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[suggestion] About ingame info and tips.

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2017 3:27 pm
by josna238
First of all I am new on the forum and I don't know if this is the way to do suggestions, if not I would appreciate if you said how to do properly.

1.- Tips on loading screen: the loading screen shows tips in texts but those are too small and with the movement of camera oo hard to read, so it would be good if these tips would be shown like subtitles, for example if we have the "show subtitles mark" active.

2.- XCOM archives highlights: When a new topic is added to Archive it would be great if the comanders room tab and the topic in case would be highlighted like the armory, soldiers, research etc.

3.- The commander room and the archives could have an explanation of game mechanics like this The changes are so great but the info ingame is to low (personally after reading the mechanic I find the game imposible to play without reading Ufopaedia mechanics first, so it could be good to have them ingame.

Re: Some suggestioons from a new player in LW2.

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2017 3:33 pm
by UraniumOverdose
I wish they had better explanations in game for pretty much everything. I figured it out by reading the forums and restarting two campaigns. It's still got stuff that is vague, like exactly what the tactical dark events effect and such.