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[suggestion] combat engineer

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2017 12:16 am
by warbrand2
was playing lw2 and got this idea, probibly shouldn't post this here but there isn't exactly a suggestion section for lw2.

gear: shotgun, portable mortar.
use: controlled demolition, specialized munitions.

squady (When gets combat engineer)
PORTABLE MORTAR: a 6-24 range explosive has 2 charges shots do heavy damage to cover, and structures.

portable mortar stats
range:6-24 (not counting blast)
spread: 0-4 (6-8=2 spread, 9-11 0-1 spread, 12-20 3 spread, 21+ 4 spread)
charges: 3
blast range: 3.5
damage: 1-4 +1 shred.
portable mortar use: to use the POMO the player must deploy it, this is a two round action and ends the combat engineers turn

USE: long range explosive support, and QCB support.

corporal rank choice example
chambered mortar: POMO can be fired on same turn it is deployed.
TACTICAL FLARES: fires a mortar round that doesn't break concealment and reveals a 8 range area (spread rules apply)
MAG LOAD: shotguns gain +2 ammo.

sergeant rank choice example
grenade cup: POMO can launch standard and specialize grenades
breech charge: start each mission with a breech charge (destroy one wall)
slug shot: same as standard

lieutenant rank choice example
bunker busters: mortar rounds have +2 blast range.
mortar sights: reduces spread by 1 at all ranges and adds 2 range to mortar.
automatic shotgun: fire a second shot at no cost if first shot hits.

Captain rank choice example
mortar belt: empty gear slots give +1 mortar rounds.
flash bang shells: mortar rounds take a one damage penalty, and disorient all targets in blast range.
close combat ready: free overwatch shots on any target that enters 4 range.

Major rank choice example
white phosphorous shell: a special mortar round that lights the ground on fire in a large area burning ALL targets organic or robotic in blast range and destroys any cover in the area.
rigged infiltration: on missions wiht over 100% infiltration gain a single charge ability called mass hack, which shutsdown all robotic enemies for 3 turns.
CQB defender: gain one armor and +50dodge against any attacks with in 4 range.

Colonel rank choice example
burst round: single charge ability fires 3 rounds from the pomo in a single turn (uses 3 charges from the fire mortar ability) each round does 4-7 damage and has 1 shred one pierce.
distraction shot: fire a single shot from the POMO destroying a small area of the map but doing no damage. re-conceals any allies 8 range or more from an enemy. (does not conceal the combat engineer)
gut punch rounds: hits from shotgun stun enemies with armor. for 1 turn.

yeah sort of rambling on this idea, but the general idea is a soldier which can hit enemies at sniper range with explosives but must be set up to do so. also the idea is for them to have the option to be epic in close combat but at the cost of the versatility of their explosive option.