam" the rifle assault with EV and Rapid Reaction

Turn 1, rebels scout window smoke themselves with "Thumper". Oscar Mike then move "Doc" out of the way for "Painter" to explore. Blue move reveals nothing. "Bulwark" dash way far out. Activates 9 enemies. Run & Gun to EXO punch: Sidewinder dies, Snek down to 2, Snek down to 3, T2 Snek down to 1. "Zap" move up and Capacitor Discharge: Snek dies, Snek dies, Lancer dies, Sectoid down to 2 (daze). Suppress Sectoid. Smoke "Beam".

More enemies coming from behind. Sergeant hit for 5 and shred 1. More enemies from the side - every enemy on the map is now active. "Apex" orange-tazed and orange-shot down to 1 below full HP. 1 HP T2 Snek shoots "Zap" at 5%, miss.

Turn 2, "Painter" EXO punch: T2 Oficer down to 6, T2 Trooper down to 3, Engineer dies. "Beam" LR cancel 3 OW. "Nugget" shoot Engineer at 72%, dead. "Beam" shoot Sidewinder in flank at 81%, dead, then Hit & Run move out of flank. TA "Beam" and CP T2 Snek dead. Revival Protocol "Apex" so he can run way far away. Command "Bulwark" to dash and Roust: T2 Trooper dead, T2 Officer down to 2. Instant smoke "Bulwark" and "Painter" then shoot Drone at 81%, down to 1.

"Thumper" OW shoots Drone down to 1 and no armour, shoots another Drone down to 2 and no armour, oneshots a Guardian dead. "Doc" is Drone stunned. "Beam" TA OW shoot T2 Trooper in flank, dead, then 2 HP Sectoid for 9, dead. Sergeant gives up and OW.

Turn 3, "Bulwark" flame 2 HP T2 Officer, dead. "Apex" move and double holo the 2 Drone surrounding "Doc". "Painter" go Reaper on them, both dead. Rebels frag 3 HP Sergeant and a Drone dead. Last Drone dies to "Thumper"'s Sawnoff. Flawless.

- 2 Core
- Adv Suppressor
- Laser Sight

- "Painter" -> GSgt
- "Nugget" -> Sgt. Really wanted to pick Hail on this low Aim gunner but house rules say Mayhem.

Re: Mag Rush Campaign - Commander 1.5

Posted: Sun Nov 05, 2017 2:19 pm
by Psieye
- June 27 -

S&G, New Indonesia, Str 6, 6-man vs Light-Moderate (18) - 95% infil

6 crates, evac neaer crates

- "Pale Rider" the sniper officer
- "Stalker" the shinobi
- "Yogi" the gunner
- "Trenches" the assault
- "Teardrop" the CP/EV spec
- "Venom" the OW spec

Turn 1, pod 1 [Mec, Lancer, T2 Gunner, Engineer] spotted. "Yogi" walk out to activate. Lancer dies to "Venom" OW. "Trenches" EXO punch T2 Gunner dead - not sure why the Mec wasn't hit as well. "Yogi" Rapid Fire at 73% on flanking Mec, both shots hit, dead. Aid Prot "Trenches".

Engineer runs away. Pod 2 [Faceless, Viper x2, Engineer] comes in. I think that might be the very same Engineer.

Turn 2, Demolish Snek's cover. 87% stun on it succeeds. "Teardrop" fall back and shoot Faceless at 87% for 8. "Venom" Aid Prot self and shoot holo'd Faceless at 100% (I should have holo'd earlier), dead.

Engineer shoots "Venom" in low cover at 10%, miss. Snek shoot "Teardrop" for 5 through high cover. That's 2 below full HP.

Turn 3, "Venom" move to high cover and shoots Snek at 87%, oneshot crit. Holo and Focus Fire on Snek. "Teardrop" Aid Prots "Trenches" and shoots Snek at 50%, miss. "Yogi" move up and shoot Snek at 60%, oneshot. That leaves "Trenches" standing awkwardly as he was about to shotgun Snek's flank. Instead, yellow move up to "Engineer" face.

Pod 3 [Mec x2, Drone, Trooper] finds "Trenches". Trooper OW. Engineer dies to CCS.

Turn 4, "Pale Rider" instant holo and 100% snipe Mec, oneshot crit. "Trenches" LR cancel OW, shotgun Drone at 84%, oneshot, CE shoot Mec at point blank, oneshot crit. Heal "Teardrop" for 2.

Blah, I didn't realise Trooper could get a flank shot on "Trenches" - hit at 61% for 4 (1 ablative left).

Turn 5, "Trenches" walk out into open, shoot Trooper at range 3 through low cover at 73%, oneshot, CE moves to high cover.

Pod 4 [Naja, Sidewinder x2, Gunner, Lancer] spots "Stalker" from the roof. Gunner orange-shoot "Stalker" in flank and miss.

Turn 6, 100% snipe Sidewinder that flanked itself, oneshot. "Yogi" climb up to roof and 89% shoot Gunner in flank, dead. Fleche Naja dead. Run & Gun Sidewinder dead, Lancer is in CCS range.

Lancer dies to CCS.

Turn 7, 16 dead, I think it's safe.

Turn 10, 46% lamp hack for T1 PCS succeeds.

Turn 12, squad out.

Wounded: "Teardrop", 6d

- 8 elerium
- $76
- 17 alloy
- 6 Core (lol)
- Depth Perception PCS

- "Teardrop" -> TSgt
- "Pale Rider" -> TSgt. Vital Point Targeting, could go for Kubikiri but I'll leave that to future snipers.
- "Trenches" -> MSgt. Lethal.

"Pale Rider" goes in officer tube for Fire Discipline.

- June 28 -

"Recover Item to Stop Strategic DE: hidden", 10d 23h, New Indonesia, Str 7, Light-Moderate - send the 8-man squad after swapping "Nugget" for "Thumper". Even "Apex" gets predator. Could go to 115% infil, might actually wait that long. I don't think there'll be anything urgent for 8-man GOp and Str 7 is serious business.

"Engineer from Jail", 2d 10h, West Asia, Str 1, E.Light. I could 8-man this, but I'll let it go. Another Engineer is tempting but I don't need one right away.

West Europe contacted (6 rebels, Str 6). Continent bonus: Spy Ring (+15% intel rewards).

Seriously? Freshly contacted region is already at Str 6?

- June 29 -

Psi Lab graduate: 7, 14, -1, 66, -7. 67 Psi. Access to HEAT, Kubikiri, Holo Targeting // CF, Ghostwalker, LR

Recruit a rookie and insert into Psi Lab.

- June 30 -

Skulljack complete. Begin Adv Magazine (5d) - I've scraped every Adv Magazine I had in the barracks to support this.

Re: Mag Rush Campaign - Commander 1.5

Posted: Sun Nov 05, 2017 5:59 pm
by Psieye
- June 30 -

S&G, West Asia, Str 1, 5-man vs E.Light

6-crates, evac near crates

Turn 1, no contact.

Pod 1 [Sidewinder x2] show up.

Turn 2, "Dakka" the ranger officer moves to point blank range of Sidewinder, activates pod 2 [Sidewinder, Trooper]. Point Blank Sidewinder for 5 (graze) - great start. "T-44" the shinobi moves up to shoot Sidewinder flank, activates pod 3 [T2 Trooper, T2 Officer]. Oh yeah, great. Holo the 1 HP Sidewinder, SMG it at 89%, dead. Demolish the caravan a Sidewinder was hiding behind, dead. "Rogue" the OW spec moves to high cover and smoke "Dakka" and "T-44".

Sidewinder wastes an amazing flank shot to instead spit - poisons "T-44". T2 Officer marks and shoots "Dirk" for 5 -1. T2 Trooper shoots "Dakka" in flank for 2. T1 Trooper misses 27% shot on "Dirk".

Turn 3, holo T1 Trooper and Sidewinder then steady. "T-44" Fleche at 87% on Trooper, miss. "Dakka" Point Blank Sidewinder dead, Implacable move out of sight. "Dirk" Suppress T2 Officer. Aid Prot "T-44" and CF OW while looking at the T1 Trooper she failed to kill.

T2 Officer shoot "Dirk" at 6%, miss. T2 Trooper finds "Dakka" and shoots him in low cover, hit for 4 -1 (2 below full HP). Yeah, "Rogue" is that spec I retrained out of Field Surgeon. Remind me never to send her alone as the only spec. T1 Trooper runs the OW for 3 then OW.

Turn 4, "T-44" no longer poisoned and runs OW - avoids the 12% shot. She now flanks the T2 Officer (from far away). "Dakka" gun-to-face 1 HP Trooper then moves to high cover + smoke. Holo T2 Officer and Suppress it. "Aftermath" the sniper steadies again. "T-44" shoot T2 Officer with ballistic SMG at 81%, crit for 3.

T2 Officer runs suppression for 8 (min damage + Mayhem) then OW. T2 Trooper shoots "Dirk" at 16%, miss.

Turn 5, "Dakka" shoots 1 HP Officer at 46%, dead. "Aftermath" gets a free flank shot on T2 Trooper, 100%, dead (Needle Rounds guaranteed non-graze kill). Now he loses his stealth. "Dakka" Implacable move up and OW.

Turn 6, Scanning Protocol: no enemies near the door.

Turn 7, last pod [Officer, Guardian] activated. Fleche Officer dead. Suppress Guardian. "Dakka" hunker while looking at Guardian. Aid Prot "T-44" in case it runs to flank shoot.

Guardian ran suppression, oneshot.

Turn 11, squad out.

Wounded (AWC off):
- "Dirk", 9d
- "Dakka"k 12d

Switch on the AWC, Coilgun is still 6d away.

- 3 Core
- 12 elerium
- $86
- 10 alloy
- 2 Scope
- +1 HP PCS
- Stock

Promotion: "Aftermath" the Sniper -> Sgt

Lib 3 "Destroy Relay", 5d 17h, New Indonesia, Str 7. No.

Re: Mag Rush Campaign - Commander 1.5

Posted: Sun Nov 05, 2017 6:40 pm
by Psieye
- Jul 2 -

"Pale Rider" learns Fire Discipline. Put "Aftermath" in the officer tube for Focus Fire. I need to free up a Mag sniper rifle as "Pale Rider" has no more officer tube possibilities.

"Shadow" learns Tac. Sense. Put "Pale Rider" in for Sprinter (3d).

Lib 1, 5d 9h, West Europe, Str 6. No.

- Jul 3 -

S&G, 5d, West Europe, Str 6, Light - I don't say no to a S&G. Will have to be 8-man though.

"Sgt Gunner in Jail", 9d 3h, West Asia, Str 1, E.Light - 5-man.

I've just bought 2 EXO and 3 predator on this day. Need to step up my gear since Force rose.

Sell some surplus bodies and junk. Buy Cpl Grenadier for $63. Now at $117.

New Grenadier: 7, 15, 10, 63, 8. Access to Executioner, Deadeye, Bring 'Em On // CF, Covert, Untouchable. So just about nothing worthwhile from AWC but an excellent tank. I should experiment with a Sting/Smoke grenadier.

- Jul 4 -

"Engineer in Van for PoI", 6d 22h, West Europe, Str 6, Light. No, this one needs elite gear and I can't afford to make that many - not when Coilgun is around the corner.

Ah, Rural Propaganda Blitz is over. Switch East Europe and West Europe to full recruit.

- Jul 5 -

Psi Lab graduate: 5, 15, 6, 65, 4. 68 Psi. Access to Lone Wolf, Bombardier, DfA // Low Profile, Guardian, Hard Target.

"Wrath" learns Lethal from AWC. Send the new Psi Initiate to learn Low Profile (2d).

"Thunder" learns Jammer. Put her back in for "Lead by Example".

Supply Drop #6: $574 - $2. Ok, New India is clean. That $2 suggests multiple Faceless in West Asia.

"Pale Rider" learns Sprinter. Put him as advisor to West Asia for now. I'm sure I'll pull him out at some point. Send "Stalker" to AWC for Sprinter (4d) then EV (4d).

Adv Magazine PG project complete. Begin Bluescreen Rounds.

- Jul 6 -

Lib 1, 4d 1h, West Asia, Str 1. No.

Switch off AWC and Psi Lab. That pulls Coilgun forward: 33h -> 28h. The missions have already spawned and there's nothing for the 2 veterans to do if they get out of bed a little quicker. I ought to build the Res Comm and expand to Africa for 53 intel (old hack reward). I need another low Str region to run around in.

+1 rebel in East Europe.

Supply Drop picked up. Sell some PCS, 2 Stock, 1 Suppressor and 5 (of 15) cores. Now at $825.

Tactical DE: Tac. Sense goes live.

New Indonesia now Str 8. West Europe now at Str 7.

Jailbreak (2 rebel, 3 rookie), 5d 5h, West Asia, Str 1. Want. Coilgun is 6h away. 8-man GOp squad will launch in 23h. I'm going to brute force this.

Psi Initiate learns Low Profile. Send "Mega" the spec to learn Suppression -> Low Profile -> Implacable.

"Scientist from City for PoI", 8h, West Asia, Str 1. House Rules say no, I need at least 1d infiltration.

Supply Raid, 4d 3h, West Asia. There is only one non-liberated region connected to West Asia and I don't know what Str they're at. Still tempting.

Lib 3 "Dark VIP", 8d 23h, New Indonesia, Str 8. "Operation Senseless Hymn" it's called. Agreed, it's senseless to go on this no matter how tempting it is.

Begin constructing Res Comm. Assign Engineer. I'll hack some Datapads to reach the requisite Intel for expanding.

Coilgun research complete. Begin Datapad (3d).

Re: Mag Rush Campaign - Commander 1.5

Posted: Sun Nov 05, 2017 9:54 pm
by Psieye
- Jul 6 -

"Recover Item to counter Strategic DE: hidden", New Indonesia, Str 8, 8-man vs Moderate (21), 92% infil

- "Thumper" the GSgt ranger with Shredder
- "Apex" the sniper
- "Painter" the shinobi
- "Doc" the Revival spec with Salvo
- "Wizard" the smoke grenadier
- "Zap" the CP spec with Low Profile
- "Bulwark" the tech
- "Beam" the rifle assault with EV and Rapid Reaction

Turn 1, pod 1 [Faceless, Sidewinder x2] spotted. Command "Apex" to move and snipe Sidewinder at 100%, oneshot. Yeah, no OW when popping a pod at squadsight. Instnt smoke "Bulwark" and "Thumper" then hunker (Sidewinder can see "Wizard"). "Thumper" then "Beam" shoot Faceless dead. Oh... Faceless reveal! Great timing, right after I've used everyone else's actions. I don't want to Aid Prot "Zap" as that would make "Beam" and "Thumper" attractive targets - they're hiding behind a car. "Zap" shoots for 6.

Faceless regen 3 then misses swipe on "Zap". Sidewinder spits, "Wizard" poisoned.

Turn 2, "Wizard" cured of poison and standing in puddle. "Painter" scouts and loots: no contact. "Wizard" Chain Shot Faceless at 95%, dead on first shot. "Thumper" gun-to-face Sidewinder then Implac. move forward. Squad moves up and throws evac flare.

Turn 3, no contact. Worrying.

Turn 4, RNF go yellow. Yeah, I want to be clearing pods fast so I'm ready for RNF, this is disconcerting. Ah... 2 fat pods, standing next to explosive carriage and the objective. I'm... gonna make a save right here. I don't know if the explosion will destroy the objective. "Thumper" OW and gets smoked before sniping that carriage. Yes, objective is safe. 2 immediately die, 9 are now active. "Beam" is 1 tile too short to get to ideal cover. Oscar Mike! "Beam" EXO punch: Mec dies, T2 Officer dies, Mec down to 1. "Bulwark" advance and hunker. TA "Beam" - "Doc" is in a flankable position if anything gets past "Beam".

Muton Suppress "Thumper". Mec dies to TA OW. "Beam" misses 2nd TA OW shot. "Doc" gets shot at 70%, miss.

Turn 5, rocket a Muton, it scatters to also hit 2 more behind it (can't guarantee rocket shots without FitH): T2 Snek dies, Trooper dies, Grenadier dies, Muton down to 5 with no armour or cover. Instant holo and snipe at 96%, dead. "Beam" casually kills T2 Trooper from flank then hunker. T2 CP Muton to cancel Suppression. "Thumper" move to better cover and OW. "Painter" scouts flank, "Doc" dash towards objective.

Muton is seen by "Thumper", dies.

Turn 6, RNF go red. Hack 90% for small supply succeeds. OW camp.

PATHETIC RNF is 2-man: Rocketeer dies. T2 Gunner down to 5 and poisoned. 5-man pod with T2 Mec activates. T2 Mec OW. Orange shot at 41% on "Doc" misses. Orange shot hits "Beam" in flank for 4 (1 ablative left).

Turn 7, RNF go yellow. 85% snipe Gunner, dead. LR cancel OW. "Doc" runs away. Smoke at evac. Hunker and TA "Beam": that's right, he's got +55 Def (without counting cover) and has Rapid Reaction OW.

Shields go up. T2 Mec loses all shields to "Beam" then missiles him for 2 and shred 1. Now 1 below full HP. 1 OW.

Turn 8, LR cancel OW. "Doc" gets a kill. Squad out. Flawless.

- 3 Core
- Adv Suppressor
- Scope
- +16 Will PCS
- Laser Sight
- 2 Stock
- $35

- "Apex" -> MSgt. AMF, because once he goes into AWC for 16d he'll have Rapid Reaction.
- "Wizard" -> GSgt. VM

Buy 2 Coil rifles. Equip 3 Coil rifles. Get a Coil SMG for "Painter". Buy 2 EXOs. Deploy to Supply Raid. There are 5 EXOs in this squad.

Switch West Asia to supply. I'm banking on getting the Jailbreak so I don't want to over-recruit.

Re: Mag Rush Campaign - Commander 1.5

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2017 12:03 am
by Psieye
- Jul 8 -

Unstaff the AWC.

+1 rebel in West Europe and East Europe. Switch West Europe to full intel.

S&G, West Europe, Str 7, 8-man vs Heavy (27), 45% infil

4 crates, evac is near crates

- "Pinto" the ranger with Shredder
- "Yogi" the gunner
- "Shadow" the shinobi officer with Formidable and Tac. Sense
- "Trenches" the assault
- "Teardrop" the CP/EV spec
- "Rogue" the OW spec
- Sqd sniper
- Psi Initiate

Turn 1, no contact.

Turn 2, 6-man pod spotted. 99% snipe (yeah it's a Sqd sniper) Sergeant, oneshot. Oh, it was actually 7-man. Remants are [T2 Trooper x2, T2 Officer, Drone, Guardian, Engineer]. Smoke "Pinto" and "Yogi". Area Suppress the Troopers and Engineer. "Trenches" walk to high cover and hunker. Aid Prot "Pinto".

T2 Officer gets shot at 27% by CF OW for 5, marks "Trenches" then OW.

Turn 3, Soulfire the T2 Officer for 7, dead. Run & Gun, LR ignore OW, shotgun to face T2 Trooper, oneshot. Engineer and Trooper are in CCS range. "Yogi" free reload, move and Demolish Guardian's cover for "Pinto" to oneshot at 85%. "Shadow" scout ahead: just a Turret in the distance. "Pinto" Implac. move and shoot Engineer in flank at 95%, oneshot. "Teardrop" EV dash into T2 Trooper's sight. Dash the 11 Mob sniper forward.

Trooper ran out of CCS range before it triggered. Now I know where the next pod is.

Turn 4, Scan Prot confirms there's nothing lurking below the cliff where "Rogue" is. "Shadow" sees 2 Turrets as well as the fleeing T2 Trooper. Snipe a Turret at 79%, graze for 4 -2. "Pinto" kills it at 90% then Implac. moves towards fleeing Trooper. "Trenches" loots then pursues Trooper after "Shadow" confirms it's safe. "Teardrop" EV pursues.

Trooper dies while running away.

Turn 5, 73% snipe the other Turret, oneshot. Large pod spotted on roof. OW camp at edge of vision.

Pod 2 activates. Snek dies. Muton hit for 2 and shred 2. Pod 3 activates, crap only "Rogue" is around and she's flanked. She misses shot on Guardian and hits something for 4 -1. Ooh and pod 4 (with a T2 Sidewinder) spotted by "Shadow". Orange shot on "Yogi" miss. Orange shot on "Rogue" brings her down to 3. "Pinto" suppressed by Archer and shot at (miss). Orange shot bleeds "Rogue" out - I'm never going to see that shotgun medic am I? Blazingly bad decision to move her out there alone anyway - dumb thought trying to get a cool flank on pod 2.

Turn 6, T2 CP Archer dead. Insanity at 77% panics Muton. Sqd sniper step back and holo Muton for "Pinto" to shoot at 50%, oneshot. Suppress Snek. "Trenches" move towards pod 4 and hunker.

Shields go up for pod 3. Pod 4 activates. Snek hit for 4. "Pinto" Suppressed by Pod 3 Mec. "Pinto" shot 5 times, 3 miss, now down to 1 below full HP.

Turn 7, "Shadow" Fleche Mec, oneshot despite 3 ablative, Whirlwind move into high cover (and out of sight from T2 Rocketeer). 50% snipe on Sectoid, oneshot. 82% Insanity panics Scout. Soulfire kills 5 HP Sergeant, ignoring ablative. "Trenches" Fortify, LR ignore 2 OW and EXO punch: Snek dies, Snek dies, T2 Sidewinder down to 1. Aid Prot the Initiate and smoke "Pinto" who shoots an Engineer at 60% then hunkers. Area Suppress Snek and Trooper.

1 HP T2 Sidewinder move and OW. T2 Rocketeer shows up and shoots Initiate at 7%, miss. She also gets shot at 2%, miss. T1 Trooper shoots "Trenches" for 2. Guardian shoots "Shadow" at 13%, miss.

Turn 8, 87% Insanity on Engineer, mind control, then hunker. "Pinto" shoots T2 Rocketeer at 60%, gets CF OW shot at 19% (miss), misses his target then hunker. Fleche Rocketeer down to 2 through ablative (stun) then Whirlwind back. "Trenches" LR ignore an OW, shotgun-to-face T2 Sidewinder, CE move to high cover, activating Turret. "Teardrop" stabilise "Rogue" and T2 CP the Turret dead. Sniper (no ammo) moves and smokes "Shadow". Suppress Snek.

Suppressed Snek shoot "Trenches" at 7%, miss. T1 Trooper misses him at 15%. Mind controlled Engineer tanks 4 shots before dying.

Turn 9, "Trenches" shotgun-to-face on Snek, CE moves next to show his back to a Trooper while LR canceling an OW. "Pinto" miss both 50% shots on T2 Rocketeer. 82% Insanity on Scout for daze then Soulfire the T2 Rocketeer dead. "Shadow" go Reaper to Fleche Guardian dead then EXO punch: Guardian oneshot crit, dazed Scout down to 2 and no ablative. "Yogi" dash to high cover while flanking the Trooper next to "Trenches". Reload and holo that doomed Trooper. Aid Prot "Trenches".

T1 Trooper shoots "Yogi" at 22% for 3. Shieldbearer shoot "Shadow" for 5 (all the ablative). Doomed Trooper dies to CCS.

Turn 10, 85% snipe the Trooper that shot "Yogi", dead. "Yogi" shoot Scout in back, dead. Initiate Mindmerge with "Shadow" who Focus Fire the Shieldbearer (to ignore 1 armour) and Fleche it dead - huh, I was willing to stand there with Bladestorm.

Turn 13, RNF go red. OW camp while waiting for "Teardrop" to return.

RNF has T2 Drone which tanks all the OW shots without being hit.

Turn 14, Double Barrel the T2 Drone dead, Soulfire a T2 Sidewinder dead, Command "Teardrop" to triple move. Squad out.

Wounded: "Rogue", 25d - shaken. Once she's out of bed and out of AWC I'll probably have Warden for her. Lesson learnt: don't trust last turn's Scan Prot to cover for THAT wide an area.

- 21 alloy
- 1 Core
- 10 elerium
- +3 Def PCS
- Combat Awareness PCS
- Adv Stock

- "Rogue" -> SSgt. EV. Now to wait for her to get out of bed. I won't switch on AWC just for her.
- Sniper -> LCpl
- Initiate -> Stasis training. Sure I'll put double scientist in Psi Lab.

Replace "Rogue" with "Mecheye" the CP Spec. Replace the sniper with "T-44" to train her up. Replace the Initiate with the other one. Send on Jailbreak, 4d 2h.

Place "Yogi" and "Wrath" as advisors to West Europe and New Indonesia. Those are serious Str regions, I need serious A-team members as advisors.

Re: Mag Rush Campaign - Commander 1.5

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2017 11:31 pm
by Psieye
- Jul 8 -

"Aftermath" learns Focus Fire. Send him back to learn Get Some.

Pause Datapad at 23h remaining. Begin Powered Armour - I want elite tanks for the A-team.

S&G, 8d 19h, New Indonesia, Str 8, Light-Moderate.

+1 Rebel in East Europe.

"Stalker" learns Sprinter. Send "Dakka" the Ranger officer to learn Phantom (3d).

Rendezvous, West Asia, Str 1.

Advisor is "Pale Rider" the sniper officer.

1 Mag rifle rebel.

Turn 2, pod 1 spotted.

Turn 3, pod 2 spotted.

Turn 4, there are 3 Faceless. Ok... I think I want to engage the Faceless first. Squad retreat except for shotgun rebel.

Turn 7, instant holo and 100% snipe Officer, oneshot. Spotter SMG rebel dash back to squad.

Faceless take 1. Faceless take 9.

Turn 8, rebel shoot Faceless at 83% (Lead by Example), dead. Shotgun rebel on roof flash 2 Faceless without being seen. 80% shot on Faceless for 5. Smoke 2 rebels. "Pale Rider" reloads and steadies.

Pod 1 activates. Trooper dies.

Turn 9, frag both Faceless for 4 each. Snipe 6 HP Faceless dead. 87% Mag shoot 4 HP Faceless dead. 72% ballistic rifle shot on flanked Trooper from height, dead. Shotgun Trooper from range 2, dead.

Engineer shoots rebel through high cover for 3. 1 HP left.

Turn 10, flank Engineer and shoot at 70%, dead.

- Adv Stock
- Auto Loader
- Magazine
- +7 Psi PCS
- Adv Magazine

- 1 Officer
- 3 Faceless
- 4 Trooper

Switch West Asia to full intel.

Re: Mag Rush Campaign - Commander 1.5

Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2017 12:55 am
by Psieye
- Jul 8 -

"Soldier in jail", West Asia, Str 1, 5-man vs E.Light, 112% infil

24-turn limit, evac is in slightly different direction to jail

Turn 1, no contact.

Turn 2, Drone sighted.

Solo Drone flies slightly close.

Turn 3, pod 1 [T2 Mec, T2 Gunner] spotted.

Turn 4, "Crypto" the tech shoots T2 Mec at 74%, hit for 6 and shred 2. T2 Gunner dies to "Venom" OW. The 2 gunner kill T2 Mec at >70% shots each.

Turn 5, solo Drone spotted, "Shady" oneshots at 67%.

Turn 6, RNF go yellow. I guess we did spend time worrying about that T2 Mec. Dash in, squad is coming around a detour.

Turn 7, pod 2 [T2 Officer, Sergeant] spotted. Sap them... cover not destroyed (bad distance from center), Officer hit for 3, Sergeant for 2 and no armour. Demolish Sergeant's cover. "Crypto" shoot exposed Sergeant at 50% (Tac Sense, extra Def DE), oneshot. Suppress T2 Officer.

Suppressed T2 Officer crits "Venom" through high cover and Combat Awareness. That's mathematically impossible if this high cover wasn't bugged. I mean, "Crypto" should have been shot as both her and "Venom" have 0 Def innately. Anyway, "Venom" now down to half HP, good thing she had Predator.

Turn 8, Incendiary the T2 Officer for... 5? I guess Tandem Warheads wasn't a great choice afterall. It's burning and at 4 HP though. Heal "Venom". Move forward slightly and OW.

Officer moves and dies.

Turn 9, pod 3 [T2 Officer, Rocketeer] activates. Suppress and Roust Rocketeer, hit for 4, avoids reaction shot, on fire from moving through burning tile. Dash "Venom" towards jail. Dash "Zarfer" the gunner to fish for flank. "Overlord" the sapper takes high cover (which may burn).

Huh, a solo Drone from behind? Orange-taze hits "Shady".

Turn 10, Incendiary the T2 Officer, hit for 6 and burning. "Crypto" oneshot Drone. 72% hack for large intel succeeds.

Turn 11, RNF go red. I can't go back to pick up Drone's loot. Stab Officer dead.

RNF [T2 Rocketeer, Trooper] lands. Both die to "Venom".

Turn 14, squad out. I'll have to remember that bugged pillar in the Advent church.

Wounded: "Venom" the TSgt OW Spec, 23d. Ok now it's time to switch on AWC.

- +15 Will PCS
- +13 Will PCS
- Datapad
- Adv Magazine
- Smart Macrophages
- Adv Suppressor
- 25 Intel (this is big)

Promotion: "Shady" -> TSgt

New Sgt Gunner: 7, 14, 12, 71, -4. Access to Walk Fire, Bring 'Em On, Full Kit // Deep Cover, Phantom, Shadowstep. This will be bizzare. In fact, I'm going to break the House Rule on gunners here, I've produced enough Mayhem gunners to get a feel for how they work (they really need a Fire Discipline officer and good LoS). So...

"Pepper" the Sgt Gunner picks Combatitives, Flush, Shredder (want to see if it works with Flush). Yes, I'm picking Flush - I want to see what I can do with it. Put a +1 Mob PCS on her.

Remove "Dakka" from AWC, put "Pepper" in there to learn Walk Fire.

PoI is 2d for Supplies.

Sell 6 (of 12) Trooper bodies, 4 (of 10) Officer bodies, 4 (of 9) Turret wrecks and 2 (of 3) datapads. Buy a Scientist at $176. Switch on AWC.

Send 8-man with NO SPECS and 1 sniper to S&G in New Indonesia. 2 rangers and 2 support grenadiers, they should hunker tank somehow. Wish I could afford one more predator but that's a luxury. There are no GSgt or MSgt either. I wonder how this will go...

Re: Mag Rush Campaign - Commander 1.5

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2017 10:35 pm
by Psieye
- Jul 11 -

Supply Raid, West Asia, Str 1, 8-man vs Heavy (27), 42% infil

- "Thumper" the ranger with Shredder
- "Apex" the MSgt sniper
- "Painter" the shinobi
- "Doc" the Revival spec with Salvo
- "Wizard" the smoke grenadier
- "Zap" the MSgt CP spec with Low Profile
- "Bulwark" the MSgt tech
- "Beam" the rifle assault with EV and Rapid Reaction

Turn 1, "Painter" spot first pod. OW "Beam". "Apex" has min damage 15 against Rocketeer - snipe at 93%, graze for 13, dead. Oh what, this pod had a 2nd Rocketeer and an Archer in it? I think I fucked up. Also, only one target came into "Beam" range: a Lancer who took 3. Really bad start.

"Zap" Capacitor Discharge to kill Archer and Lancer. Sergeant down to 2 and dazed. EV dash "Thumper". Smoke for tanks (who aren't far from the rear line). Scream INCOMING. TA "Zap".

Very curious. Sergeant, Guardian and Rocketeer all give up and OW without moving. Nothing else alive of pod 1.

Turn 2, instant holo Rocketeer and snipe at 80%, graze for 12, dead. "Painter" see a 4-man pod with Centurion, very close. Command "Apex" to get away from pod 2. "Bulwark" start moving for a flank and hunker. "Wizard" hunker (near pod 2). OW camp.

Pod 2 move away on orange alert. Guardian and Sergeant OW.

Turn 3, 62% snipe on Guardian, dead. LR cancel OW. "Bulwark" 64% shoot 2 HP Sergeant, dead. Advance slightly.

Boss pod spotted.

Turn 4, prepare to take on boss pod - awkward angle, close distance.

Boss pod sees squad before I'm fully ready. Well fuck, Incoming is on cooldown too. 2 orange shots hit "Beam" through high cover, now 3 below full HP. Shields go up.

Turn 5, rocket decision: do I remove the cover of the Shieldbearer far back or do I target 6 enemies? I pick the latter. Lots of shred, ablative completely removed for 5 targets. Van is on fire but won't blow up immediately. "Beam" moves over and EXO punch 5 targets. "Doc" EXO punch 5 targets, 2 die. "Painter" go Reaper: Fleche 9 HP Longbow, activate pod 2 [Centurion, Muton, Scout, T2 Trooper, Sectoid x2], pause. "Thumper" shoot 7 HP Berserker, graze for 4. Fleche Berserker dead. Vital Target holo 3 HP T2 Mec. Fleche T2 Mec with min damage 3. Holo 1 HP Centurion. "Painter" Coil SMG the Centurion at 74%, dead. Hit & Run move into high cover, flanking the Shieldbearer (only survivor of boss pod). Heal and TA "Beam". Smoke "Beam" and "Painter".

Shieldbearer runs, "Beam" shoots it down to 3 (would be dead without ablative), it's poisoned from Venom, then it shoots "Thumper" at 8% (venom, red fog and CF nerf Aim), miss. Hmm, the numbers don't seem right, "Thumper" should be in high cover and it says the Shieldbearer has 39 Aim after the debuffs. "Thumper" has 1 Def, this cover must be bugged and it's actually low cover. That would explain "Beam" getting hit twice too.

Turn 6, dash "Bulwark" and Command her to flame Muton, hit for 6 -2 (burn) and a zombie gets oneshot. Holo Scout, "Thumper" 69% shoots and misses. "Painter" run up, SMG-to-face the Scout dead, runs back to high cover + dense smoke. "Beam" moves up, oneshots T2 Trooper in flank at 64%, moves back to high cover + dense smoke. "Thumper" move to tank for left side with no ammo - "Beam" and "Painter" have the right side covered. Move "Apex" to a better sniping position to flank things on left.

Shieldbearer poisoned for 1, recovers. Muton burns for 3. Shieldbearer ran into "Wizard" OW, dead. Muton ran into "Zap" EV OW, hit for 5 -2 (Mag rifle), dead. T2 Gunner (from boss pod) shoots "Bulwark" at 12% for 2. But it only has 80 Aim... how? High Cover + Burnout smoke + 15 Def = 80... Fucking Centurion charge hits "Bulwark" for 10, she's at half HP now. Sectoid yellow moved itself into a flank.

Turn 7, "Beam" oneshots Sectoid, Hit & Run forward and get TA. 20 Def Centurion (+5 from Tac.DE) needs 3 shots to kill while exposed. "Bulwark" loots and gets back to cover and smoke. Snipe zombie down. TA and heal "Bulwark". Yes I've used 2 TA this turn.

T2 Gunner gives up. Sectoid mindspin "Bulwark", 25% TA OW shot graze for 4, fail.

Turn 8, "Painter" SMG-to-ass on T2 Gunner. Retreat from 4 HP Sectoid to get a favourable position. "Painter" OW while looking at it. "Beam" EV dash to help ou... FUCK NEW POD. It's flanking "Painter"! Why do I commit to an OW before I've moved everyone? Snipe Engineer at 81%, dead. Smoke "Beam" and "Painter".

Mec completely ignores an amazing flank shot to Suppress "Painter" (Shadowstep). T2 Gunner shoot "Painter" at 25% for 3. T2 Officer shoot him at 32%, miss. T2 Trooper shoot him at 25%, miss. Guardian dies while trying to get to him. Sectoid shoot "Doc" (in "Bulwark"'s old position) at 10%, miss.

Turn 9, "Thumper" shoot Sectoid at 100%, Implacable move to high cover. "Beam" shoot Mec at 92% down to 2. "Painter" hide and reload. "Painter" go Reaper: Fleche holo'd T2 Gunner dead, Fleche 2 HP Mec dead, loot, retreat. Aid Prot "Beam" (no ammo) and Command "Painter" to get out of sight (else Officer will grenade). Dash "Zap" (with skulljack) close but out of sight.

T2 Officer gets close and Mark "Beam". T2 Trooper OW.

Turn 10, Fleche Trooper dead. Skulljack T2 Officer, 52% small intel hack fails. Codex spawns, stungun-to-face. 83% snipe it, oneshot.

Wounded (AWC on):
- "Bulwark", 16d
- "Beam", 4d

- Elite Suppressor
- +2 HP PCS
- Emergency Life Support PCS
- Magazine
- 9 alloy
- 14 elerium
- $77
- 2 Core

- Codex
- 11 Trooper
- 4 Mec
- 1 Lancer
- 1 Berserker
- 3 Muton
- 1 Shieldbearer
- 2 Sectoid
- 1 Officer

Promotion: "Beam" -> GSgt. CCS - no CuP so I won't pick Bring 'Em On (also why I didn't pick Aggression). Untouchable is for small fights.

It could have been worse. RNG blessed "Painter" for not taking wounds from that mistake and RNG hit "Bulwark" really hard with a charging Centurion. It's basically a super Lancer. I do like how Vital Targeting guaranteed that Reaper combo could continue (with a Hit & Run too). I must anticipate double Rocketeer pods now. Might be time to think about bringing flashbangs again.

Re: Mag Rush Campaign - Commander 1.5

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2017 11:24 pm
by Psieye
- Jul 11 -

"Mega" the Sgt Spec learns "Suppression". Keep going towards Implacable.

"Hack to stop Strategic DE", 18d 17h, West Europe, Str 7, Light-Moderate. Sure, once I get my 8-man gets back from Jailbreak.

- Jul 12 -

+1 Rebel in East Europe.

Jailbreak, West Asia, 8-man vs Moderate, 38% infil

- "Trenches" the MSgt assault (tank)
- "Shadow" the shinobi officer (tank)
- "T-44" the shinobi (tank)
- "Dirk" the gunner with Bladestorm (tank)
- "Pinto" the ranger with Shredder
- "Teardrop" the spec
- "Mecheye" the spec
- Psi Initiate

Evac is between jail and start. 24-turn limit.

Turn 1, no contact.

Turn 2, "Mecheye" Scan Prot the roof, nothing. Most of squad dash to roof.

Turn 3, no contact.

Turn 4, initiate runs into large detection radius of pod 1 [T2 Officer, Shieldbearer, Gunner, Guardian] and activates a solo Drone. Oh well, she was the first move this turn, this isn't too bad. Smoke and Aid Prot her. CP the Drone. "Shadow" spot another Drone as the only threat from the other side. EV dash "Pinto". Hunker advance "Dirk".

Pod 2 [Muton, Sidewinder x2, Sectoid] comes in. Shields go up. Gunner shoots "Pinto", his CF OW misses, at 2%, miss. T2 Officer Marks and shoots him at 22%, miss. Guardian get close and OW. Wasted mindspin on initiate.

Turn 5, 88% insanity on Gunner, 12% CF shot from Guardian misses, panic. Soulfire a Sidewinder dead. "T-44" move to cover (Low Profile) and shoot Guardian flank at 55%, miss. "Pinto" retreat and hunker (while in view of some). "Dirk" Area Suppress 3 targets - including Guardian who I expect to run. Aid Prot "Trenches" and dash him close. Command him Run & Gun EXO punch: Sectoid down to 3, Shieldbearer loses all shields and armour, Guardian down to 2.

Shieldbearer runs back and shoots "Trenches" at 10%, miss. Sidewinder spits on "Trenches" (hazmat). Muton suppress inititate. T2 Officer triggers CCS (49%, miss) to shoot "Trenches" at 16%, miss. Guardian runs suppression, 90% shot kills. Sectoid OW.

Turn 6, RNF go yellow. 78% insanity on Sidewinder, mind control. Fortify and Mind Merge on "Trenches" up to 9 ablative. LR cancel OW, oneshot T2 Officer through shields, CE into Trench Gun on Gunner (recovering from panic) and Muton flank. Gunner dead, Muton down to 2. "Pinto" 50% shot on Muton graze for 4 and shred 2, dead. Implacable move up and 45% shot on Sectoid dead. "Well how about that?" - indeed. Dash "Dirk" forward. "Mecheye" move, get spotted by Drone (as planned) and CP it dead.

Shieldbearer runs away. New pod seen by "Shadow".

Turn 7, move mind controlled Sidewinder to activate pod 3 [Muton, Sidewinder x2] at an angle. Muton and a Sidewinder scamper badly. 76% flank shot on Sidewinder, graze for 4. Soulfire the other Sidewinder dead. Aid Prot "Pinto" and CP Sidewinder dead. Fortify and EV dash "Pinto" into Muton's flank. Risk a dash with "Mecheye" towards jail.

Muton runs away, out of "Pinto" sight.

Turn 8, dash mind controlled Sidewinder around, looking for more pod. Nothing. "Trenches" kills it, free reload and hunker. "Shadow" scout ahead, nothing. Dash "Mecheye" to hack position. Dash squad to cover her and prisoners from where cowards indicated next pod is.

Pod 4 [T2 Drone, Archer, Lancer] shows up from the other side. T2 Drone tanks "Pinto" OW. Archer orange-shoot him for 5 -1, now 1 below full HP. "Shadow" spotted by a solo Drone, Lancer orange-shoots her for 1.

Turn 9, "Pinto" 94% oneshots Archer, free reloads, Implacable moves up to see flanked Lancer. "Dirk" move up, 60% shoot 4 HP T2 Drone, graze for 3 -1. "Shadow" Fleche T2 Drone dead. "Pinto" oneshot Lancer. 72% hack for Watch List succeeds. CP Drone dead. Nothing active anymore. Half the squad hasn't had an action - awkwardly look around and OW.

Turn 10, begin the long run to evac.

Turn 11, RNF go red.

RNF is [Archer x2, T2 Rocketeer, Guardian]. T2 Rocketeer avoids 6 OW shots and dies to 7th. Archers OW.

Turn 12, Fortify and Mind Merge on "Trenches", Run & Gun Trench Gun on Archers: oneshot both. Demolish Guardian's cover. Fucking tree bugs out and still acts as cover. Fine, Fleche and Whirlwind back with "Shadow".

Turn 13, RNF go yellow.

Turn 14, RNF go red.

RNF warp in. Shieldbearer dies. Drone dies.

Turn 15, RNF go red. Squad out. Flawless. 21 kills. Yeah I never saw 9 enemies.

- 1 Core
- 2 Adv Stock
- +2 HP PCS

2 Rebels, 3 Rookies:
- 5, 15, -1, 65, -9. 28 Psi.
- 4, 16, 13, 60, 1. 17 Psi. GTS -> Assault. I only have 2.
- 3, 15, 6, 62, 10. 18 Psi. GTS -> Shinobi. Could have been a gunner but I have enough low level ones.

- "T-44" -> TSgt. HI because CCS coming.
- "Pinto" -> GSgt

Tactical DE: Shredder goes live. Well, even while being shredded, armour mitigates 1 hit.

PoI gives $82. Buy 2nd Psi tube. Initiate -> Fortress (7d) training. I could have picked Stasis, but this one has 7 Def and I want a Psi tank.

I'll have to assign an 8-man to the Strategic DE in West Europe.

Re: Mag Rush Campaign - Commander 1.5

Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2017 5:39 pm
by Psieye
- Jul 12 -

Send elite (4 coils, 4 EXO, 3 MSgt) 8-man to stop Strategic DE. May have to pull them back but as it's 18d long that's fine.

Sell some Focus PCS and 9 (of 15) Trooper bodies. Buy Body Shield PCS for $30. Now at $96. I have 14 cores in case I need emergency cash.

- Jul 13 -

+1 recruit from West Asia: 3, 16, 9, 68, -2. 20 Psi. Yeah I'll put him in the Psi tube afterwards.

S&G, 9d 21h, West Asia, Str 1, E.Light - wait for tube.

"Thunder" the sniper learns Lead by Example. Send "Shadow" the shinobi to learn Jammer.

Lib 1, 6d 22h, West Asia, Str 1, E.Light - send B-grade 5-man.

- Jul 14 -

"Destroy Relay to prevent full retal", 5d 9h, New Indonesia, Str 8. Not confident but worth a shot for the intel reward. Relocate the 8-man to here.

+1 rebel in New Indonesia. Switch New Indonesia to 10 intel, 2 recruit (with promoted rebels)

+1 recruit: 4, 16, 5, 58, -1. 25 Psi. Definite Psi candidate.

- Jul 15 -

Bluescreen Rounds complete. Begin Redscreen.

"Pepper" the gunner learns Walk Fire.

Need to raise cash for this S&G in West Asia: sell 3 cores, a datapad and some junk. Now at $2. Kinda wanted to send a 6-man to the S&G but I must downsize as I might fail to prevent a full retal.

"Hack for PoI", 3d 18h, West Europe, Str 6, Light - not important right now.

Res Comm constructed. Start contacting East Africa.

"Aftermath" the sniper learns Get Some. Put him back to learn Jammer.

- Jul 16 -

Lib 1, 2d 19h, West Europe, Str 6, Light. Nope.

+1 rebel in East Europe.

Oh I forgot to put someone in the AWC tube. Send "Red" the tech to learn Resilience.

Power Coil excavation complete. Begin Excavating Alien Machinery.

Lib 3 (Dark VIP), 8d 23h, New Indonesia, Str 8. I might decide to do it if I can squeeze in a 100% infil or close: keeping the RNF small is key.

- Jul 17 -

Troop Column, 9h, West Europe, Str 6. Nope, I missed that. House Rule of min 1d infiltration says I can't do it.

- Jul 18 -

+1 rebel in East Europe. Switch to supply, it's hit 13.

That Lib 3 is making me do this pre-full retal mission now when there's 1d 6h left. I want to try and 100% infil that Lib 3 with an 8-man.

"Destroy Relay to prevent full retal", New Indonesia, Str 8, 8-man vs V.Heavy (30), 42% infil

Highway map.

- "Wizard" the support grenadier with Smoker
- "Painter" the shinobi with C&P
- "Pinto" the ranger
- "Doc" the revival spec officer with Salvo
- "Apex" the sniper with Deep Cover
- "Zap" the CP/EV spec with Low Profile
- "Trenches" the assault
- "Thumper" the ranger

Turn 1, "Apex" gets in position to snipe Relay once a spotter sees it. No contact.

Turn 2, spot 3 pods. Squad out of position. Do not engage.

Turn 3, "Apex" 117% oneshots Sectoid. Pod 1 remnants [Naja, Sectoid, T2 Trooper] activate. "Thumper" 44% shoots Naja, dead, then Implacable moves to high cover and OW. "Zap" 78% shoots Sectoid from behind, oneshot. "Painter" sees 4th pod up ahead. Evac flare somewhere close. "Wizard" instant smoke office roof (for self) and 62% shoots T2 Trooper, oneshot. TA "Wizard", EV dash "Pinto" next to her.

Trooper dies. Pod 2 remnants [T2 Trooper, Scout, Guardian, Shieldbearer] activate. Guardian takes 6. Shields go up. Scout shoots "Thumper", miss.

Turn 4, instant holo Scout but snipe 1 HP Guardian at 62%, dead. "Painter" checks flank: nothing. "Pinto" 62% shoot Scout, oneshot through shields, then Implac moves to loot. Pod 3 activates: 7 total active. "Pinto" move to starting position with Fortify (and smoke). "Zap" EXO punch: Scout dies, T2 Trooper exposed and down to 4, Grenadier loses shields and down to 4. "Doc" salvo-smoke "Zap" then Command him to Capacitor Discharge: Grenadies dies, T2 Trooper dies, Guardian takes 3 after shields and dazed. "Trenches" hunker advance.

Pod 4 [T2 Sidewinder, Drone, Engineer, ?, ?] walks in, activates, scampers to flank "Painter". Orange-taze miss. Scout orange-OW. Pod 3 T1 Gunner dies to "Wizard" OW. Shieldbearer moves and shoots "Painter" at 2%, miss. Dazed Guardian shoot at 1%, miss. T2 Trooper OW.

Turn 5, RNF go yellow. "Trenches" shoot explosive after getting out of flank: T2 Sidewinder down to 2. "Pinto" shoot Drone, graze for 3 and shred 2. "Painter" go Reaper: Fleche Scout dead, Coil SMG exposed Engineer dead (Hit & Run), Fleche 2 HP T2 Sidewinder dead, Fleche 1 HP Drone dead, Body Shield on T2 Trooper, move to cover. "Apex" 73% snipe T2 Trooper dead, removing OW. "Zap" T2 CP 4 HP Guardian dead. EV dash "Thumper" into Shieldbearer flank. "Pinto" move up and gets TA while watching Shieldbearer.

T2 Trooper dies to "Thumper". Shieldbearer shot down to 2 and 1 armour by "Thumper" but avoids "Pinto" OW. It retreats and OW.

Turn 6, T2 CP the Shieldbearer dead. "Thumper" and "Apex" dash to relay shooting position.

Pod 5 [Archer x2, Mec x2] finds squad. Mec orange-suppress "Painter" (shadowstep).

Turn 7, RNF go red. "Pinto" oneshots Archer. "Thumper" oneshots Archer, Implac move and shoot Mec down to 1. "Apex" snipe Relay down to 15. Instant smoke the 2 rangers. OW camp, including "Apex" with TA.

RNF is 4-man. Everything except a T1 Trooper dies. Pod 6 [Naja, Muton x2, Scout, Grenadier] finds squad. Muton orange-suppress "Thumper". 1 HP Mec shoots "Wizard" at 19% (low cover), miss. Mec suppress "Wizard".

Turn 8, RNF go yellow. "Trenches" Fortify, LR ignore an OW and EXO punch: Naja dies, Grenadier dies, 1 HP Mec dies, Mec down to 3 and no armour, Muton down to 3 and no armour, Muton down to 7 and no armour, Relay down to 8. Also removes cover (shop shelf) for Mutons. "Pinto" kill Mec and 7 HP Muton. "Wizard" 100% shoot T1 Trooper, dead. "Apex" finish relay. TA "Trenches" in low cover. Camp for evac.

Scout shoot "Pinto" at 62% (low cover). Well shit, that's Lone Wolf for you.

Turn 9, RNF go red. "Trenches" CE oneshot Scout then move towards evac. 49% lamp hack for large supply fail, double RNF incoming. Command "Trenches" to move closer.

1st RNF is 4-man, 2 die. 2nd RNF is 3-man, 2 die, T2 Lancer down to 2.

Turn 10, T2 Lancer dies to 51% shot. Squad out. Flawless. 37/39 kills.

- Adv Auto Loader
- 1 Core

- "Doc" -> MSgt. Restoration.
- "Thumper" -> MSgt. Rupture.
- "Painter" -> MSgt. Rapid Fire.

"Shadow" the shinobi learns Jammer.

"Mega" the Sgt Spec learns Low Profile. Send "Shadow" to learn Return Fire (2d). It's a pity Hunter's Instincts is mutually exclusive with Reaper but I think the latter is better for pistol skills.

Replace "Zap" for "Mega" for Scanning Protocol (Faceless must be detected). Replace "Thumper" for Stasis Acolyte. Give "Apex" a battle scanner. Send this 8-man to Lib 3 in New Indonesia.

Sell a Core and some junk to reach $96. I'll need this cash for buying equipment for the next Psi operative.

East Africa contacted (5 rebel, Str 5). I really should contact the next region before liberating.