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Double Biggest Booms perk?

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2017 8:30 pm
by AegixDrakan
Soo...One of my grenadiers got the Biggest Booms perk from the AWC.

She can learn it naturally too.

...What happens if I double up on it? 100% crit on grenades? increased crit damage? It rolls 50% for crit twice?

Re: Double Biggest Booms perk?

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2017 9:25 pm
by Devon_v
Commander's Choice?

It's not supposed to be able to happen, no idea how the game will proc it.

Safest move is to take something else at that rank.

Re: Double Biggest Booms perk?

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2017 9:32 pm
by Jacke
I think you must have an older version of Commander's Choice installed and used it to change your soldier to Grenadier as a Squaddie. That and editting the INI file to remove the restriction against the Grenadier getting its own perk as an AWC perk are the only two ways I know of that can lead to having Biggest Booms as an AWC perk on a Grenadier.

Commander's Choice was recently upgraded to selecting soldier class in the promoting from Rookie to Squaddie to prevent these cases.

Re: Double Biggest Booms perk?

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2017 10:31 pm
by AegixDrakan
Jacke wrote:I think you must have an older version of Commander's Choice installed and used it to change your soldier to Grenadier as a Squaddie.
Ohhhh, I get what happened, then.

I didn't use the Commander's Choice mod, actually. This character was in my first batch of characters and the person she's named after wanted to be a grenadier, so I used Console Commands to swap her class to Grenadier and turn my initial Grenadier into a Sniper to keep things fair. XD

Well, this explains a lot, thank you.

Re: Double Biggest Booms perk?

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2017 10:50 pm
by Jacke
AegixDrakan wrote: Ohhhh, I get what happened, then.

I didn't use the Commander's Choice mod, actually. This character was in my first batch of characters and the person she's named after wanted to be a grenadier, so I used Console Commands to swap her class to Grenadier and turn my initial Grenadier into a Sniper to keep things fair. XD
I imagine you used something like this.

Console command: MakeSoldierAClass "Firstname Lastname" Grenadier

Which makes that soldier a Squaddie Grenadier. As far as I know, that doesn't reset LW2 AWC perks.

There is a way to do this that should get the AWC perks correct. You'll need the mods Grimy's Console Commands (to get the console command LevelUpSoldier) and Commander's Choice (to promote a Rookie into a specific class).

To turn a soldier from any class into another LW2 class, you then follow these steps.

Console command: MakeSoldierAClass "Firstname Lastname" Rookie
Console command: LevelUpSoldier "Firstname Lastname" 1

That makes them a Rookie with a promotion to Squaddie. You can then promote them in the Armory and the interface provided by Commander's Choice allows you to select any of the 8 initial soldier classes.

Re: Double Biggest Booms perk?

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2017 9:14 am
by cerebrawl
You'll find that if you learn it from the AWC, it won't let you learn it from the regular tree. On the upside it will let you pick something else, and not bug out and deny you a pick like it did in the first XCom/Long War.