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[lw2 suggestion] strange allies

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2017 3:04 am
by warbrand2
something for the late game, with advant and the aliens loosing control you would think this would include some of their troops as well. So here is an idea for resistance allies and special events starting at the 3 month line onwards.

info: as the war goes on ADVENT loses control of everything even the psionic links they have with their soldiers. this leads to defections and out right loss of control.

first event

outpost lost
time happens: in first liberated area min 3 months in.
event: player gets a resistance contact about an Advant fort being attacked by their own troops, you are told to move in and watch the situation, mop up the survivors and take the loot.
mission play: player enters to find a group of purple hud advent under attack by standard troops, the purple hud group has no commander but 4-5 units. and are "neutral to the player". the player has two objectives secure supplies and eliminate hostile forces. on the start their will only be 2 or three hostile pods attacking the outpost making it an easy mission wait for the advant troops to mop up their defectors and get teh supplies.

where things turn: alternitively the player can kill only the attackers never messing with the defective group. this leads to a different reward for the mission instead of supplies you gain intel and weapon mods, along with a single advent defector.

gained only if do not kill neutral advent troops in above mission. requires surgery to remove chip. result is one squady level advant infiltrator (similar to a ranger class with center tree based on infiltration). the advent defector nearly halves any infiltration time on missions they are sent on, but they have a low will and sectoids will mindcontrol them outright. if you do not break the mindcontrol you can perminantly lose the defector.

later events
as you liberate more regions you will see more events of advent troopers defecting. for the most part this just gives you a chance at soldiers with a unique set of head cosmetics that talk in the alien language and have infiltration boosts.(the infilitration boosts being their only big up side).

once you manage to liberate around 3 areas though then the big one comes. a mission similar to the viper one from the alien bosses DLC the diference being this is a smaller group that has broken away from advant.

this is a unique jail break mission where the player is told that the resistance have found a contact with in the advent ranks that is willing to help them. but they are under heavy lock and key and the window to get them is short.

this mission, starts with the players squad ariving at a cave similar to the one form the bosses DLC, the only difference is this is an advent viper breeding facility, and it is heavily guarded. During the mission the player will mostly fight advent sentries, turrets, and a few drones. while the gaurds are not much for strength they have the area locked down, and for this reason you get a little help.

upon breaching the facility you will be told of switches which can be hacked to release the imature vipers. these vipers do not have the training of the adult ones and have not been psionicly dominated yet as such they will attack everything. you, advent anything they can see. and they make great fodder for the defenses.

as you breach the facility (long mission) you will find its battle changing based on your actions, the more vipers you release the less advent you have to fight but the more melee focused aliens are in the way. near the end though if you have opened all the containers you will end up freeing a naja, while fully mature they are not yet indoctrinated into the aliens well rule. and they are your reward for the mission though if you do not open the other pins the advent will blow the container with it once you get in sight range (with about three other prison cells)

completing hte mission is easy, you simply have to get the VIPs the resistance had contact wiht. these are 3 scientists at the end of the area. once you get to them you must bring them back to the mouth of the cave and evac them. simple mission really well if you didn't unleash the hordes of vipers (they only have 2 HP :P ).

the reward: 2 scientists a large intel pool and the ability to create viper guards for havens. this is a per haven thing and takes time 10 days min, these guards act as PvP vipers with a few changed perks for balance, each haven can have 2 of them and they can be standard, sidewinder, or naja. with standard being the most common and sidewinder being the rarest.

if you release all the vipers and rescue this unit it acts as a unique soldier.

TREE ONE (acid) [note: this unit does acid instead of poison damage]
class one: acid spit, spit a glob of acid at target area. imunity to acid and poison attacks)

1. venom rounds: 3 turn cool down, grants the next attack venom rounds, can be used on self or one ally in 2 tiles range.

2.acid spit: adds a charge to acid spit


4. quick burning acid: acid attacks panic on full hits and disorient on grazes, but lose their damage over time. (gives 2 shred to acid spit)

5. acid spray: instead of spewing a small ball of acid can spray teh area similar to a flamethrower burning through all cover, does minimal damage.

6. advanced toxens: +2 damage to acid attacks + 1 armor shred per turn on damage over time.

7. venom reserves: +2 charges of acid spit.

TREE 2 (sensory tree)
class 2: tongue lash, ranged melee attack even if misses breaks overwatch, if hits does damage or pulls enemy in depending on type (troopers are pulled in, aliens/machines are damaged)

1.VIPER sense(passive): senses and informs allies on ememy locations can see all enemys with in 15 blocks even if line of sight is blocked. gives red outline and shows alert areas if pod is in concealment (the alert areas is 4th item in this tree)

2.shifting scales: low cover counts as high cover.

3.advent codes: sensor towers do not detect unit.

4.improved viper sense: gives the second half of the viper sense thing above.

5.heat pits: +10% aim and +20% crit chance to mechanical enemies.

6.blind shot: can shoot targets which are only visible through viper sense at a -20 to aim. this includes firing through walls.

7. nest mother: if all advent command troopers are dead (officer, sectoid, gatekeeper, codex, bosses, avatar, vareations), vipers on the field will run and avoid engaging in combat.

THREE 3: rifle sense
info: basic attack tree, focuses around sniper abilites. mostly just the snap shot tree from the standard sniper with low profile replaced with something else aka no idea on this.


ok at this point I realized I have been typing for two freaking hours on this idea, and I know it is unlikely to happen. yeah time waster sorry.

Re: [lw2 suggestion] strange allies

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2017 5:21 am
by Valaska
My dream end game for a mod like this would be Waifu Viper dating sim in XCOM2.

Lol in seriousness, though, [spoilers] the comments the Elders say at the end does make it sound likely that... Some of the high functioning, high intelligence Aliens... IE, the Vipers, would actually be open to defection.

Re: [lw2 suggestion] strange allies

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2017 6:34 am
by warbrand2
Valaska wrote:My dream end game for a mod like this would be Waifu Viper dating sim in XCOM2.

Lol in seriousness, though, [spoilers] the comments the Elders say at the end does make it sound likely that... Some of the high functioning, high intelligence Aliens... IE, the Vipers, would actually be open to defection.
there are other hints in game including some of the graffiti in I think the slum map PCP's.

that and come on, they build the freaking viper knowing full well players would want them to be allies at some point that is just baiting us for xcom3 and if that doesn't have there will be riots. joking aside this is something that I came up with cause mechanicly and story wise it would make sense to happen.

Re: [lw2 suggestion] strange allies

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2017 7:10 am
by Pendrako
may i direct you guys to the LW2 Playable Aliens mod, and the Allies Unknown mod for Rogue ADVENT Hybrids? ;)

kinda got your bases covered there.

Re: [lw2 suggestion] strange allies

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2017 7:14 am
by warbrand2
Pendrako wrote:may i direct you guys to the LW2 Playable Aliens mod, and the Allies Unknown mod for Rogue ADVENT Hybrids? ;)

kinda got your bases covered there.
playable aliens is a buggy mess most of the time and only one or two of the aliens actually work with out breaking the game, allies unkown is well lore breaking in several ways and more or less does a bad job at implementing it.

Re: [lw2 suggestion] strange allies

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2017 10:46 pm
by Pendrako
in fairness.... Dreamer's been holding up that mod for about 8 months on his own after a bunch of other people bailed, and he's still trying his best to bugfix and add new functionality.

as for Rogue ADVENT being "lore-breaking"?..... think of this. You were hooked up to the Network all of them were tied to. it's not that hard to think it's possible there's still an imprint on YOU in their minds after they get their chips deactivated. also, AU ONLY adds the races you pick up the addon mods for.

and please, if you think you can do better, i look forward to seeing YOUR mod come out. otherwise, shut up, or volunteer your own time to make either of those mods better. because Pavonis has said they're not going to add stuff that's already present in other mods, apart from the ones that're obvious QoL or bugfixes.

Re: [lw2 suggestion] strange allies

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2017 12:25 am
by warbrand2
So you are saying that in a suggestion for a specific thing. that I should be happy with some things that are near it but no where near it. yeah not buying it.

Re: [lw2 suggestion] strange allies

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2017 12:25 am
by NephilimNexus
I like the general premise of this idea. It's already established lore that pretty much all of the aliens you fight are, in sad reality, nothing more than slaves and thralls of the Elders. Races that, like humanity, probably once fought them and lost. So there is a strong implication that if they were ever freed from the Elder's psychic control they would happily turn against them very quickly.

The trick is finding a plausible way to write that into story terms that meshes with doable game mechanics via the tool kits.

Re: [lw2 suggestion] strange allies

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2017 1:37 am
by Pendrako
@warbrand2: I was saying that stuff like what you want exists, and people have taken the time to do it, AND i posted that there to be nice, and you just whined about it. lot of people are happy with those mods for now, and Pavonis has a lot more important things to fix or update LW2 with, rather than try to obsolete mods people took the time busting their ass to make.

YES, playable aliens is buggy as hell, but that's only because there's one poor bastard who's working a full time job, and having a life besides modding that's the only guy running it, and he's still trying his best to fix bugs and add in new stuff.

so stop acting entitled, because you haven't given anything to the modding community.

Re: [lw2 suggestion] strange allies

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2017 2:12 am
by warbrand2
Pendrako wrote:@warbrand2: I was saying that stuff like what you want exists, and people have taken the time to do it, AND i posted that there to be nice, and you just whined about it. lot of people are happy with those mods for now, and Pavonis has a lot more important things to fix or update LW2 with, rather than try to obsolete mods people took the time busting their ass to make.

YES, playable aliens is buggy as hell, but that's only because there's one poor bastard who's working a full time job, and having a life besides modding that's the only guy running it, and he's still trying his best to fix bugs and add in new stuff.

so stop acting entitled, because you haven't given anything to the modding community.
ok first off. sorry didn't mean to come off as whining.

I actually have been uisng playable aliens it is why I want this so badly. What playable aliens and other like mods add is bare bones. useful yes but they don't really work to explain things and can take you out of the experance.

Also believe me I am far form entitled. I know the work that goes into this stuff. what I have posted is an idea for something more complex and more refined then the mods we do have right now. I will not say the mods are bad I use playable aliens, and it just serves as fuel for the fire of a more refined idea.

I know what goes into modding the hours it takes to get something to work, testing balancing then pulling your hair out cause somehing causes a crash only for it to be a misplaced /. I am far from entitled, but I am entitled to one thing that all people are and this my opinion.


to everyone else, any feedback or ways I can refine this concept. I know it is possible with the modding kit, the thing is I also know it would take a lot of time and some heavy passion to do this.

Re: [lw2 suggestion] strange allies

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2017 4:59 am
by Pendrako
well, that's mainly why i said volunteer to help Dreamer. guy's done an admirable job keeping the mod as stable as it's managed to be, despite being screwed around with by every patch like it has been. It's too good of a mod and an idea to go to waste like those other six or seven devs of it let it.

Re: [lw2 suggestion] strange allies

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2017 6:24 am
by JLtheking
Chill guys, we're all friends here :)

Anyways I quite like the idea Warbrand is bringing up. What one might do is integrate the existing "rescue rogue operative" mission PA already has, and add them as POIs you can get from Intel packages. As the campaign goes on you get a higher and higher weight of that rescue rogue operative POI, giving you better and better aliens.

You start getting the intelligent Vipers early on, followed by Mutons (who actually seem to have a culture, with their markings and all), then maybe Berserkers who follow their cousins the Mutons. Specialists can hack and permenantly gain MECs and even Sectopods, whom you can station at havens.

Just an idea that should be relatively easy to carry out as a start, with Playable Aliens as a base. Of course, PA needs all the help it can get first and foremost.

Of course, the most important feature would be a romance system with your viper. Go on dates(2-man jailbreak missions), give her gifts (awwww a cute advent drone corpse) and eventually she might turn to like you ;)

Re: [lw2 suggestion] strange allies

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2017 8:08 am
by Pendrako
Berserkers aren't Cousins of Mutons, they're female mutons.

(also out of irony with your miniature text ;) my Viper i'd had CPed has lost a human friend, which actually gave her common ground with the crew. even had Bradford noting "never thought I'd be comforting a 15+-foot long humanoid snake")

Re: [lw2 suggestion] strange allies

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2017 6:25 pm
by warbrand2
Pendrako wrote:Berserkers aren't Cousins of Mutons, they're female mutons.

(also out of irony with your miniature text ;) my Viper i'd had CPed has lost a human friend, which actually gave her common ground with the crew. even had Bradford noting "never thought I'd be comforting a 15+-foot long humanoid snake")

they are only female in LW2, and there is more then that to it.

in xcom enemy unkown they where just heavily armored mutons with out a gun. in xcom2 they are modified females with more steroids pumped in them then they have blood.

Re: [lw2 suggestion] strange allies

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2017 4:08 am
by Pendrako
in fairness, they never said what gender the Berserkers in X1 were ;)