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Idea for Rocketeers

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2017 8:29 pm
by ConradKurze
When it comes to Technicals there are a few issues with them. Primarily their entire class is built around using and improving limited use abilities. In the case of Flamer Technicals you have 2 shots at base, 4 with EXO, plus 1 Roust, 2 with EXO. In the case of Rocketeers, though, you've got 1 rocket. Until you get EXO, at which time you have 2 rockets. Sure, they get Bunker Busters at their final rank, but that is the final rank, basically 20-30 missions without that ability.

So how do we fix this issue? Well people have talked about changing Concussion Rocket (which is mediocre at best, and doesn't really fit the theme of badass fire and explosions dude) into an extra rocket. The LW devs have said this feels a bit too OP, as that ability is very early in the tree and 2 full sized rockets can do a lot of damage. My suggestion is to do what EU/EW did and add a secondary rocket type - Shredder Rocket.

Replace Concussion Rockets with Shredder Rockets: they could have a smaller radius (maybe standard grenade size of 3), do less damage, but apply rupture and Shred extra armor (and maybe do minimal Env damage, maybe normal Env damage, depends on balancing). This way Rocketeers aren't just a 1 shot wonder.

What are your thoughts?

Re: Idea for Rocketeers

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2017 12:58 am
by Jacke
Replace the Concussion Rocket with a Shredder Rocket. Sounds like a good idea.

Re: Idea for Rocketeers

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2017 1:44 am
by NoDebate
I like the idea of the Concussion Rocket but, I think it needs to guarantee Disorient with a chance for Stun. Otherwise, why take not just use a Flashb- Oh wait...

The ability to load different kinds of rockets, like Frag or HEAT (even Thermobaric would be tight but, difficult to implement correctly) would give Rocketeers the utility to ignore/shred armor vs: deal a lot of direct damage, nudging them closer to par with Grenadiers.

Re: Idea for Rocketeers

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2017 2:48 am
by Valaska
I'm not sure what they were going for with the concussion rocket. It can completely fizzle and be a boon to your enemies, its nothing but a laibility :x.

I would have liked a choice of maybe a gas rocket, or acid rocket. Emp? I dunno something nifty and reliable.