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Feature request - Mines + triggerd explosives

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2017 3:05 pm
by Zavek
i dont know if there is a mod for it and if there is pleae point me to it.

Now for the main subject, here in longwar ive learned alot about sneaking to get to my objectives and to get out easy however there are missions that go wrong and when they do they do so immensly.

so i got to thinking what about mines? it would be a nice feature to be able to put down mines in the paths of enemy patrols, now this is a highrisk thing but it opens up a another ambush feature.
say your on a convoy raid and youve found a route that the patrol takes, now you send a agent forward and place a mine and return back to the rest of the squad and wait. the enemy patrol returns and triggers the mine, the concealment is now broken and your agents on overwatch opens fire and hopefully kill the squad.
so what does it do that a technical missile or grenades cant do?
the mines can be carried by any class so if all you got are rangers and specialists they can plant a explosive ambush, it frees it 1 more gun for the overwatch.
Basic mine: damage 2-5 with a diameter of 1 +disorientation in a diameter of 3 (powerfull combo but you cannot throw a mine at the enemy) -1 mobility,
Proximity mine : damage 2-4 diameter of 3 no disorientation. mine is triggerd by proximity as name suggests. -1 mobility
Mines are undetectable by enemies and can be triggerd by direct fire or splash from other explosions much like fuel canisters on map.
upgrades like grenades in proving grounds

then i rememberd the vanilla campaing intro tutorial. they used explosives to create a distraction.
numerous enemy patrols but you cannot fight them all so you want to distract a few.
plants a X4 charge on target wall/object once planted agent who planted it has the detonator DO NOT LOOSE THAT AGENT.
close in on your objective and hope no patrol spots the charge untill your ready and then trigger it.
sets enemies on yellow alert and makes them move towards explosion to investigate Reinforcements may start to arrive even if squad is concealed. the charge can also be used to create ambushes as it has a 5 tile radius, if enemies spots the charge they will shot it to disable it.
stats: 4-8 damage 5 radius explsosion 1 hp when placed -2 mobility.
upgrades like grenades in Proving grounds

Re: Feature request - Mines + triggerd explosives

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2017 7:30 pm
by foreverdead
There is a proxy mine in vanilla hidden behind andromedon research, i'm sure it's still there in LW2 somewhere.

Re: Feature request - Mines + triggerd explosives

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2017 7:59 pm
by Arcalane
foreverdead wrote:There is a proxy mine in vanilla hidden behind andromedon research, i'm sure it's still there in LW2 somewhere.
I was skeptical about using them at first, but my god are they powerful in vanilla. I expect they've been nerfed a bit in LW2, and it looks like they're locked behind Sectopods now.

Re: Feature request - Mines + triggerd explosives

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2017 8:00 pm
by 8wayz
There is already a Proximity mine in-game:
  • ProximityMine_BaseDamage = (Damage=6, Spread = 2, PlusOne = 50, Crit = 0, Pierce = 0, Shred=1, Tag = "", DamageType="Explosion")
    ProximityMine_Range = 14
    ProximityMine_Radius = 3
Taken from XCOMGameData_WeaponData.ini

Compared to vanilla XCOM 2, their radius is one lower, but have 2 more range. The damage is the same, but shred 1 less point of armour.

And it does not break concealment. This was the favourite tactic of Beaglerush in original XCOM2 - find a pod, throw 1 or 2 Proximity mines, then trigger the pod. The pod evaporates in no time.