Let's nerf Rangers

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Let's nerf Rangers

Post by Alketi »

Hi, Happy March 32! I'm Nerf Man and it's a pleasure to meet me!

Can we talk about how overpowered Rangers are for a minute?

Sure, joinrbs makes fun of them but people are saying that he only mocks Rangers to throw off Pavonis. Other people say that he's been running a House Rules/Ranger-only shadow campaign where he achieved Flawless victory before the Elventeenth of Septober.

Should such Ranger success come as a surprise?

As far as I'm aware, no other class gets two shots where the second shot is MORE ACCURATE than the first! In fact, with a PCS you can gain +20 on your second shot!! How is this balanced? I can't be the only one who deliberately misses my first shot just for the aim boost... Go on, admit it.

There are many many more many other examples of how overpowered Rangers are, and I had them written down on a piece of paper that I don't have handy at the moment. But, surely you get the idea.

tl;dr Make Rangers a one-shot class. Stop the madness!
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Joined: Sat Mar 04, 2017 12:12 pm

Re: Let's nerf Rangers

Post by darkerevent »

Strangely enough this is the first April Fools post I've encountered in my casual Internet browsing today.

+1 to style for arguing that the Hyper-reactive Pupils PCS is good. xD
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