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Re: Opinion on Rocketeers

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2017 11:15 am
by Hazelnut
UraniumOverdose wrote:Technicals suck. After April I stick the ones I have as haven supports. They are a liability.
Maybe I am doing it wrong but Vet mid December I always have a flame tech in my squad. WIth a subcoiler & WAR & Chitin & Hazmat. Most take extra flames, my 1 rocket spec an extra rocket.

Setting stuff on fire is as good as stunning. If the burn reliability of the flamer was higher it would be much more reliable, but it's still fun. I think because I always have a support grenadier with sting nades to follow up with up to 2 flashbangs (rapid dep) I can deal with the times no one is burning. The damage is pretty much irrelevant TBH. Should really phase them out now I have incendiary bombs but I like them, always bright orange/red armour with wild pattern (looks like flames) and the full face power helmet. Looks so good!

Late game Techs are dinosaurs unfortunately - all they can do can be done better by grenadiers once you have upgraded launchers and perks to increase nade numbers. Quickburn is very fun though. Allowed me to do a flame opening on 3 + drone setting all 3 on fire, then move and set 2 more on fire when they scampered behind same cover. :-) Last one was hurt but made of flame retardant material apparently.

Re: Opinion on Rocketeers

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2017 2:28 pm
by Sines
Manifest wrote:Compare this with a grenadier: The AOE is quite comparable in the end (not the early game of course), they also shred, with combat engineer they can destroy cover very well, and in exchange you'll likely get 5, (and often you'll have a specialist anyways, so sometimes seven). And yes, I'd say Javelins are the one saving grace of technicals right now, but I'd still say it doesn't account for all the others by itself.
To be fair, there is one other advantage a Rocket Technical has over a Grenadier. He still has two flamethrower charges and 3 free utility slots. A Grenade Launcher doesn't get you anything but an extra grenade slot, which still weighs you down for -1 mobility. Grenadiers are generally more restricted in non-grenade actions, because they have to stock up on grenades, and likely want to carry an SMG due to the -4 penalty from having their utility slots filled up (there's a reason why I consider mobility to be the prime stat for Grenadiers).

Now, in my opinion, that doesn't really make up for things. The ability to more easily carry a Shotgun or Assault Rifle isn't worth it when several key skills of the Rocket build compete with the gun enhancing skills (FitH vs. Suppression, Concussion vs. Shredder, BB vs. RF). You can take those skills, but at that point, you're not really a Rocketeer, just a rifleman who happens to have a rocket or two for pinch situations.

Ironically, the Rocketeer is probably at his best when he does bring grenades. Three of the skills that enhance Rocket-use (Biggest Booms, Tandem Warheads, Salvo) also help out your grenades. And in this situation, the Rocketeer does come out a little better. With a full item build, the Grenadier will have 4 grenades (assuming ablative plating and no Full Kit) plus Shredstorm Cannon. The Rocketeer will have 2 Rockets, 1 BB and 2 grenades, as well as maybe a Concussion Rocket. The Rocketeers Grenades aren't nearly as good as the Grenadiers, but then the Rocketeer has some pretty impressive Rockets. This is a bit of a harder situation to judge.

Personally, though, I think that even a talented Rocket is inferior to the Shredstorm Cannon, which doesn't veer off, even when used after moving, hits a fairly solid cone, and still does lots of enivornmental damage. Sure, the Rocketeer has talented out their rockets, but FitH and Tandem Warheads just reduces penalties a rocket has that SC doesn't in the first place. And Salvo applies to both the SC and the Rocket. A talented Rocket from a Mk3 Gauntlet is more damaging than a Shredstorm Cannon, but that just means it's competing with SCs lack of 'drift' and ability to safely thread the needle.

I think Fire in the Hole needs a big buff. It's that drift that is the biggest penalty to Rockets. Tandem Warheads is really nice in Grenades, because you can find the specific pixel to aim at to hit multiple enemies. Rockets involve a lot of prayer for something you get only one or two of. Fire in the Hole should be the cornerstone skill of a Rocketeer build, but it just leaves too much still up to chance. I think what I would do (or at least try and see what the testers think) is to let Fire in the Hole remove scatter completely if you didn't move before firing the rocket. Rockets can't arc like grenades, so being able to launch one without movement means you delay the launch by a turn to get into position, or you've just been positioning your Rocketeer well. At this point, when you can pinpoint shoot a rocket without fear of missing or hitting your own guys, Rockets will feel a lot better.

One last consideration for Technicals. Give them a Grenadier style utility slot, which is used to pick from 2 Rockets, 1 Rocket + 2 FT, or 4 FT. This will help them specialize in a specific Heavy Weapon without forcing them to get an EXO/WAR Suit (and allowing for 3 basic rockets if you do use the EXO/WAR Suit). I think another big problem of the Technical is how the Flamethrower and Rockets don't synergize well on the same build. Besides almost none of the talents benefiting both, Rockets want you to be stationary and have good aim, while hanging out on the high ground to avoid obstacles obstructing your rockets. Flamethrower wants you to be mobile and resilient, and be within shotgun range of your enemies.

Versatility is good, sure, but so is specialization. Every talent a Grenadier takes can help out all of their Grenades. Technical talents only help out 1/2 of their Gauntlet. Letting a Technical pack 2 Rockets (or 4 Flamethrower Charges) right out of the gate will make your talent choices feel more impactful, as they now affect ALL of your Gauntlet attacks.

Re: Opinion on Rocketeers

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2017 5:11 pm
by NoDebate
Arcalane wrote:
Manifest wrote:Not a bad idea, but possibly complex from a code/inventory standpoint.
Make two Gauntlets. Rocket Gauntlet and Flamer Gauntlet. Proving Grounds upgrade provides one of each when built.

Alternatively (and as it was stated above), allow Technicals to have the equivalent of a Grenadier utility slot.

Or, rework some of the perks to provide additional charges - Roust or Quickburn would be two candidates for replacement.

Re: Opinion on Rocketeers

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2017 3:33 pm
by Devon_v
Valaska wrote:
cmdrspyker92 wrote:concussion rockets in general are bad and unrewarding.
If LongWar didn't mess with melee accuracy so badly then there could possibly be a great use for them. I've used 100% accuracy swords mod for awhile now which with LongWar doesn't even assure its 100% accuracy xD I still get 68% and that's with a HUGE accuracy boost.

But yeah if the melee accuracy was higher with reaper, then concussion rockets could be a glorious piece of synergy.
Are you taking the Kensei perks? I rarely have less than 86% to hit revealed, and always 100% concealed.

Re: Opinion on Rocketeers

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2017 10:12 pm
by Valaska
Devon_v wrote:
Valaska wrote:
cmdrspyker92 wrote:concussion rockets in general are bad and unrewarding.
If LongWar didn't mess with melee accuracy so badly then there could possibly be a great use for them. I've used 100% accuracy swords mod for awhile now which with LongWar doesn't even assure its 100% accuracy xD I still get 68% and that's with a HUGE accuracy boost.

But yeah if the melee accuracy was higher with reaper, then concussion rockets could be a glorious piece of synergy.
Are you taking the Kensei perks? I rarely have less than 86% to hit revealed, and always 100% concealed.
Yeah, my field commander is almost fully Kensei except for a couple skills like the + to defense and one other I believe! Don't get me wrong she can rip and tear down entire pods from time to time but there's a huge to miss on some units, and bladestorm disturbingly misses too often.

And on topic, I have a (Turian :D) support Grenadier which I am finding to be pretty darn awesome. Though, she started off with high mobility and had a +1 for an AWC, without high mobility I really dislike Grenadiers but seeing how useful she is with sting grenades has me curious about an offensive grenadier with acid or other grenades.

Rocketeers are not useless by any means, and the destroy building rocket is AMAZING, but I am starting to think grenadiers could have a use. Support is definitely an option for them.

Re: Opinion on Rocketeers

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2017 11:06 pm
by Shadow86
NoDebate wrote:
Manifest wrote:Not a bad idea, but possibly complex from a code/inventory standpoint.
Make two Gauntlets. Rocket Gauntlet and Flamer Gauntlet. Proving Grounds upgrade provides one of each when built.
This. As it was said earlier, a Rocket Gauntlet with two rockets and no flamethrower fuel, and a Flamer Gauntlet with 4 (or 3 if that's too much) fuel charges and no rockets.

Also a couple of comments:

- I'm also finding the flamethrower somewhat unreliable, given its low-ish chance to burn. A minor thing overall, but it's already quite situational given the short range and cone width, which makes it useful only in very particular circumstances (generally when outnumbered).

- As for the Concussion Rocket, it doesn't make much sense to have it fight Will to disorient targets. As if the Flashbang had to. The Will defense is fine to possibly shield from the stun, which is obviously a stronger effect. Also, what's with the smoke? I suppose it's useful if you're advancing on the target pod's position after launching the rocket, but it's just weird.

Re: Opinion on Rocketeers

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2017 11:38 pm
by cmdrspyker92
Shadow86 wrote:
NoDebate wrote:
Manifest wrote:Not a bad idea, but possibly complex from a code/inventory standpoint.
Make two Gauntlets. Rocket Gauntlet and Flamer Gauntlet. Proving Grounds upgrade provides one of each when built.
This. As it was said earlier, a Rocket Gauntlet with two rockets and no flamethrower fuel, and a Flamer Gauntlet with 4 (or 3 if that's too much) fuel charges and no rockets.

Also a couple of comments:

- I'm also finding the flamethrower somewhat unreliable, given its low-ish chance to burn. A minor thing overall, but it's already quite situational given the short range and cone width, which makes it useful only in very particular circumstances (generally when outnumbered).

- As for the Concussion Rocket, it doesn't make much sense to have it fight Will to disorient targets. As if the Flashbang had to. The Will defense is fine to possibly shield from the stun, which is obviously a stronger effect. Also, what's with the smoke? I suppose it's useful if you're advancing on the target pod's position after launching the rocket, but it's just weird.
When i first picked up concussion rocket, i thought it was the back blast or rocket trail that left the smoke. I was mistaken. :lol:

Re: Opinion on Rocketeers

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2017 1:16 am
by Mooncabbage
The concussion rocket would be much more useful if it was a long range large AoE flashbang. I would definitely take it then, even without the stun.

Re: Opinion on Rocketeers

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2017 1:52 am
by NoDebate
Mooncabbage wrote:The concussion rocket would be much more useful if it was a long range large AoE flashbang. I would definitely take it then, even without the stun.
As I just posted in the other Rocketeer thread, a guaranteed Disorient is necessary for Concussion Rocket to be considered an alternative to Flashbangs.

However, a guaranteed Disorient does not necessitate a removal of the Stun component. The smoke cloud acts as the counterbalance to the Stun chance and allows the Concussion Rocket to have a niche. Without the smoke/stun effects, it's just a wider radius and longer range Flashbang with a chance to scatter.

Re: Opinion on Rocketeers

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2017 2:09 am
by Mooncabbage
As you mentioned in the other, somewhat redundant thread, Rocketeers as long range, high yield artillery pieces, with limited ammunition, makes them a viable and interesting alternative to Grenadiers. Introducing rocket slots to parallel to grenades might be difficult to code, and make the Rocketeer lose some uniqueness. Perhaps the key to grenadiers should be their versatility, and rocketeer technicals should just be big booms, able to make 1 or 2 enormous HE blasts, with an optional flashbang/stun rocket?

Re: Opinion on Rocketeers

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2017 2:41 am
by Goumindong
Shadow86 wrote:
NoDebate wrote:
Manifest wrote:Not a bad idea, but possibly complex from a code/inventory standpoint.
Make two Gauntlets. Rocket Gauntlet and Flamer Gauntlet. Proving Grounds upgrade provides one of each when built.
This. As it was said earlier, a Rocket Gauntlet with two rockets and no flamethrower fuel, and a Flamer Gauntlet with 4 (or 3 if that's too much) fuel charges and no rockets.

Also a couple of comments:

- I'm also finding the flamethrower somewhat unreliable, given its low-ish chance to burn. A minor thing overall, but it's already quite situational given the short range and cone width, which makes it useful only in very particular circumstances (generally when outnumbered).

- As for the Concussion Rocket, it doesn't make much sense to have it fight Will to disorient targets. As if the Flashbang had to. The Will defense is fine to possibly shield from the stun, which is obviously a stronger effect. Also, what's with the smoke? I suppose it's useful if you're advancing on the target pod's position after launching the rocket, but it's just weird.
So long as the square that the target you want burning is lit up the flamer is pretty reliable. Its more-so if you have the personal smoke cloud since smoke prevents exposure.

In general i build my technicals as utility and defense. The flamer is very strong and lets you do things other classes cannot. The fact that these are still strong regardless of whether or not you pick up the relevant perks means that you can be effective while taking a hard defensive spec.

I tend to like

Fire in the Hole (make that Rocket count)
Fortify(safer when in poor cover/exposed when flaming)
Shredder or Burnout(depends on aim, but mainly "a way to be effective against single armored targets when you don't want to move up and also don't want to clear cover" or "more safety when flaming")
Formidable (more safety)
Incinerator(Javelin ain't bad either, but bigger flames seem more effective in general since i want to put my technicals forward due to all the defensive abilities)
Tactical Sense(stack that defense woo!)
Bunker Buster(firestorm seems... well strong but god how do you use it safely?)

Re: Opinion on Rocketeers

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2017 6:43 am
by Xigris
i love the idea of a heavy weapon specialist, but technicals fail for reasons well documented on this board. I would like to see both rockets and flamethrowers taken off charges and given cooldowns instead. 5 turns for rockets. 3 for flamethrowers. EXO/WAR suits reduce these cooldowns by one. Class fixed.

Re: Opinion on Rocketeers

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2017 12:50 pm
by Hazelnut
Goumindong wrote:Bunker Buster(firestorm seems... well strong but god how do you use it safely?)
Safely? Wear a hazmat suit. ;-) You have to run way ahead of your squad, into a UFO packed with 3 pods is a good one. :lol:

Re: Opinion on Rocketeers

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2017 3:55 pm
by JulianSkies
Goumindong wrote:Bunker Buster(firestorm seems... well strong but god how do you use it safely?)
Blue move, quick burn, firestorm, yellow move out.

Re: Opinion on Rocketeers

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2017 4:34 pm
by Hazelnut
Xigris wrote:i love the idea of a heavy weapon specialist, but technicals fail for reasons well documented on this board. I would like to see both rockets and flamethrowers taken off charges and given cooldowns instead. 5 turns for rockets. 3 for flamethrowers. EXO/WAR suits reduce these cooldowns by one. Class fixed.
As I said in another thread, I don't want cooldowns. I love my technicals and cooldowns would really mess up my style of play with them.
JulianSkies wrote:
Goumindong wrote:Bunker Buster(firestorm seems... well strong but god how do you use it safely?)
Blue move, quick burn, firestorm, yellow move out.
Commit. Blue move, quick burn, firestorm, flamethrower anything still not on fire!

Re: Opinion on Rocketeers

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2017 4:37 pm
by Tirak
I don't know if it's possible, but if Conc rockets could become fuel air explosives that would be great. When the rocket fires, it generates the smoke cloud and the variable stun/disorient, and then after a turn or two goes by, the entire smoked area lights up like one big flamethrower, anyone still in the smoke area would get torched. You could also light it up early by using incendiaries or a flamethrower.

Don't know if it's possible, might be overpowered, but it'd give the Technical one hell of a boost to staying power and utility when compared to the grenadier.

Re: Opinion on Rocketeers

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2017 5:42 pm
by cerebrawl
Anyone else remember the incendiary rockets from the original XCOM(aka UFO: Enemy Unknown, 1994)? :)

I'd love to replace the concussion rocket with an incendiary one... keep the smoke cloud(caused by the fire), but set everything on fire instead of disorient/stun.

Powerful? You betcha, but it's a perk-slot once per mission ability. I feel that it's a totally justifiable power level for the opportunity cost incurred in a perk-slot once-per-mission ability.

Re: Opinion on Rocketeers

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2017 5:57 pm
by Manifest
cerebrawl wrote: Powerful? You betcha, but it's a perk-slot once per mission ability. I feel that it's a totally justifiable power level for the opportunity cost incurred in a perk-slot once-per-mission ability.
That seems more powerful than the bunker buster. And I do not think any drastic offensive rocket replacement for the concussive will ever be accepted. As after you use your two rockets, you still have 2 flamethrower charges technically... the team seems very adamant about not just sticking in any more offensive aoe in that slot.
Tirak wrote:I don't know if it's possible, but if Conc rockets could become fuel air explosives that would be great. When the rocket fires, it generates the smoke cloud and the variable stun/disorient, and then after a turn or two goes by, the entire smoked area lights up like one big flamethrower, anyone still in the smoke area would get torched. You could also light it up early by using incendiaries or a flamethrower.
Not sure if that's the most suItable replacement, but it seems like a very cool idea. A lot like the codex ability. (Disable, then delayed damage), with the added choice of quick ignite.

Re: Opinion on Rocketeers

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2017 8:30 am
by Mooncabbage
I would suggest that Technicals have their flamethrower be on a cooldown, but keep the rockets to limited ammunition. It better differentiates the Rocketeer/Fireman builds, which I think is fairly important. I no longer think giving the technical 2 different choices of gauntlet is a good idea, as it adds an extra layer of largely unnecessary micromanagement. I'm ok with the majority of Technical perks benefiting only half the gauntlet. It seems like a carry over from the rest of the class trees, which tend to emphasis one part or build of the class over another. Using the centre of the tree for more generalist perks and added survivability seems like a good idea too.

I'm going to try to list all the best suggested changes (IMO) so far, to try to get them all in one place.
  • Concussion as large AoE Flashbang, or guaranteed/high reliability stun.
  • Earlier access to increased rocket charges (+1?), at cost of flamethrower utility.
  • Flamethrower moved to 2-3 turn cooldown, later perk to reduce timer by 1 turn ala RnG.
  • Rocketeer build emphasising long range, high damage, limited use artillery unit.
  • Fireman build for closer quarters utility, disabling enemies, denying ground with flamethrower, providing cover with smoke, etc.
  • Centrist "everyman" perks for generalist Technical with increased survivability.
With those changes I feel like the Technical goes from a fairly niche class, to more of a first class citizen class. Ofcourse, it's one man's opinion only, and I'm sure many of you will disagree.

Re: Opinion on Rocketeers

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2017 1:02 pm
by 3tamatulg
Replace some of the middle generic perks with a perk which makes flamers entirely ignore cover, and another one where the burn chance becomes guaranteed. Make the rocket perks reduce scatter.

Right now I wish my technicals were grenadiers, they're totally outclassed.

Re: Opinion on Rocketeers

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2017 1:41 pm
by amgarrak1
3tamatulg wrote:Replace some of the middle generic perks with a perk which makes flamers entirely ignore cover, and another one where the burn chance becomes guaranteed. Make the rocket perks reduce scatter.

Right now I wish my technicals were grenadiers, they're totally outclassed.
Yep. By the time you get incendiary grenades and sapper+combat engineer combo - you basically have a better technical with more utility, more damage, guaranteed cover destruction and burn.

Re: Opinion on Rocketeers

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2017 2:26 pm
by nightwyrm
amgarrak1 wrote:
3tamatulg wrote:Replace some of the middle generic perks with a perk which makes flamers entirely ignore cover, and another one where the burn chance becomes guaranteed. Make the rocket perks reduce scatter.

Right now I wish my technicals were grenadiers, they're totally outclassed.
Yep. By the time you get incendiary grenades and sapper+combat engineer combo - you basically have a better technical with more utility, more damage, guaranteed cover destruction and burn.
Grenadiers just outshine them in every way once you're pass the very early game. Even for Support grenadier vs Firemen tech. I could very carefully sneak up to use an extremely finicky flamer to hit a few guys or I can lob a flashbang from half a screen away and stun/disorient all the guys.

Re: Opinion on Rocketeers

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2017 10:04 am
by Ithuriel
Wait, I'm a bit confused- people keep mentioning high aim Technicals and rockets scattering hugely at max range. But isn't that a relic from LW1? As far as I was aware, and from my testing, rocket scatter is static based off of your perks and whether or not you've moved; I'm pretty sure it doesn't change at all regardless of your aim, if you're dropping it on top of yourself, or if you're throwing it at max vision.

Re: Opinion on Rocketeers

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2017 10:10 am
by justdont
Maximum scatter is static, actual scatter isn't. With more accuracy, there are less chances that your rocketeer will roll those ~4 tiles of scatter.

Re: Opinion on Rocketeers

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2017 10:18 am
by cmdrspyker92
justdont wrote:Maximum scatter is static, actual scatter isn't. With more accuracy, there are less chances that your rocketeer will roll those ~4 tiles of scatter.
^ This. High aim is the only way to make "rocketeers" truly viable. Fire in the hole just reduces maximum scatter in all circumstances.

Their inventory/resource management sucks on that side of the tree too, and without the quantity of rockets "true" rocketeers brought (see: xcom 1 / lw) there's not a build available where they can make up for it with sheer quantity. (IE: 5 (3 regular, 2 concussion) rockets and tandem warheads -- WOOHA!)

The flamethrower side of the tree is more or less good to go, if not great, there's some room for improvement (such as the flamer getting to damage mechanicals for piddling damage when it becomes relevant), but its miles ahead of the rocketeer side. Which has only 1 "great" perk, and a bunch that are relatively mediocre because of minimal resources / RNG chances.