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[Suggestion] Add more resources quantities to research/engineering

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2017 4:20 am
by Desslok
Just a QoL improvement .. I know it changes from red -> green text when you possess enough materials, wouldnt it be beneficial to also know how many of a certain item your actually holding too? /salute if someones already mentioned this already ;) .
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Re: [Suggestion] Add more resources quantities to research/engineering

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2017 6:55 am
by Sines
Thing like specific corpse count is probably not an option. However, Elerium Cores are now common costs in several areas besides the Proving Grounds (Research, Buy Items, Facilities), and are just as much of a general purpose resource bottleneck as Alloys and Elerium. I think adding those would be a bit more reasonable.

However, one possible option, for things like corpses, would be to add a display to the cost window itself. Perhaps below the cost, there would be a smaller line explaining how many of each noted resource you have, if that resource is not already on the top of screen bar.

Re: [Suggestion] Add more resources quantities to research/engineering

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2017 8:48 am
by Randal Miser
I vaguely remember a mod that did this.

Don't remember what it was called though, or if it would even work with LW.