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Re: Is this a Bug or a Bad Joke?

Posted: Sun May 07, 2017 8:41 pm
by Antifringe
DaviBones wrote:
Antifringe wrote: ... So when I get a VO saying "OMG, enemy reinforcements!!111!!" I don't think "I should drop what I'm doing and evac right now." What I think is "Shut up, Bradford."
You specifically might actually care what Bradford drones on about (and good on you for it, you're certainly a more patient man than I), however, I would be willing to bet money that the vast majority of players don't. A text box might also dismissed, but at least then when they came and complained on the forums, we would have a lot more solid ground to stand on when we answered, "well, you ignored the in-game prompts."
I don't think you understood what I said? I thought that the section you quoted very clearly communicates how very little I care about the VOs. In that same that you quoted paragraph, I give an example of how the game actually trains the player to just flat out ignore the generic warnings given by the supporting cast.

I mean, this is the full quote:
I'm not sure how to deal with this. Repurposing a VO won't really solve it. The supporting characters are always, constantly, telling you that whatever you're doing right now is super dangerous. Non-specific warnings are just background noise, and the player is actually trained to ignore them by the game. Remember how Vahlen said you need to treat Seekers with "extreme caution?" Do you also remember how your team of rookies one shotted the whole pod with their sawed offs? Yeah. So when I get a VO saying "OMG, enemy reinforcements!!111!!" I don't think "I should drop what I'm doing and evac right now." What I think is "Shut up, Bradford."
Not sure where you got "VOs are a good solution" from that.

Re: Is this a Bug or a Bad Joke?

Posted: Sun May 07, 2017 9:39 pm
by LordYanaek
@Antifringe. Multi quote issue. He was actually answering me and using your quote to reinforce his position.

Some voiceover would be better than nothing and (probably) the easiest to code which is why i suggested it. How often do you hear a triple line VO that includes a discussion between Central and a panicked Shen? I suggested those lines because they were fitting and because that Shen line is from the tutorial and will sound totally new to everyone (who remembers her ever saying this, i sure didn't) and should draw the attention.

If players can't at least pay some attention to what's happening, then they probably deserve to be squadwiped. I'm all for providing some clues so players are not totally unaware of what's going on but they must also try to win and trying to win involves being somewhat focused on what's happening in the game. There will always be complains because you will never be able to give "full proof" information. Remember that “A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools.”

Anyway it's up to the developer to decide what can reasonably be done (if anything).

Re: Is this a Bug or a Bad Joke?

Posted: Sun May 07, 2017 9:52 pm
by DaviBones
@Antifringe: Think you misread my post. I said "I disagree that VOs are a good solution."

@LordYanaek: You make a good point about VOs, perhaps they would do the job if done right. Although I bet my idea of just editing the mission briefing popup's text would be far easier to code. Like you said it's ultimately up to the devs, although I like to think they read these threads and take into account our suggestions.

Re: Is this a Bug or a Bad Joke?

Posted: Sun May 07, 2017 9:56 pm
by Antifringe
DaviBones wrote:@Antifringe: Think you misread my post. I said "I disagree that VOs are a good solution."
No, no I get that. We both think VOs are a bad idea. The confusion comes from me saying "VOs are a bad idea," you quoting me saying "VOs are a bad idea" and then saying "I disagree with you Antifringe, VOs are actually a bad idea." Which I don't think you were trying to say, but that's how I read it, hence my total confusion.

Anyways it looks like LY solved the mystery. An interesting and entertaining example of how easily communication can go awry :)

Re: Is this a Bug or a Bad Joke?

Posted: Sun May 07, 2017 10:10 pm
by DaviBones
Antifringe wrote:
DaviBones wrote:@Antifringe: Think you misread my post. I said "I disagree that VOs are a good solution."
No, no I get that. We both think VOs are a bad idea. The confusion comes from me saying "VOs are a bad idea," you quoting me saying "VOs are a bad idea" and then saying "I disagree with you Antifringe, VOs are actually a bad idea." Which I don't think you were trying to say, but that's how I read it, hence my total confusion.

Anyways it looks like LY solved the mystery. An interesting and entertaining example of how easily communication can go awry :)
Indeed... not only did you totally misunderstand me, I totally misunderstood you misunderstanding me hahaha. Good thing LordYanaek saved the day or we might have went just right on misunderstanding each other for who knows how long.

I will have to be more careful when double quoting like that in the future to not cause confusion. I'm a bit new to posting on forums so I don't know all the ins and outs just yet.

Re: Is this a Bug or a Bad Joke?

Posted: Sun May 07, 2017 10:13 pm
by Antifringe
Indeed, LordYanaek is the hero here, even if we don't agree with him about VOs :D

Re: Is this a Bug or a Bad Joke?

Posted: Mon May 08, 2017 1:09 am
by Zyxpsilon
LordYanaek wrote:Anyway it's up to the developer to decide what can reasonably be done (if anything).
Up to them to develop a wild Gameplay mod in THEIR own twisty terms.. but it never hurts to be somewhat gentle with the true "Rookies" out there that would miss out (people DO give up at times!) on such an excellent concept after having been blasted to hell without (at least) fair warnings when rationally "necessary".

Re: Is this a Bug or a Bad Joke?

Posted: Mon May 08, 2017 7:50 am
by LordYanaek
DaviBones wrote:Like you said it's ultimately up to the devs, although I like to think they read these threads and take into account our suggestions.
Be sure they do. A number of 1.3 changes have been suggested in these boards by various people :)
They don't have the time to answer every post and probably wisely avoid directly answering to suggestions because they know (some) people would be angry if they showed any sort of interest and then didn't implement the suggestion (after actually testing it and finding it doesn't work).
However as a limited team they have limited time to code everything and must choose their priorities.

Re: Is this a Bug or a Bad Joke?

Posted: Mon May 08, 2017 3:41 pm
by koso
I'd settle for just some way of knowing that Snares are a possible mission type ahead of time--maybe a list of mission types in the Commander HQ.

I put the annoyance up there as just one of those things you have to learn about the hard way, and after you learn about it, it's never an issue again. It exists just to trip you up one time due to ignorance. Same deal with faceless on lib 3--I didn't realize this was actually a thing until well afterwards when I saw it on youtube.

Re: Is this a Bug or a Bad Joke?

Posted: Mon May 08, 2017 4:22 pm
by Tuhalu
koso wrote:Same deal with faceless on lib 3--I didn't realize this was actually a thing until well afterwards when I saw it on youtube.
You don't even necessarily encounter them on Lib3 unless you get the DarkVIP variant (sometimes it's Alien Relay instead). The number also scales, starting with only 2 of them at strength 3 (equal to the advent strength in the region + 2 + how many breakpoints you underinfiltrated by). If you're lucky enough you can nab the DarkVIP and get out without even running into one, leaving you none the wiser.

Re: Is this a Bug or a Bad Joke?

Posted: Mon May 08, 2017 5:09 pm
by JoeShmo
koso wrote:I'd settle for just some way of knowing that Snares are a possible mission type ahead of time--maybe a list of mission types in the Commander HQ.

I put the annoyance up there as just one of those things you have to learn about the hard way, and after you learn about it, it's never an issue again. It exists just to trip you up one time due to ignorance. Same deal with faceless on lib 3--I didn't realize this was actually a thing until well afterwards when I saw it on youtube.

This reminds me of all the movies, games, IRL situations where people say "I don't like this, it's too easy", or "This might be a trap" before engaging in something. You don't get that in LW2 ...and honestly, why would players even think that there is a mission that's a trap? They're groomed via the infiltration mechanic to believe that good ratings = easier missions; they're not trained to question that the information provided by the game may be inaccurate..and why should they?

I get that PI wanted to create a singular instance of fear / regret out of nowhere, like a jump scare in a horror game ...but I think they misplaced their enthusiasm for it. It would be like if you were playing in an JRPG ..and you come across a monster that delevels you 1 level on each attack. That surely would instill a feeling of dread ...but is it really a good gameplay mechanic / feel? I don't think it is ..I think adding something "surprising" for the sake of adding it is bad design, especially if it's the only time it ever happens, and/or there's never a clear buildup to it happening ( like being warned, or having lore/data insinuate that these types of creatures / events have happened in the that very area. )

And the same goes for a cheap penalty / defeat that is 99% guaranteed, even if only on the first time. If the trick only works the first time..then what is the point? And if it has to always work, then what is the point? It's like in games ( Say Dark Souls ) where you are suppose to lose to a boss ( because its pertinent to the story, or because they 99% expect you do ), but they let you drag it out needlessly, making you think you can win. That's not an interesting or enjoyable experience. You'd see that happen in JRPGs often...with trying to make the "Boss" feel like a real badass...but all it does is make you mad, and it certainly doesn't actually make the boss feel powerful or interesting, because you did kick their butt until the very end where they just go "lol jk bro" and 1 shot your entire party.

Losing because you were ill prepared, dismissive of a gameplay mechanic is understandable; but losing because you were ignorant of a gimmick lose state that is designed to make you lose with 90+% certainty not. Is it indicative of a "real life scenario" , yes and no. Do things like this happen in real life? Of course. But what also happens in real life is the enormous amount of intel gathering and preparation that goes into something, and the knowing from experience that "this is too good to be true". When you're playing a video game though, people don't rationalize turning a game upside down suddenly because you're trying to make a jab at them for effect. It's like your Math teacher who teaches you 2+2 = 4. Are you going to question that? No, the teacher is there to explain to you how things work. Now what if the teacher took a day out of the course to mess with you saying 2+2 =/= 4 and instead = 3. Why would they do this? For some sort of effect? To make you question reality? Why go through that effort for a single day..only to go right back to 2+2 = 4 the very next day and never bringing it up again until " =3 Day "

You're either going to just make people mad when that event happens ..or make people question everything that's suppose to be taken as truth / helping you. If you run into missions that are "super easy" and they become Contra .....then who's to say you aren't teaching players no disregard what an infiltration mission says about its difficulty. Players will cite those missions that lie ..and you've ruined an important tool for players.

Re: Is this a Bug or a Bad Joke?

Posted: Mon May 08, 2017 7:36 pm
by koso
Tuhalu wrote:
koso wrote:Same deal with faceless on lib 3--I didn't realize this was actually a thing until well afterwards when I saw it on youtube.
You don't even necessarily encounter them on Lib3 unless you get the DarkVIP variant (sometimes it's Alien Relay instead). The number also scales, starting with only 2 of them at strength 3 (equal to the advent strength in the region + 2 + how many breakpoints you underinfiltrated by). If you're lucky enough you can nab the DarkVIP and get out without even running into one, leaving you none the wiser.
Or, if you happen to be unlucky like myself, you have a few troops finish off a skirmish next to a car thinking they are in safety with no more enemies around. Then a faceless pops up out of nowhere, swipes your troops to injure them, and blows up the car to kill half the squad.

What I meant above was that I didn't really know what to think after that when I finished. It was on my second campaign after a quick one to get my feet wet (after having put xcom2 down a long while ago), and my best guess at the time was that dark events were just invisible in LW2 and I had gotten the one that puts faceless into missions (second best guess was that maybe there were faceless on every mission and I had just been lucky so far).

It wasn't until later on that I found out that this was just something added to one kind (Dark VIP) of one type of mission (Lib 3) with zero warning. Now knowing it though, it's not a big deal at all. Same deal with the snares. You get hit once out of nowhere, learn, and then it's never a problem again. In both cases, I'd prefer to know up front that these things are possible so that when I lose, I can point to myself and say, "Well, I wasn't really as prepared as I should have been," instead of pointing to the game and saying, "Well, zero chance I could have seen that coming."

Re: Is this a Bug or a Bad Joke?

Posted: Mon May 08, 2017 7:58 pm
by JoeShmo
koso wrote:
Tuhalu wrote:
koso wrote:Same deal with faceless on lib 3--I didn't realize this was actually a thing until well afterwards when I saw it on youtube.
You don't even necessarily encounter them on Lib3 unless you get the DarkVIP variant (sometimes it's Alien Relay instead). The number also scales, starting with only 2 of them at strength 3 (equal to the advent strength in the region + 2 + how many breakpoints you underinfiltrated by). If you're lucky enough you can nab the DarkVIP and get out without even running into one, leaving you none the wiser.
Or, if you happen to be unlucky like myself, you have a few troops finish off a skirmish next to a car thinking they are in safety with no more enemies around. Then a faceless pops up out of nowhere, swipes your troops to injure them, and blows up the car to kill half the squad.

What I meant above was that I didn't really know what to think after that when I finished. It was on my second campaign after a quick one to get my feet wet (after having put xcom2 down a long while ago), and my best guess at the time was that dark events were just invisible in LW2 and I had gotten the one that puts faceless into missions (second best guess was that maybe there were faceless on every mission and I had just been lucky so far).

It wasn't until later on that I found out that this was just something added to one kind of one type of mission with zero warning. Now knowing it though, it's not a big deal at all. Same deal with the snares. You get hit once out of nowhere, learn, and then it's never a problem again.

But is it never a problem again?

I mean, of course there's the saying "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me" ..but in regards to things in LW2's not as if you can just know when it's going to happen and how. Enough times of it happening and you learn a good deal of its behavior..and you learn to be "paranoid" and watch for it, but is that you learning from the experience or striving to not be caught by it off guard? There's a difference. I certainly don't think it's just a "one off" problem, except for the true Legends of this game.

In my own defense, I still get surprised by faceless whenever it happens ( well..usually the first few times per campaign ), because I actually don't spend much of my time being paranoid that every civilian I run into may be a threat. Maybe that's a disconnect between video games and real life in my regard, as I treat civilians in Xcom as if they are real people; and I don't go around judging real people or worrying that they're potentially going to get me. No slight towards anyone who views things differently.

In regards to Snare missions, its a similar thing. I play the game and trust that the things being presented to me are deliberate, not underhanded. I can't think of another game / mod that intentionally lies to you like Snare missions do in LW2. It's fine in that regard if you want to catch people off-guard...but its a silly gimmick and "abuse of trust" in order to achieve it. And frankly, you've now turned everyone paranoid about whether the mission is really "easy", despite the "game" of infiltration being you want to get "easy " missions.

I think it would be better to actually create a backstory / gameplay that introduces Snare missions, ...something that prepares players for the possibility of them ...rather than just springing it on them at a whim and expecting them to eat the entire loss as a "learning experience". Throwing your kid off the roof is not really a learning experience, other than to teach them to run whenever a parent asks you to help them with something upstairs.

Id call Snare missions "Social Experiments" if they were on Youtube, because that seems to be how they are presented and defended as.
I don't feel the same way about them as some others would, I think its lazy, and could be done a lot better / more intuitive manner.

Re: Is this a Bug or a Bad Joke?

Posted: Mon May 08, 2017 9:38 pm
by DaviBones
JoeShmo wrote: In my own defense, I still get surprised by faceless whenever it happens ( well..usually the first few times per campaign ), because I actually don't spend much of my time being paranoid that every civilian I run into may be a threat.
I get frustrated by hidden faceless too -- but I think the temporary dark events are specifically balanced to be frustrating. Otherwise, what would be the point in countering them? We would just say, "Eh, it'll be over in a month anyway, who cares." Actually, I think the faceless one is far from the most frustrating:
  • Vigilance -- all enemies have increased detection radius, makes it nearly impossible to ambush from concealment, even something easy like a Sharpshooter + spotter Shinobi, since your Shinobi will almost certainly get spotted first, unless you're a l33t LoS HAXXOR (or if you have that "peek from concealment" mod).
  • Counter-intelligence sweep -- lessened effectiveness for intel job to discover missions. Cuts down on available infiltration time and basically shaves off 1 or 2 soldiers from each mission, which is huge.
  • Infestation -- GOD, NO! OH, THE HUMANITY!
JoeShmo wrote:In regards to Snare missions, its a similar thing.
You seem to be saying that Snare missions are difficult to spot even after you know they exist...? They always have like >10 days available infiltration time (and are the only missions that really do this, besides DE counter missions), and they are always hack workstation missions... And they are always in very high strength regions (which you should be avoiding to begin with if you're playing on the proper difficulty level). They are pretty damn obvious...

Re: Is this a Bug or a Bad Joke?

Posted: Mon May 08, 2017 11:58 pm
by JoeShmo
DaviBones wrote:
JoeShmo wrote: In my own defense, I still get surprised by faceless whenever it happens ( well..usually the first few times per campaign ), because I actually don't spend much of my time being paranoid that every civilian I run into may be a threat.
I get frustrated by hidden faceless too -- but I think the temporary dark events are specifically balanced to be frustrating. Otherwise, what would be the point in countering them? We would just say, "Eh, it'll be over in a month anyway, who cares." Actually, I think the faceless one is far from the most frustrating:
  • Vigilance -- all enemies have increased detection radius, makes it nearly impossible to ambush from concealment, even something easy like a Sharpshooter + spotter Shinobi, since your Shinobi will almost certainly get spotted first, unless you're a l33t LoS HAXXOR (or if you have that "peek from concealment" mod).
  • Counter-intelligence sweep -- lessened effectiveness for intel job to discover missions. Cuts down on available infiltration time and basically shaves off 1 or 2 soldiers from each mission, which is huge.
  • Infestation -- GOD, NO! OH, THE HUMANITY!
JoeShmo wrote:In regards to Snare missions, its a similar thing.
You seem to be saying that Snare missions are difficult to spot even after you know they exist...? They always have like >10 days available infiltration time (and are the only missions that really do this, besides DE counter missions), and they are always hack workstation missions... And they are always in very high strength regions (which you should be avoiding to begin with if you're playing on the proper difficulty level). They are pretty damn obvious...

I don't think you're putting 2 and 2 together about my post. I'm stating that while it may be extremely obvious to those that are explicitly looking for them ( like skilled players )'s not as simple as "you run into once, and never again". I stated the faceless as a precursor to something that we should all be fairly aware by now..but it still catches some of us off-guard from time to time. The Snare missions are similar to that...for more or less the exact same reasons as faceless.

Yeah, you've put it all down to a science, congratulations, but unless someone is searching for how to find them and avoid them ( hence...well after the fact of running into them and realizing this is intentional...ergo....dealing with it multiple times ) it's not the case for everyone who just runs into it once and immediately figures out what's going on with triggering it. That was part of the point I was making.

And what does "proper difficulty" mean in your statement? What is the proper difficulty to avoid doing something like go into heavy enemy territory? Isn't that counter productive to difficulties? Playing on Rookie, for example, would mean youd have an easier time doing it, which would be done by players that may or may not realize the problem. Are you saying that Commander / Legend difficulties are the proper ones, and that you should be doing it in them? Again though...we're talking "should" here...which would stem from someone's experience of having done it more than once and realizing its not a good idea. This still runs counter to the "done it once and never again" mentality.

I appreciate the different view...even if it sounds a little condescending ( I'm presuming was not your intent ), but I'm not sure it's trying to help / solve anything, more so just explain to someone "this is how it works...and you shouldn't be failing" . I agree with some of the sentiment surrounding dark events; don't even get me started on that, ha.

Re: Is this a Bug or a Bad Joke?

Posted: Tue May 09, 2017 1:04 am
by DaviBones
JoeShmo wrote: I don't think you're putting 2 and 2 together about my post. I'm stating that while it may be extremely obvious to those that are explicitly looking for them ( like skilled players )'s not as simple as "you run into once, and never again". I stated the faceless as a precursor to something that we should all be fairly aware by now..but it still catches some of us off-guard from time to time. The Snare missions are similar to that...for more or less the exact same reasons as faceless.
My argument is that while the faceless dark event is super annoying, it and the other dark events create a "tenseness" that would otherwise be lacking. Without this and the other difficult dark events, you would be playing in sort of a "sterile environment" where nothing unexpected ever happened. Which could actually be argued as desirable for Rookie difficulty. I would be very interested to hear what the Rookie play-testers think on the subject of both temporary dark events and snare missions..
JoeShmo wrote:Yeah, you've put it all down to a science, congratulations, but unless someone is searching for how to find them and avoid them ( hence...well after the fact of running into them and realizing this is intentional...ergo....dealing with it multiple times ) it's not the case for everyone who just runs into it once and immediately figures out what's going on with triggering it. That was part of the point I was making.
Ok misunderstanding here: I was speaking in the context of if some sort of warning/indication being added as to the nature of the trap. In the game's current state, without any such indication, I fully agree that it is unfair for players who don't know of the existence of snare missions. The difference between this and the faceless dark event (which I think is fine as is) is that the faceless dark event gives you a very clear pop-up explaining exactly what is going on when it triggers.
JoeShmo wrote:And what does "proper difficulty" mean in your statement? What is the proper difficulty to avoid doing something like go into heavy enemy territory? Isn't that counter productive to difficulties? Playing on Rookie, for example, would mean youd have an easier time doing it, which would be done by players that may or may not realize the problem. Are you saying that Commander / Legend difficulties are the proper ones, and that you should be doing it in them? Again though...we're talking "should" here...which would stem from someone's experience of having done it more than once and realizing its not a good idea. This still runs counter to the "done it once and never again" mentality.
When I say "proper difficulty" I mean it in a subjective sense rather than an objective one as you are assuming; the "proper difficulty" for any given player is the one that suits his or her particular skill level. My point is that the game is balanced around strength 7+ regions being terrifying and basically impenetrable fortresses, and anyone that is doing flawless strength 7+ missions routinely, is playing outside the scope of the balance design set up by PI. Therefore, their suggestions, ideas, and opinions must be taken with a grain of salt (not dismissed completely! all suggestions have value obviously) until they start playing on a higher difficulty level which is better suited to them.
JoeShmo wrote:I appreciate the different view...even if it sounds a little condescending ( I'm presuming was not your intent ).
It was not, and I apologize.

Re: Is this a Bug or a Bad Joke?

Posted: Tue May 09, 2017 1:15 am
by DaviBones
Actually, after thinking about it, I think the best solution (forget who suggested it) is simply a message in the Commander's Quarters, along the lines of:

"While ADVENT mostly acts responsively to XCOM activity, we should be sure to not become complacent in our operations. If ADVENT has high strength in a region, they are fully capable of fabricating a mission and feeding it to XCOM intelligence intentionally, with the goal of snaring an XCOM squad and wiping them out.

We should be cautious when doing missions that seem 'too good to be true' in regions with high ADVENT strength."

The only thing I would be worried about is this could potentially scare people a bit too much.

Re: Is this a Bug or a Bad Joke?

Posted: Tue May 09, 2017 3:00 am
by JoeShmo
DaviBones wrote:Actually, after thinking about it, I think the best solution (forget who suggested it) is simply a message in the Commander's Quarters, along the lines of:

"While ADVENT mostly acts responsively to XCOM activity, we should be sure to not become complacent in our operations. If ADVENT has high strength in a region, they are fully capable of fabricating a mission and feeding it to XCOM intelligence intentionally, with the goal of snaring an XCOM squad and wiping them out.

We should be cautious when doing missions that seem 'too good to be true' in regions with high ADVENT strength."

The only thing I would be worried about is this could potentially scare people a bit too much.

I'd actually like to see a "story mission" that emphasizes that, maybe something could be added in between liberation missions that would pseudo showcase an "easy mission" ( Much less punishing Snare Mission ) that is described as "We can't pass up this chance, there's nobody guarding this thing" ..and it's showed through a mission just what you can expect when it's actually a real snare mission. This introduces players to something them a small scare..and preparing them ( and explaining without having to be explained to ) for snare missions. You can still get some of the same intended effect of throwing the player off and punishing them for being "complacent" or "ignorant" of the mission type...without just throwing them to the wolves.

My argument is that while the faceless dark event is super annoying, it and the other dark events create a "tenseness" that would otherwise be lacking. Without this and the other difficult dark events, you would be playing in sort of a "sterile environment" where nothing unexpected ever happened. Which could actually be argued as desirable for Rookie difficulty. I would be very interested to hear what the Rookie play-testers think on the subject of both temporary dark events and snare missions..
Okay, but I wasn't actually insinuating that faceless, or snare missions, were annoying. Like I said in the part you quoted, I was trying to point out that it seems "outrageous" for people to keep saying that snare missions are just something you fall into once and then never again.

I disagree on the dark event ( faceless or otherwise ) making it so things are not a sterile environment though, not sure the insinuation on that statement. I think faceless ( and dark events ) just as a they are as a vanilla type and mechanic is more than enjoyable. I can understand wanting to utilize them better / more appropriate to their them of being infiltrators and punishing choices / events...which is why faceless in particular are prevalent in havens, a dark event, etc. but I don't personally believe they need to ( the haven gimmick being really annoying in my opinion, but I understand the fantasy of it. ).

I'm happy that other folks enjoy the beefier and more punishing versions...but I wouldn't say that all of us do ( I know I don't like having really punishing permanent effects in place frequently ). From a thematic viewpoint, it makes sense, but from a gameplay's going to be very subjective ( regardless of difficulty ). And I would be interested in hearing rookie level players on the subject of permanent dark events, rather than just temporary ones.

Id be happy to explain that in more detail at another time if you wanted.

Ok misunderstanding here: I was speaking in the context of if some sort of warning/indication being added as to the nature of the trap. In the game's current state, without any such indication, I fully agree that it is unfair for players who don't know of the existence of snare missions. The difference between this and the faceless dark event (which I think is fine as is) is that the faceless dark event gives you a very clear pop-up explaining exactly what is going on when it triggers.
I'm confused here. In what context was the subject of warning / indicators brought up? ( I know I have in the past..but not in the part where you quoted ). You seemed to suggest that where was already more than enough information / indication available to know if a mission was a snare mission or not; you ended your statement with "They are pretty damn obvious..." after all.

In regards to the rest of the quote, I'm glad you think it's understandable that it's not good for new people to be put into that kind of a situation; and i also agree that there is a difference between the faceless dark event and the snare missions. This coincides with what I had sated at the start of this particular reply, in that it would be great if there was some sort of mission or event that triggers to get new players into realizing that this is something that happens, and why. That way, at least, they don't start mistrusting what the infiltration system tells you about missions...because they'll cite "that one mission that keeps happening" where it says it's easy but you get swarmed by almost a hundred enemies. Hence...the creation of this thread out of confusion / frustration.

When I say "proper difficulty" I mean it in a subjective sense rather than an objective one as you are assuming; the "proper difficulty" for any given player is the one that suits his or her particular skill level. My point is that the game is balanced around strength 7+ regions being terrifying and basically impenetrable fortresses, and anyone that is doing flawless strength 7+ missions routinely, is playing outside the scope of the balance design set up by PI. Therefore, their suggestions, ideas, and opinions must be taken with a grain of salt (not dismissed completely! all suggestions have value obviously) until they start playing on a higher difficulty level which is better suited to them.

Okay, it just seems weird to say "proper difficulty" ..or mention difficulty at all, because of the example / reason I gave that it's rather a moot point. A Rookie player would have an easier time ( code wise ) with High Advent areas...but would get crushed via the gameplay; while veteran+ players would be at a disadvantage ( code wise ) and be more than likely not inclined to even try it.

Now, in regard to the strength 7+ comments ...we're talking about snare missions. The entire point of them is to mislead players into thinking they're doing an easy mission. I don't believe players are intentionally doing extremely hard order to keep getting these "easy missions" that end up being tricks all the time. And in that regard, I think we're leaning a bit too into conflating "newly discovering this mission type" with "by Rookie players". I was simply arguing on principle alone, rather than trying to tie this into whether difficulty ( or experience of a player as a while ) factors into whether this is an acceptable feature or not. I believe the extent of my concern, and criticism, was the utter lack of information regarding it while playing; and ergo ...just stumbling into a situation where you're not suppose to win.

I don't understand your reasoning for the "grain of salt" comment either, and frankly..that does reek of condescending remarks. Snare missions are not difficulty dependent, right? So what would that have anything to do with whether someone could voice an opinion or not? Am I misunderstanding you yet again? I think you're trying to insinuate that doing Strength X level content is only reserved for players that can do top difficulties ...which makes no sense. Difficulties are for all content..not just parts of it. You even pointed out you wanted to hear feedback from Rookie players about Snare missions.....

And again, we're talking about the presence of missions that say they are easy. And as far as I can's not like the game readily and clearly states the threat level / strength of a region. Something that, if we were talking about inexperienced players ( to the mod at least ), would definitely be something they would not be aware of.

Re: Is this a Bug or a Bad Joke?

Posted: Tue May 09, 2017 6:01 am
by DaviBones
JoeShmo wrote:I don't understand your reasoning for the "grain of salt" comment either, and frankly..that does reek of condescending remarks. Snare missions are not difficulty dependent, right? So what would that have anything to do with whether someone could voice an opinion or not? Am I misunderstanding you yet again?
Yes, you are misunderstanding me. I don't look down on anybody, in fact, I play on Veteran myself, and I think Rookie is the most important difficulty of all of them.

I do want to continue to discuss with you and try to clarify my point, but as you have pointed out I am coming off as though I don't think people's input and opinions matter, and the last thing I want to do is discourage people from voicing their opinions, so I am going to have to leave the discussion at that.

Re: Is this a Bug or a Bad Joke?

Posted: Tue May 09, 2017 5:38 pm
by Olin
Food for thought:

Make a separate Dark Event for snare - we can call it "Setting a trap".
When suficient ratio of vigilance to strenght is reached this event has a chance to pop up as being prepared (and with luck you can counter it). When this event is live there is a chance that one of the data tap missions will be a trap. The probability is much higher for a mission to be a trap in a high strenght region with lots of vigilance, but it can pop up in ANY region. The mission is extremaly easy to discover, however it offers no additional benefits, no additional infiltration time. It looks EXACTLY like a regular data tap mission. After the mission is generated there is a global cooldown ensuring no other mission like this is generated for a month or until the dark event expires.

I think this has many advantages. Firstly, every player knows that the aliens are preparing a trap on one of the data tap missions. They know they need to be extra careful and be on the look out for anything suspicious. Secondly, no one knows which data tap it will be so either they screw themselves up by not doing any missions of this type for a month and passing a lot of intel or they take a risk. Lastly, other than by passing missions for a month they cannot 100% avoid the trap so experienced players cannot metagame so much.

Re: Is this a Bug or a Bad Joke?

Posted: Tue May 09, 2017 7:11 pm
by quarter
I'm not sure how much my two cents will be valued or noticed in this big jar of pennies, but I would also like to say that the snare mission is not properly explained. Even after it has been completed.

I found these forums initially because I was trying to figure out why I was getting constant reinforcements on my mission. After searching I thought it was the Rapid Response Dark Event that had triggered since so many people were talking about how bad that one was. I just assumed it would be that way on every mission now due to the RNG of getting that particular Dark Event. So, I restarted my campaign thinking, "Man, sure hope that Dark Event doesn't spawn again, and it's kind of messed up to leave success in this game to one random thing like that."

To be honest I almost uninstalled.

But I gave it another shot and did better on the next snare, still not knowing what it was and why it happened. Not until rummaging deep in these forums and on YouTube did I even learn what I had been through. I thought it was because of a mec dying and spawning the "Trojan Virus" text over it. The game does nothing to inform you of what is happening and why, and that is a problem. If you are relying on people figuring it out on their own you could lose a lot of frustrated subscribers who mistakenly think this mod is just too hard. Some clarification needs to be made if you are adding an event like this in the game, that realistically if it was in the Vanilla version would warrant a cut scene with VO.

Again, just quarter's two cents.

Re: Is this a Bug or a Bad Joke?

Posted: Tue May 09, 2017 9:22 pm
by AlanDNelson
Wow... maybe I am in the minority... but my complaint about ADVENT snares is the complete opposite.

If I see an "EXTREMELY LIGHT" mission in an ADVENT Strength 8 region... that is obviously a trap. I mean.. MAYBE it isn't... but why would I ever take that chance?

My idea for X-Com snares would be this:

Whenever the game decides that a Troop Column would be required, have there be a chance to generate a "Covert Troop Column" instead. It would just be like a regular troop column, but harder to detect. If detected, X-Com can engage it just like any other Troop Column. However, if a Covert Troop Column is not detected, (or if it is detected and not engaged) a "Snare" mission would be generated RATHER than immediately increasing ADVENT strength. Note: IF a savvy X-Com noticed the troop column and the X-Com player noticed that ADVENT strength did not go up, then they'll suspect a trap... but they won't know WHICH mission, as a snare mission should be indistinguishable from other missions. If I were the devs, I might skew the rewards to be on the juicy-end of what could be normally expected.

If the "Snare" mission expires, then ADVENT gives up on the traps, redeploys those troops to the region, and ADVENT strength increases.

If the "Snare" mission is tackled by X-Com, everything looks normal for whatever mission the "Snare" mission was emulating... until concealment is broken (so.. maybe only emulate missions where you start of concealed). Then the trap is sprung and the mission objectives changes to "Eliminate enemy hostiles or EVAC". If enemy hostiles are eliminated, ADVENT strength does not go up, but if X-Com EVACs out with aliens still on the map... then ADVENT strength in the region goes up.

So cool things that could happen: If X-Com suspects the trap, they could just ignore it... and the only bad thing that happens is that the ADVENT strength would go up like it would have in the first place. If they suspect the trap is one mission but they go on a different mission in the same region, they actually get the bonus of a lower ADVENT strength in the region while the "snare" mission is un-sprung.

OR... they could just send in a maxxed out squad and trip the snare on purpose while loaded for bear. It would be harder to do it this way than just hitting the Covert Troop Column to be sure...

The snare mission itself would have an initial setup like the mission is was emulating (in terms of existing pods)...but the reinforcements should be scary. Maybe even implement a mechanic that makes EVAC a bit of a pain... like maybe any EVAC point that is activated when concealment is broken is removed, and force X-Com to set up a secondary evac point. Or maybe just drop the "Snare" reinforcements on the EVAC point itself.

It turns a "Troop Column" which is essentially a defensive move by ADVENT into a "Snare", which is an offensive action by ADVENT the goal of which is to KILL soldiers! I think it would make ADVENT feel more like a real opponent, along the same lines as the retaliations missions... but actually aimed at X-COM specifically, and not just "the resistance in general".

Pipe dream? Probably. But a guy can dream!

Re: Is this a Bug or a Bad Joke?

Posted: Sun May 14, 2017 3:00 pm
by crimsonsun
OK so I'm someone who hasn't really gotten into previous X-com titles and have gone straight into long war2 without touching the base game so I have been playing my first campaign on Rookie difficulty. As such I feel I could chime in here to let you know my experiences with these mechanics.

So I didn't know these snare missions existed if I'm completely honest but I've run into several in my campaign thus far with mixed results generally based on the squad I sent in. If it was one of my reserve squads then generally I'd retreat as soon as the excrement hits the fan, fighting a withdrawal where I screen any squad member that's valuable to me. On the other hand I can think of at least two occasions where I've had either my best squad or my best kill team in such a mission which upon completion I've got in excess of 50-60 kills with more enemies up and around. I believe I've also completed a snare mission where I've been completely overwhelmed so retreated a strong but not top team as effectively as I'm able while my still concealed shinobi moved up on the data point, grabbed the data when alone. Then killed the first Advent fighter that can into the building with a charge attack which activated a free move action before which I used conceal as a free action, I ran out of the back door away from all pods and reinforcements and spent the another 3-4 turns slow creeping around the bottom edge of the map in the least direct route I could before sprint charging to the evac zone which was only achievable because I was immune to reaction fire from the hordes of enemies.

I have been completely unaware of this mechanic previously, until I read this thread but I'm not sure if the fault is as much with me as it is with the game. Basically I really should have played on normal difficulty, I play a lot of TBS games and am def above average as players go as a result while I've found this game extremely hard and punishing at times I feel a lot of it is down to my not having needed to look into how various mechanics as I've been able to get by without doing so. As an example I was utterly unaware of how I should be using my resistance havens beyond a vague concept that supply gave money, intel missions and recruit expanded the members. I did not realise that I could reduce Advent RA by hiding my entire haven (which I really need to do in New Austrailia as I get attacked pretty much every month due to it having Strength 12), I also completed Western USA's HQ assault with Advent Strength 11 though I cannot remember how many hours I spent on that mission, it was a long time.. I've basically had my Havens doing too much constantly across the globe at all times with little understanding to how the mission difficulties were generated beyond obviously strength = a far greater enemy force in a region.

I did have a couple of dark events that's I just couldn't stop due to a lack of time for infiltration that stacked up recently in a very short space of time boosting Health, Armour and adding Formidable to Advent troop types which has really made the game difficult for my reserve squads because I can't afford to risk the weapons, items and armour on these guys that enable to kill enemies effectively, though I've been trying to use these teams only in my newer regions as much as I can in order to level them up, I've also made high ranked leaders for both of my reserve teams (I have six active squads all with there own leaders and then another leader who runs a 7th squad that gets created and removed when a leader is in training because I'm not sure if I lose squad bonuses if I change the leader of a squad or move members away and then back, so I don't change the leaders on my teams unless I have absolutely no choice), these reserve leaders are normally supported by one highly trained solider and then the remaining squad is of rank Sargent or below. If it wasn't for AP rounds and Shotguns I be utterly ruined.

As regards to the faceless event and the faceless appearances in missions this I was aware of and while it can really take you by surprise sometimes, I wouldn't call it unfair. I will say though it can be really difficult when you have a resistance mission with a really poor draw of weapons (3smgs and 2/3 assault rifles is horrible when you have 3 faceless, 2 stun lancers, a Sargent, Engineer to impossible if you face elite drones and Mech units without either a Gunner or Grenadier leading them). I've not no idea what determines weapons fielded by resistance members but I have a couple of regions that bring out Laser scatter guns and rifles and others where I'd give my right arm for a shotgun and the ability to inflict a kill in less than 3 shots on even the weakest enemy.

I have to say the worst missions are the Terror Missions in high strength areas 12 is utterly nightmarish, most of the time you lose 3 or more resistance members in the first Alien turn, even with two stealth 0 utility item Shinobi its a struggle to rescue even a few guys and if you activate any fighters while in LoS of a Pod which is pretty much anywhere by the 2nd turn then that pod and any close by normally another 2-3 activate and thus you've gone from the 2-3 pods you instantly found in round one too 6-9 by round two. While I'm all for difficult and having fights where you can't win, what bugs me about this is there's no way of determining as far as I can tell if a haven attack is going to be a terror mission or a haven defence. A terror mission is a death sentence to pretty much any squad I have bar 1 maybe 2, while a haven defence is a fantastic mission for middling teams and a cake walk for my best ones, especially teams with Assault troops with close combat specialist + close encounters + shredder using Magnetic shotguns (with Elite Extended Ammo, Elite Auto Loader and Elite Laser sights) and ever vigilant rapid reaction Rangers with Mag Rifles (extended Mags, Auto Loaders and Hair Triggers) as you utterly ruin any enemies as soon as they arrive unless your beyond unlucky, at which point you've still got another round to kill them. Those missions become even less difficult if you have Jammer on a leader as well because if you wait until the closing turns it essentially denies any chance that reinforcements can spawn in a place that can make that final turn evac tricky.

I'm waffling way off topic, what I actually really want to say is these Snare missions aren't an issue if they are explained somewhere (either via an event, a mission or having the info in a Archive), if its explained and the player hasn't bothered to read up on the mechanics they've only themselves to blame but I do feel a game should explain when something is breaking the normal mechanics or you'll end up with confused players whom like me are looking for patterns to determine how mechanics are functioning to gain an understanding have said understanding placed into query because a mission breaks the pattern. While I understand someone who has a solid knowledge of how the game mechanics function on the tactical level would very quickly realise they've been Ambushed, someone without that knowledge base is going to instead feel they've got the strategic mechanics wrong. Its never going to occur to them that they've been tricked because its not defined in the game so instead they will try to figure out what's going on under the hood at the strategic level with broken data. It's not fair to do this from an objective stand point, even though its not actually affected my enjoyment of the game so far.

Thanks for reading, as ever crimsonsun