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New Mod's wishlist ?

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2016 11:59 pm
by assvas

Can you organize a thread were people could post their ideas with stuff they would be nice to have in your mods?

Exporting your soldiers names from previous x-com games
Importing them to later x-com titles
Importing social media information / friends names (e.g facebook) to name your soldiers / nationalities / race etc.

e.g I would really love to see firaxis auto-importing mysoldier list from xcom enemy within , getting them older (grey hair etc) , creating few cutscenes with a storyline following end of previous xcom , couple deaths for most of them and letting few live into the new game.

Re: New Mod's wishlist ?

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2016 12:22 pm
by shevanoquam
Well, I'd like to be able to capture enemy aliens to use them in my army.

I still haven't started the game (still downloading), but this is on my wishlist for a long time. In X-Com 1, it would have been:
- You must have captured and interrogated a specific enemy
- You need to mind control it
- Then use the "taser" on the mind controlled alien

It takes 2 weeks with a certain chance of failure (similar to the PSI-test) and certain aliens are not "recruit-able" (like the Etherer), but for example Mutons (who are oppressed by their 'masters' and only want to fight) could be recruited.

I guess, if we could adapt those requirements to fit into the XCom 2 scenery, it would be a great add-on, that would certainly expand the end-game experience.
Captured aliens should be like normal soliders with maybe a couple more HP (like for Mutons) and one or two additional base-abilities to have it still balanced, other than that, they start a "normal" solider path of training.

And of course: This is just a suggestion, feel free to adapt it. :)

Re: New Mod's wishlist ?

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2016 9:42 am
by Hunter1000
Can u guys plz ADD Russian-voices from XCOM:EU to XCOM2 plz? Cause Xcom:EU have fine Russian voice acting, (iam from russia and i know it :D ). Iam sure ppl would be greatfull to u. THX

Re: New Mod's wishlist ?

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2016 8:40 pm
by Rhadamanthus
How about a legendary weapons mod. Weapons you can find in the field that can have 3 or more mods to them but are not able to be changed. (That means no changes even skins are fixed) and maybe a way to make your own weapons like with character pool maker.

Re: New Mod's wishlist ?

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2016 3:38 pm
by Caine2112
To add to Hunter1000's suggestion, I would go further and add a whole bunch of voice acting from various languages. Russian and Polish are already in the first XCOM, so add those into XCOM 2, then add other languages such as Portuguese, Mandarin, Japanese, Swahili, Farsi, Danish, Dutch, Greek, Czech, Swedish, Norwegian, Punjabi, etc.

Although I myself don't understand any of these languages, I really enjoy hearing my soldiers speaking in their native tongues, instead of being American 1-10 and all the voices sound the same.

Re: New Mod's wishlist ?

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2016 4:33 pm
by KromaZone
Anyone remember the very first xcom games? the MP and HP (movement points and hit points) would love this to be implemented into the Xcom 2 game. Dont get me wrong i think XCOM2 is fantastic but like XCOM it has the two movement system which i hate :-( why not have movement points in this game? so you are not restricted to moving then shooting or whatever, at least you can move, shoot, move, shoot, reload, get in cover, ect ect until the movement points are out!!! the movement points can also get higher the better your soldier becomes. Anyone else feel this way about the game?

Re: New Mod's wishlist ?

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2016 7:30 pm
by Chonsu
Hi :)

like most people here I am a long-time Long War fan. Really love it and have to admit, as great as XCom 2 is, it feels..."incomplete" without the possibilities of the old Long War for XCom 1. Really hope, you will add a similar mod as Long War to XCom 2. Maybe under the title someone metioned before .... Long Resistance :D

Keep up the great work and I will keep my eyes open for Terra Invicta ;)

Re: New Mod's wishlist ?

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2016 7:32 pm
by Chonsu
Caine2112 wrote:To add to Hunter1000's suggestion, I would go further and add a whole bunch of voice acting from various languages. Russian and Polish are already in the first XCOM, so add those into XCOM 2, then add other languages such as Portuguese, Mandarin, Japanese, Swahili, Farsi, Danish, Dutch, Greek, Czech, Swedish, Norwegian, Punjabi, etc.

Although I myself don't understand any of these languages, I really enjoy hearing my soldiers speaking in their native tongues, instead of being American 1-10 and all the voices sound the same.

Agree! :D

Re: New Mod's wishlist ?

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2016 7:48 pm
by Boraxx
A damage state mod would be great to have.
Its odd that we can remove the health bar, but it would be more immersive when we instead of seeing the actual health points and armour, we can see damage states on the aliens, and possibly our own squad

Re: New Mod's wishlist ?

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2016 7:54 pm
by Boraxx
An ammo mod.
We can currently reload infinately, where-as grenades are onetime use only, but the ship carries an apparent infinite amount.

I would love to see an option where each squad member can carry X amount of ammo/cartridges/energycells/rockets

Despite the alien's weapons being genetically bound, we could still restock on ammo by taking energycells from their weapon.
Also some squad members can share ammo

Re: New Mod's wishlist ?

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2016 11:13 pm
by jgbaxter
Not sure about the limited ammo. Sure it's possible to run out IRL but not likely in most situations, a rifleman has 5 magazines normally, in Xcom that's 20 shots, with each Xcom shot being roughly equal to 7-8 rounds. I'd probably go out on a limb and say that compared to RL that would be 15-50 bursts.

Re: New Mod's wishlist ?

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2016 3:54 am
by MrOtakuGamer6
Here's what I want to see.
A supersoldier Advent that turns into a fully healed Faceless when down to 1 HP and has the abilities of the Berserker from EU.
Because I want more punishment.
For even more pain, make it have some Psi-Panic and Lance and call it a Minireal.

Re: New Mod's wishlist ?

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2016 4:11 am
by earthwulf
Stealth Mission Mod: Mission doesn't fail if you complete it while in stealth; also hacker doesn't auto-reveal post-hack.

I just had a mission where I needed to recover some data. I carefully made my squad's way over to the hack point, avoiding the patrols... hacked in... and BOOM! Revealed! I dropped an evac point made it out, but not before every pod on the map was surrounding us. I feel lucky I only had two gravely wounded soldiers in that instance.

Then I was told that I'd failed the mission. What?!? I got your damned genetic data!

Re: New Mod's wishlist ?

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2016 5:34 am
by stabby89
Add silencers so that you can ambush and take down groups of enemies without being revealed. It could be balanced so that if you take down then within view if others it'd be revealed. Also, if one gets away it'd cause a reveal. I like the conceal addition, but wish it were possible to play it more stealthy.

Re: New Mod's wishlist ?

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2016 6:23 am
by roughneckrecruit
Well, I think this has probably been said before but I would love to use Mecs again like in the old long war game, as game-breaking as that would be. I just miss the days of old having mec troopers and all.

Additionally, I know it's a really silly request but I was wondering if there was a way to add the old x-com enemy within music to the game's music selection pool. I would love to hear some of the old jams when things heat up occasionally.

Re: New Mod's wishlist ?

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2016 6:24 am
by roughneckrecruit
Also, I've noticed something that bothers me a little but its really simple and probably an easy fix, but I know nothing about modding, so...yeah.

I miss the old button in the game before missions start to "make weapons available." This helps a lot because it takes the weapons off soldiers who are hurt or training and makes them available, which the game doesn't do automatically. With the addition of weapon upgrades this is really something that would greatly enhance gameplay and save a lot of time.

Re: New Mod's wishlist ?

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2016 8:19 am
by Grimagor
I think we have the general subforum for this:
"General Discussion"
For requests, ideas and general mod talk

BTW +1 to the "make all primary weapons available" button :D

Re: New Mod's wishlist ?

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2016 9:56 am
by jgbaxter
MrOtakuGamer6 wrote:Here's what I want to see.
A supersoldier Advent that turns into a fully healed Faceless when down to 1 HP and has the abilities of the Berserker from EU.
Because I want more punishment.
For even more pain, make it have some Psi-Panic and Lance and call it a Minireal.
and when the faceless dies it explodes into 9 crys hatcheries (who doesn't like zerg?!). :lol:

Re: New Mod's wishlist ?

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2016 9:58 am
by jgbaxter
roughneckrecruit wrote:Also, I've noticed something that bothers me a little but its really simple and probably an easy fix, but I know nothing about modding, so...yeah.

I miss the old button in the game before missions start to "make weapons available." This helps a lot because it takes the weapons off soldiers who are hurt or training and makes them available, which the game doesn't do automatically. With the addition of weapon upgrades this is really something that would greatly enhance gameplay and save a lot of time.
iirc there's a mod for that, or at least it does that for weapons with modded slots.

Re: New Mod's wishlist ?

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2016 2:23 pm
by MrOtakuGamer6
jgbaxter wrote:
MrOtakuGamer6 wrote:Here's what I want to see.
A supersoldier Advent that turns into a fully healed Faceless when down to 1 HP and has the abilities of the Berserker from EU.
Because I want more punishment.
For even more pain, make it have some Psi-Panic and Lance and call it a Minireal.
and when the faceless dies it explodes into 9 crys hatcheries (who doesn't like zerg?!). :lol:
And all the Beserkers become enraged.
Because we all know what it was doing with them last night. 8-)

Re: New Mod's wishlist ?

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2016 2:23 pm
by MrOtakuGamer6
jgbaxter wrote:
roughneckrecruit wrote:Also, I've noticed something that bothers me a little but its really simple and probably an easy fix, but I know nothing about modding, so...yeah.

I miss the old button in the game before missions start to "make weapons available." This helps a lot because it takes the weapons off soldiers who are hurt or training and makes them available, which the game doesn't do automatically. With the addition of weapon upgrades this is really something that would greatly enhance gameplay and save a lot of time.
iirc there's a mod for that, or at least it does that for weapons with modded slots.
Pretty sure that's still in the game. Although, I preordered so IDK.

Re: New Mod's wishlist ?

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2016 7:50 pm
by roughneckrecruit
"Make weapons available" isn't an option. There's a button to make armor available, and utility items, but not weapons. It's not the biggest deal, but yeah, it would be convenient.

Re: New Mod's wishlist ?

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2016 9:41 am
by assvas
The reload feature from the carrier craft is a must .
Also the enemy guns from non robotic enemies should be taken back to base and not get destroyed (optional) .

Sorry about the topic creation while there is another place for it, just couldnt spot it when i've searched.

By the way , Facebook Friends mod is here for EW :