Crowdsourcing translations #2: Sedate + Sniper help - GOOD TO GO

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Crowdsourcing translations #2: Sedate + Sniper help - GOOD TO GO

Post by johnnylump »

Hi everyone, a couple more things we're looking at adding. This went so well the first time we'll keep doing it to get new stuff in quickly. I'll repeat the guidelines from last time:

We're trying to add a few new elements to the game for future patches, but a major obstacle is translating the supporting text for those elements into the various languages Long War 2 supports. While we may be able to submit stuff to 2K for additional translation, it might take a while to happen, so I thought I might see if we could get some help on this forum from our multilingual fans.

This is the English text for a new medikit ability and some text I'm going to add to the Death From Above perk. These are organized by tags and the actual text, e.g. TAG="Text"

The only stuff that needs translation is the text (the stuff between the quote marks). The tags should remain as is, as the code references them. HTML tags, such as <Bullet/> and <br/> should also not be changed. In general, brevity is a virtue when translating.

The supported non-English languages of XCOM 2 are the following:
* Spanish - DONE
* French - DONE
* German - DONE
* Russian - DONE
* Polish - DONE
* Italian - DONE
* Japanese - DONE
* Korean - DONE
* Simplified Chinese - DONE
* Traditional Chinese - DONE

The text that needs translating is here:

[Sedate X2AbilityTemplate]
LocHelpText="Render a nearby stunned, panicked or disoriented ally unconscious for the rest of the mission."

Also grants a long-range accuracy bonus for sniper rifles.

<Bullet/> This ability also removes all squadsight-range aim penalties when using sniper rifles at any elevation.


In this case, the Death From Above items will be appended to existing entries and don't need tags. Thanks for any help you can provide!

UPDATE: We're good! Thanks everyone!
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Re: Crowdsourcing translations #2: Sedate + Sniper help

Post by rakoon79 »

Allow me to fully understand the perk first : Primary goal is making stunned/panicked/disoriented ally (otherwise known as possibly in danger of getting killed by getting flanked or such) intentionally into "bleeding out"-state, with the "infinite timer", and this ultimately is to allow your soldiers to carry those victims and evac together?

And I assume "Also grants.." part doesn't need the translation
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Re: Crowdsourcing translations #2: Sedate + Sniper help

Post by johnnylump »

The "also grants" part does need translation; it's being added to the short description of the perk.

The purpose of Sedate is to knock out a soldier who is in a bad state so they can be carried from the battlefield to the Skyranger. It's the same status as if they were rendered unconscious by the Stun Lancer. Right now under certain circumstances in a battle a soldier has more of a chance to survive if they are bleeding out and can be carried than if they are simply stunned.
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Re: Crowdsourcing translations #2: Sedate + Sniper help

Post by MantLemon »

So the new medikit ability is a workaround for not being able to carry a stunned unit, I guess? I'm wondering if it can also be used on a mind-controlled alien... :3
And the Death From Above boost... we are getting what we want!


[Sedate X2AbilityTemplate]


<Bullet/> 此能力也移除了在任意高度使用狙击步枪时由小队视野带来的命中惩罚。
Last edited by MantLemon on Fri Jan 27, 2017 6:08 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Crowdsourcing translations #2: Sedate + Sniper help

Post by rakoon79 »


[Sedate X2AbilityTemplate]
LocHelpText="주위에 있는 기절/공포/혼란 상태인 아군유닛이 임무가 끝날 때까지 의식을 잃게 만듭니다."

추가로, 저격총에 장거리 명중률 보너스가 부여됩니다.

<Bullet/> 이 능력은 고지에서 저격총을 사용중일 때, 모든 분대시야 사거리의 명중률 패널티를 제거해줍니다.

EDIT : LocHelpText 10 minutes after the original comment

EDIT 2 : Re-edited LocHelpText
Last edited by rakoon79 on Fri Jan 27, 2017 10:12 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Crowdsourcing translations #2: Sedate + Sniper help

Post by johnnylump »

I'm afraid the formula will only work on humans and won't help when someone is mind-controlled. But, yes, it's to address that stunned units can't be carried.
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Re: Crowdsourcing translations #2: Sedate + Sniper help

Post by rakoon79 »

I know this thread is not really a discussion thread, so feel free to ignore at your convenience.

Will this perk end the user's turn? I feel it would be more practical if it just costed 1 action point. But then again, what do I know :P
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Re: Crowdsourcing translations #2: Sedate + Sniper help

Post by johnnylump »

Right now I'm testing at 1 action, non-turn-ending, person with medikit must be adjacent. 2 charges per medikit.
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Re: Crowdsourcing translations #2: Sedate + Sniper help

Post by Arantir »


[Sedate X2AbilityTemplate]
LocHelpText="Приводит в бессознательное состояние оглушенного, паникующего или дезориентированного союзника до конца миссии."

Также повышает точность стрельбы со снайперских винтовок на дальней дистанции.

<Bullet/> Эта способность также отменяет штрафы к точности при стрельбе со снайперской винтовки с высоты по целям на расстоянии общего вида.


About the last line, I guess it's more logical to go with "...на расстоянии командного вида." instead of "...на расстоянии общего вида." (stands for "at squadsight-range") or even just "...на дальней дистанции" (stands for "at long range") since the above one sounds kinda like "at common range", but in the official XCOM2 localization the "Squadsight" perk is "Общий вид" and it doesn't transtate well in combination with other words ("Общий вид" is basically a synonym to "Common apperance").
Well... I still went with that one so one can relate to the perk name, but it's not ideal.
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Re: Crowdsourcing translations #2: Sedate + Sniper help

Post by Zaramnor »

German translation

[Sedate X2AbilityTemplate]
LocHelpText="Macht einen nahen betäubten, in Panik geratenen oder desorientierten Verbündeten für die restliche Mission bewusstlos."

Gewährt außerdem einen Zielgenauigkeitsbonus für Scharfschützengewehre auf große Entfernungen.

<Bullet/> Die Fähigkeit entfernt außerdem alle Abzüge auf Truppsicht-Entfernung bei der Benutzung von Scharfschützengewehren von erhöhten Positionen aus.

Edit: Typos
Last edited by Zaramnor on Fri Jan 27, 2017 6:14 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Crowdsourcing translations #2: Sedate + Sniper help

Post by MantLemon »

johnnylump wrote:I'm afraid the formula will only work on humans and won't help when someone is mind-controlled. But, yes, it's to address that stunned units can't be carried.
Oh, I was trying to say what will happen if I... flashbang a group of Advents, mind-control one of them and "sedate" that one. Weird combo I know...

Also I've update my Simplified Chinese translation; please use the current text.
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Re: Crowdsourcing translations #2: Sedate + Sniper help

Post by rakoon79 »

Oh I see. That sounds great. But shouldn't it say that the perk's # of usage is related to the medikit? What if someone takes this perk, but doesnt bring medikit :\

Re: Crowdsourcing translations #2: Sedate + Sniper help

Post by ORIONOX »

rakoon79 wrote:Oh I see. That sounds great. But shouldn't it say that the perk's # of usage is related to the medikit? What if someone takes this perk, but doesnt bring medikit :\
I believe that this will be inherent to the medkit, meaning anybody who equips the medkit gets this skill. it's really not good enough of a skill to compete in one of the perk trees.... although I could see it being introduced into the defensive AWC tree.
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Re: Crowdsourcing translations #2: Sedate + Sniper help

Post by rakoon79 »

ORIONOX wrote:
rakoon79 wrote:Oh I see. That sounds great. But shouldn't it say that the perk's # of usage is related to the medikit? What if someone takes this perk, but doesnt bring medikit :\
I believe that this will be inherent to the medkit, meaning anybody who equips the medkit gets this skill. it's really not good enough of a skill to compete in one of the perk trees.... although I could see it being introduced into the defensive AWC tree.
Oh I see. Cz it had like multiple mentions of Sniper Rifle, I assumed it was sniper-specific perk with bonus add on of sedating. That makes more sense now.

Re: Crowdsourcing translations #2: Sedate + Sniper help

Post by ORIONOX »

rakoon79 wrote:
ORIONOX wrote:
rakoon79 wrote:Oh I see. That sounds great. But shouldn't it say that the perk's # of usage is related to the medikit? What if someone takes this perk, but doesnt bring medikit :\
I believe that this will be inherent to the medkit, meaning anybody who equips the medkit gets this skill. it's really not good enough of a skill to compete in one of the perk trees.... although I could see it being introduced into the defensive AWC tree.
Oh I see. Cz it had like multiple mentions of Sniper Rifle, I assumed it was sniper-specific perk with bonus add on of sedating. That makes more sense now.
The mentions of the sniper rifle were because "damn good ground" if being buffed in the sniper tree and they were asking people to translate it.
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Re: Crowdsourcing translations #2: Sedate + Sniper help

Post by rakoon79 »

ORIONOX wrote:
rakoon79 wrote:
ORIONOX wrote: I believe that this will be inherent to the medkit, meaning anybody who equips the medkit gets this skill. it's really not good enough of a skill to compete in one of the perk trees.... although I could see it being introduced into the defensive AWC tree.
Oh I see. Cz it had like multiple mentions of Sniper Rifle, I assumed it was sniper-specific perk with bonus add on of sedating. That makes more sense now.
The mentions of the sniper rifle were because "damn good ground" if being buffed in the sniper tree and they were asking people to translate it.
oh righttt. I completely misunderstood the whole thing. I was under the impression of this is a new perk of sedating + sniper bonus. Thankfully, the translation doesn't change. Thank you for the explanation
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Re: Crowdsourcing translations #2: Sedate + Sniper help

Post by kordolius »


[Sedate X2AbilityTemplate]
LocHelpText="Rend inconscient un allié étourdi, paniqué ou désorienté pour le reste de la mission."
LocFlyOverText="Sous Tranquillisants"


Confère également un bonus à longue portée aux fusils de précision.

<Bullet/> Cette capacité supprime également toutes les pénalités de portée quand un fusil de précision est utilisé avec la capacité Vision commune, quelle que soit l'élévation.


For fellow translators who, like me, are playing with the english version, and are not sure of which terms were used for loc, here is a list of useful tags to research in XComGame Loc file :


[DeathFromAbove X2AbilityTemplate]
[Squadsight X2AbilityTemplate]
[SniperRifle_CV X2WeaponTemplate]
Last edited by kordolius on Fri Jan 27, 2017 3:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Crowdsourcing translations #2: Sedate + Sniper help

Post by rakoon79 »

Sorry JL. Re-edited my Local Text for Korean, thanks to Kordolius' little comment. For some reason, default KOR Localization uses multiple terms for a single status, and managed to dig up a better phrasing
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Re: Crowdsourcing translations #2: Sedate + Sniper help

Post by Wizardgreen »

**Traditional Chinese**

[Sedate X2AbilityTemplate]


<Bullet/> 此技能同時可以解除狙擊槍在任何高度使用小隊視野時帶來的命中懲罰.
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Re: Crowdsourcing translations #2: Sedate + Sniper help

Post by kordolius »

rakoon79 wrote:Sorry JL. Re-edited my Local Text for Korean, thanks to Kordolius' little comment. For some reason, default KOR Localization uses multiple terms for a single status, and managed to dig up a better phrasing
You are welcome.

I edited mine a bit, because the best french equivalent of "Sedate" is a bit long ("Mettre sous Tranquillisants"), and I'm afraid of taking too much space. I'm not really happy with "anesthetize" equivalent I chose.
JL, do you know if there is a space constraint in the UI here ?
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Re: Crowdsourcing translations #2: Sedate + Sniper help

Post by MacroNova »


[Sedate X2AbilityTemplate]
LocFriendlyName="Somministrare Sedativi"
LocHelpText="Rendere incosciente per il resto della missione un alleato vicino che è stordito, in preda al panico, o disorientato."

Concede anche per fucili da cecchino un bonus di accuratezza a lungo raggio.

<Bullet/> Questa abilità rimuove anche tutti gli svantaggi di accuratezza per squadra vista quando si utilizza fucili da cecchino in qualsiasi altezza.

My Italian is a bit rusty, but this was very fun. I hope it's useful. Count me among those who were initially confused about a new sniper ability that sedates people and provides bonuses to elevation!

It occurred to me as a I made this that there are probably already established translations for things like squadsight and sniper rifles in the existing localization files. I won't be around my computer that has the game on it for the next few days. Is there some way to get a look at the existing localization?
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Re: Crowdsourcing translations #2: Sedate + Sniper help

Post by 8wayz »

Hey kordolius,

How about Endormir/Endormi ? I was thinking it is the best middle-ground, as you are not actually keeping that person on sedatives during the whole mission, like doctors do during a long operation, you are just knocking him off with a good dose. :)
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Re: Crowdsourcing translations #2: Sedate + Sniper help

Post by faleg »

[Sedate X2AbilityTemplate]
LocHelpText="Usypia pobliskiego ogłuszonego, spanikowanego, lub zdezorientowanego sojusznika, pozbawiając przytomności na resztę misji"

Również dodaje bonus do celności na dalekie dystanse dla karabinu snajperskiego.

<Bullet/> Ta zdolność również usuwa wszystkie kary w Widoku Drużynowym przy celowaniu z użyciem karabinu snajperskiego na dowolnej elewacji.
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Re: Crowdsourcing translations #2: Sedate + Sniper help

Post by johnnylump »

kordolius wrote:
rakoon79 wrote:Sorry JL. Re-edited my Local Text for Korean, thanks to Kordolius' little comment. For some reason, default KOR Localization uses multiple terms for a single status, and managed to dig up a better phrasing
You are welcome.

I edited mine a bit, because the best french equivalent of "Sedate" is a bit long ("Mettre sous Tranquillisants"), and I'm afraid of taking too much space. I'm not really happy with "anesthetize" equivalent I chose.
JL, do you know if there is a space constraint in the UI here ?
The sedate lines and the first sniper line need to be short. The sniper line (after <Bullet/> can be long.
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Re: Crowdsourcing translations #2: Sedate + Sniper help

Post by Uburian »


[Sedate X2AbilityTemplate]
LocHelpText="Deja inconsciente durante el resto de la misión a un aliado que esté aturdido, desorientado o en pánico."

También aporta una mejora de precisión a larga distancia en los rifles de francotirador.

<Bullet/> Esta habilidad también elimina todas las penalizaciones de precisión en la distancia de vista de pelotón al utilizar rifles de francotirador a cualquier altura.


Happy to help ;)
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