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Re: Grenadiers suck.

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2017 2:23 am
by Steelflame
crimsonsun wrote:I didn't realise this at all and its something I could make some good use out of...
Yea, its not really intuitive because you wouldn't think that the Exo gets benefit, but Needle specificly states that it just prevents your explosives from destroying corpses. This applies to any explosive that would destroy corpses you may end up firing. Be it a Blaster Rocket, Plasma Blaster, or your Shredstorm Cannon, not just your grenades. It's pretty nice if you know about the interaction, and makes Needle far more useful especially in the mid game where the Shredder Cannon can reliably 1 shot at least a few people in a pod.

Re: Grenadiers suck.

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2017 10:03 am
by crimsonsun
Steelflame wrote:
crimsonsun wrote:I didn't realise this at all and its something I could make some good use out of...
Yea, its not really intuitive because you wouldn't think that the Exo gets benefit, but Needle specificly states that it just prevents your explosives from destroying corpses. This applies to any explosive that would destroy corpses you may end up firing. Be it a Blaster Rocket, Plasma Blaster, or your Shredstorm Cannon, not just your grenades. It's pretty nice if you know about the interaction, and makes Needle far more useful especially in the mid game where the Shredder Cannon can reliably 1 shot at least a few people in a pod.
Its loot as well, which is a big reason I try not to use Shredstorm cannon shots unless I'm really caught off guard by something, I nearly always have at least one in a squad however I just rarely use it, this would make me use it fairly regularly. I notice Biggest Booms also will work and I normally have Shredder on these guys (with heat warheads as I like to strip armour off groups). Hmm I'm going to need to change around my Armours it seems.. Time consuming but fun :D

Re: Grenadiers suck.

Posted: Sat Sep 02, 2017 11:32 am
by sarge945
I would merge them with technicals and give them the choice of a heavy gauntlet or a grenade launcher as their secondary

Re: Grenadiers suck.

Posted: Sat Sep 02, 2017 4:26 pm
by TrainInVain
As already mentioned by a few posters I really like support grenadiers and those sting grenades. Maybe not the most exciting class since they don't get a lot of the kills and level a little slower, but I always try to take them on missions as they are the ultimate team player. Grenadier sets em up and shinobi knocks em down.

I've really learned a lot from the joinrbs class series, like I'm now enjoying gunners thanks to his video. But I disagree with a lot of what he had to say on grenadiers and rangers. So to each his own.

Re: Grenadiers suck.

Posted: Sat Sep 02, 2017 10:20 pm
by hamds28
I had some recent success with high aim sappers, built like shooters. The main tradeoff I made was Centre Mass instead of Heavy Ordnance because my hack specialists usually have Airdrop. So Sapper, Centre Mass, Formidable, Chain Shot, HEAT, Salvo and Combat Engineer. Essentially a rifleman with a couple of tricks up his sleeve.

That way, I have a soldier who can shoot relatively well and pull his weight on a 5man squad. They also scale very well into the mid-lategame, better than damage grenadiers.

My Trojan Specialists got some value out of what would have been a low value perk (Airdrop). Because Trojan precludes Med protocol, Field Medic is a lousy pick, and a low aim high hack specialist with Combat Protocol instead of Sentinel gets almost nothing out of Cool Under Pressure.

Re: Grenadiers suck.

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2017 4:26 am
by Maebalzurakin
I like to edit the weapondata to increase the range and radius of the grenade launchers a bit. The default setting imo are ridiculous because they are only a few tiles more than a person can throw.

Increasing the value to something that feels like a 'launch' make the class a lot more fun to use.

Re: Grenadiers suck.

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2017 4:30 am
by Steelflame
Not sure why you consider field medic a bad pick. Its effectively plus one extra ablative armor for your entire squad. The other two perks aren't all that great either (Interference is nice... but my LR assault can just break all the OW anyway, or I can Combat protocol, or Hail of Bullets, or run a Shinobi with Shadowstep to a position to shoot them, or fling a grenade/flash, ect), and the other perk is an overwatch build perk that isn't good if you are not building all the other overwatch perks.

There is enough ways to break an Overwatch that Interference's 1 AP cost and charge based skill isn't really worth it IMO. Not compared to what is effectively +1 ablative armor for your squad.

Re: Grenadiers suck.

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2017 6:21 am
by Skyfire
Steelflame wrote:Not sure why you consider field medic a bad pick...
Field Medic is the +2 medkit charges perk (more valuable if you have Medical Protocol to turn them into ranged heals, but mediocre otherwise), which competes with Ever Vigilant and Airdrop. You're thinking of Field Surgeon.

Re: Grenadiers suck.

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2017 6:57 am
by Steelflame
Skyfire wrote:
Steelflame wrote:Not sure why you consider field medic a bad pick...
Field Medic is the +2 medkit charges perk (more valuable if you have Medical Protocol to turn them into ranged heals, but mediocre otherwise), which competes with Ever Vigilant and Airdrop. You're thinking of Field Surgeon.
Oh yea, I can agree with that. I mean, not terrible, but you'd only want a single medic specialist with em for the purpose of high risk massive squad missions where you are expecting that you'll probably take at least a few hits.