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features or bugs?

Posted: Thu Jul 06, 2017 1:51 pm
by pipelad
Hello, so i'm hesitant to post several "issues" i've encountered in my 1.4 campaign, i would like some input before providing all the collected information to the bug forum.

1.) ive noticed in all instances of my campaign that full override is expended when failed. Description still says its not expended, is this a bug or is this a new feature and the description is not updated?

2.) on troop columns and on smash and grab, even on some other missions, before i get control of my squad, the camera moves around the map, not between the objective and the squad, but in many directions "revealing" somewhat where the aliens are, and at least how many hit points and armor they have, have a screencap that i can provide of this, could try to record some footage of the event next time it happens.

3.) Trojan triggers on advent soldiers? so with skulljack new, i guess feature, of doing 20 damage insted of instakill, ive seen several cases where they triger trojan and get more damage assigned. is this a feature, an accidental thing or a bug?

Re: features or bugs?

Posted: Thu Jul 06, 2017 2:42 pm
by nmkaplan
1. From the 1.5 (unreleased) patch notes: "- Fix a bug causing the Full Override charge to be consumed on a failed hack attempt. It is now refunded if the hack fails."

2. I'd be surprised in PI didn't know about this one. If you watch Xwynns videos, he exploits this bug all the time, and he's an official tester for Pavonis. I have no idea if they're doing anything about it, or how difficult it would be to fix.

3. This is something brand new, that I've never seen reported before, and it's kind of funny. Also completely moot, since they're fixing the skulljack to instakill enemies in 1.5. Again, from the 1.5 patch notes: "- Increased skulljack damage to ensure a kill".

Re: features or bugs?

Posted: Thu Jul 06, 2017 3:39 pm
by pipelad
Oh great! thanks for the detailed response nmkaplan. Guess at this point is only wait for 1.5