Some balance questions/feedback

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Some balance questions/feedback

Post by moroniccinamun »

I want to start by saying I absolutely love the mod, most of it feels very well balanced, especially the weakening of grenades so grenadiers aren't such a massive staple, gunners being incredibly good, higher risk-reward of shotguns, etc.

I do have some tripes though. The first relates to DLC gear. I understand that it was decided to focus attention on what most players have, but in the process the gear is sort of left in the dust.

Most critically, I am talking about Spark's lack of laser (and I believe coil too, not that far yet) weapons. With the fact you can't slap upgrades on their weapons ir anything, they feel really weak outside of a sort of walking tank/heavy weapon flanker role. Any chance some of these will be changed in future versions? Weapon upgrades, even utility slots that can only use grenades or ammo or something would be nice, but mainly rhe weapon teirs bugs me the most.

The Alien Hunter guns also feel weak. The bolt thrower is normally pretty damn powerful so I won't complain much about rhe nerf there, but the shadowkeeper feels pretty damn useless since you can still only shadowfall once but it has to roll a normal to hit. I feel maybe there is a better middle ground, like it gets a bonus aim on the ability or only uses the charge if it kills.

Finally, I have to ask: do sawed offs get upgrades? I have full lasers but nothing for it. They look and feel suuuper cool, but so far I haven't found them very useful; even a very fast ranger with an smg tends to be outclassed by a basic assault in almost every way; maybe the accuracy penalty should be smaller/non existant since they have a hard coded range of like 5 feet.

Tl;dr version: dlc stuff feels weak, sawed offs feel weak (but that might be my sucky use of rangers), any plans in future updates/tips for sawed off use?
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Re: Some balance questions/feedback

Post by johnnylump »

Sparks are getting improved in 1.1.

There is no laser tier of Spark weapons because artwork is expensive and we had a limited budget.

Supporting Capnbubs @ is your best bet to see new art assets that support LW2.

There is an additional tier of Sawed-off Shotguns at a later weapon tech.
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Re: Some balance questions/feedback

Post by moroniccinamun »

Neat. Where can I find a list of planned things for next version? I haven't been able to find it yet.
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