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Timer Q

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2017 11:46 am
by redsky14
Ok, i lost my 4th campaign on Commander , because of timer. i think 2x times when timer start counting days , it was 25 days. But 3rd time it was just day. I send my squad to important mission, but they needed 100% infiltration at least. So game over.

How can I know when it would be 25 days and when just 1 day countdown ? Ty.

Im not giving up or going down on level, so Commander here i come!

Re: Timer Q

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2017 1:13 am
by Devon_v
I believe the timer remembers where it was the last time it was running. So if you removed a pip with 4 days left, and then the aliens got that pip back, you still have only 4 days to go. Firaxis made that change because "surfing the timer" was the best way to play, just letting the "free" extra three weeks go by, then knocking a pip off to reset the clock for another three weeks.

I believe there's also a bug where if you start a new campaign without rebooting the game some values from the previous campaign might be carried over into the new one, so I would guess that a 1-day timer from the third campaign glitched into the 4th, but there was no way to know that it had happened until the AVATAR project maxed out.

Re: Timer Q

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2017 4:57 am
by aedn
The timer resetting everytime you completed a blacksite is no longer useable in xcom 2. it was changed in vanilla a long time ago due to being easily abused i believe. while you can stop it you can no longer reset it once it starts counting down.