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Alternate history and validation of the first war.....

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2017 9:03 pm
by lothos_zero
I've noticed that you are all implementing new missions and tactical changes.
Would you consider setting Long War 2 as an alternate reality where the end of XCOM: Enemy Unknown and Within actually happened, but the aliens had a backup plan and still took over?

Basically after the end of xcom1 Xcom is being hailed as heroes, Bradley is called away to meet with the council, Valin takes a well deserved vacation and Chen goes to visit his daughter... This sets up for a series of story missions that tel lof the fall of xcom and sets up the rest of the game.

Mission 1 - A team is sent on a mission to meet with world leaders. During the mission the dignitaries suddenly turn traitor and alien forces Ambush and kill the team except for one of your soldiers who escapes to the drop ship.

Mission 2 - Survivor makes it to the base to warn xcom but it is too late. We discover a stealth ops team of ethereals (Who end up the enemies at the end of the game) had been tasked with mind controlling world leaders if their main plan failed. They welcome a second wave of aliens who launch an assault on XCom HQ.
Mission 2 essentially becomes a reverse base defense mission with your soldiers escaping to the entrance. It is very hard and you WILL lose many soldiers.

Mission3. The soldiers left from Mission 2 attempt to seize control of the ship that will one day become the Avenger. Also very hard.

The beauty of this is it preserves your accomplishments from X-com 1 while still explaining how we no longer have many of the advancements we had from the first game.

2 things would need to be true to make something like this REALLY work -

1.X-com mod tools come with the assets from the original game don't they? If this is true then recreating xcom base/enemies etc becomes much easier. If not then sadly this whole scenario would likely be too much work.
2. A converter utility that can read your characters/soldiers form the original XCOM and convert them into a format that xcom 2 can use.
This would allow for some TRUE survivors of the first war to still be around in some capacity 20 years later.

All of this is just a thought mind you and may not be something you are remotely interested in.

I just thought it would be neat.

Re: Alternate history and validation of the first war.....

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2017 9:42 pm
by Badman_bacon777
Central Officer Bradley is my favourite character.

Re: Alternate history and validation of the first war.....

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2017 2:54 am
by ShockmasterFred
Who are Bradley, Valin and Chen? LOL. There is this small, but vocal minority of players that are still OBSESSED with the idea that XCOM winning should be canon. It just leaves a bunch of narrative holes. The major one being technology resetting back to ballistics, but there are others. There is no "first invasion/second invasion". We lost. It works beautifully. Leave it there.